Presidential Debate 9/29/20 Discussion Thread

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The president reliably fails at condemning white-supremacist. “Stand back and stand by” sounds more like a “get ready for my signal” than a condemnation.
I lived there for over ten years. It still holds a very dear place in my heart!
The president reliably fails at condemning white-supremacist. “Stand back and stand by” sounds more like a “get ready for my signal” than a condemnation.
But VP Biden also fails at condemning Antifa, although I would be willing to speculate that in the confusion of the debate and the fast pace that topics were brought up and dismissed, it’s probable that VP Biden just got befuddled and forgot to make any comments condemning Antifa. I would hope that he condemns Antifa and the violence that accompanied many of the protests, but to be honest, I’m not sure what his stand is. I think his stand on any issue will be whatever Sen. Harris and the leaders of the Democratic Party say it should be.
This morning I still remain embarrassed for our country, and incredibly worried that either of these men will be POTUS. That spectacle was shameful.
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Regardless of one’s personal feelings on Kamala Harris I think it’s pretty obvious that cognitively she is the alpha wolf. I’m still surprised Biden chose her over a more charismatic candidate (like Stacey Abrams) because Harris doesn’t seem very popular even among the Democratic half of the country.
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incredibly worried that either of these men will be POTUS. That spectacle was shameful.
One’s already been POTUS for four years and the other has been in our Congress makin’ our laws for decades.

It just goes to show the strength of our governmental model that people with flaws can hold offices and everything keeps chugging along.

Much like all the other past civilizations of the world.

I also don’t think the ability to perform wonderfully in a debate or make brilliant speeches matters all that much to doing the work of an elected office. Debate or speeches done well are an art form and can feel stirring and uplifting to watch. But at the end of the hour and a half, it’s all a bunch of hot air, whether it looked pretty or not.
Biden avoided Chris Wallace’s question on whether or not he’d pack the Supreme Court plus others as well.

Trump isn’t exactly George Washington but then again he’s not a career politician. Remember, he was in business all his life.

Don’t stop supporting Trump just because of his leadership style. He’s done more for the unborn than any other President.
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Proud Boys appear to have liked the president’s response.
Are you willing, tonight, to condemn white supremacists and militia groups and to say that they need to stand down and not add to the violence in a number of these cities, as we saw in Kenosha and in Portland?

Sure I’m prepared to do that. (Biden interjects: Do it.) But I would say, I would say, almost everything I see is from the left wing, not the right wing.

Trump: You wanna call ’em — what do you wanna call ’em? Hold on – Give me a name, give me a name. Go ahead, who would you like me to condemn? Wallace: White supremacists — white supremacists and right-wing militia. (Biden interjects: Proud Boys, Proud Boys.)

Trump: Proud Boys? Stand back and stand by
Now the Proud Boys have put his response on a logo.

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Antifa and the violence that accompanied many of the protests, but to be honest, I’m not sure what his stand is.
The name has been applied to people that dress in black and attend protest, irrespective of whether or not the people self identify under the label. Some of the people labeled as “Antifa” may not be able to tell you what it stands for either.
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But Joe couldn’t condemn Antifa because he wasn’t asked and besides it’s just an idea not an organization…
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  • I’m thinking/hoping that the two VPs will have a more structured debate and we’ll get to hear a lot more content and fewer insults.
I am looking forward to this debate, as it is likely that Sen. Harris will undoubtedly take over the Presidency at an early point if the Democrats win this election. In other words, we will be watching the true Presidential candidate vs. our current Vice President.

VP. Pence is an Evangelical Protestant Christian who is unashamedly pro-life and pro-traditional family. He is polite and gentlemanly in his demeanor, and not someone who deliberately walks into confrontations and conflicts. His main work so far with the Trump Administration is heading up the COVID-19 response, so he should be up-to-date and accurate in anything he says about the pandemic, although I’m not sure he can accurately assess the impact that COVID-19 has had on the economy (pretty much a disaster). He is an old-school gentleman who will follow the rules and treat women, even those he disagrees with, with respect and honor. He doesn’t call names (as Pres. Trump does–one of his traits that I wish Melania would slap out of him).

Sen. Harris is a far-left Democrat who is pro-choice (considers abortion a “women’s rights” issue), pro-LGBTQETC , pro-protests, pro-taxing “the rich” to give the money to “the poor,” pro-BIG government…and she is willing to totally trash any human being who gets in her way.

I think Sen. Harris will steamroll over VP Pence in the debate with constant liberal-speak pundits and speech bits calculated to appeal to those who believe that all of our basic needs including our understanding of right and wrong should come from the government, but I think VP Pence will demonstrate Jesus’ admonition to “turn the other cheek” and have ALL of his cheeks slapped until they are red and bleeding, and this will gain him the love and respect of those who already support him and Pres. Trump.

I think the public will see exactly what they will face with an Administration that will no doubt be led by Sen. Harris, and I hope they will think deeply about whether it’s worth it just because Donald Trump is not a “gentleman”.

God bless America.
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Yeah, Trump’s inability to condemn hate groups in clear terms is sad. It’s a well-established fact with the FBI that white supremacist’s are the most active and dangerous kind of domestic terrorism in the country right now. Antifa cries and pouts and yells a lot and likes to vandalize stuff but they’re not on the same level.
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Yeah, Trump’s inability to condemn hate groups in clear terms is sad. It’s a well-established fact that white supremacist’s are the most active and dangerous kind of domestic terrorism in the country right now. Antifa cries and pouts and yells a lot and likes to vandalize stuff but they’re not on the same level.
Not on topic, I realize, so feel free to PM me. But how do you think that the white supremacist groups should be dealt with? How about the Antifa and the black supremacists groups?
I agree with what you’re saying; there is much sense to it. I perhaps should not have been shocked but I was by the outright disrespect they showed each other. Maybe it’s who they are, or maybe it’s playing to their respective base, but it certainly isn’t going to help change the tone of general political debate. Naively, maybe that’s what I was hoping for on some level.`
Biden said he wasn’t going to answer the question on whether or not he’d pack the Supreme Court. That scares me.
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Margaret_Ann said:
Stand by, the Proud Boys!

I’m confused…
Comment by Trump when asked if he would condemn white supremacy groups. Proud Boys celebrate Trump’s ‘stand by’ remark about them at the debate. - The New York Times
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Not on topic, I realize, so feel free to PM me. But how do you think that the white supremacist groups should be dealt with? How about the Antifa and the black supremacists groups?
For the purpose of a debate where the max speaking time is 2 minutes you don’t have to lay out a big plan. Just a clear rebuke is needed, not “Stand down and stand by.”
Depending on where you live, to me that is a poor choice. If you live in NY or CA, probably doesn’t make much difference, but in some of the states, PA, WI, MI, etc., that is effectively a vote for Biden, IMO. YMMV.
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The debates with Hillary were better. Trump was a little more restrained. Not much, but some. I have wondered if that’s because she was female, or if perhaps it was because they used to be at least social friends prior to the campaign and liked each other okay until the Presidency was in play.

I get the feeling he just plain doesn’t like Joe and thinks Joe is incompetent. When Joe started calling him names like liar and such it just turned into a schoolyard fight. I have thought for some time that Joe has a bit of a mean streak that has also come out in past debates and remarks. Last night it was on full display.
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