Presidential Debate: President Donald Trump vs. Joe Biden - Thursday October 22 at 9PM EST

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Well ,what is exposed is he doesn’t really believe what he’s spewing,he has to straddle between his special interest groups,more moderate Dems etc. Trump doesn’t need to rehearse because he already knows and believe what he stands for and he follows through. He isn’t beholding to anybody .MAGA🇺🇸
Oh, come on. Of course candidates rehearse. They also have practiced their little one liners, ready to pounce at the right time.
Coherence is what counts. You don’t bring up Abraham Lincoln and ask your opponent where his mention of Lincoln comes from. Trump screwed up that one, perhaps he was ill-prepared.
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Trump does know where he stands,I think you mean a Biden,or are you just projecting?🤨
At least Trump remembers not to use his son tl get kickbacks from Ukraine
Are you really saying that about the guy who installed his daughter and son-in-law in the West Wing and invited his family, including adult children, on a state visit to England? Seriously?
None of that is illegal though.
Nepotism is seriously unethical. It also may be illegal, I don’t know. What IS illegal is violating the Emolument clause - multiple times.
On the other hand, it is completely inappropriate for Biden’s son to demand a raise from a foreign company in exchange for increased access to the VP.
Any evidence of that? “Increased access?” - my left foot!!!
No special interests in the Republican party, such as oil companies?
The country needs energy. That is the reality. Renewables will never amount to more than 10-15% of the total required. Trump was quite clear that his priorities are clean air and clean water. The fact that C02 emissions have been lowered by the US more than any other country means actions speak louder than signed accords. He doesn’t need to write promissory notes to different interest groups, he just has to face and deal with the reality of the situation he faces.

Most reasonable people see that approach as more honest than hyping an alarmist drama then making impossible promises that won’t be kept.

At one time, promises by politicians were overlooked and excused. I think Trump is changing that low-balled expectation.
I have a bridge I’d like to sell you.
Well ,what is exposed is he doesn’t really believe what he’s spewing,he has to straddle between his special interest groups,more moderate Dems etc. Trump doesn’t need to rehearse because he already knows and believe what he stands for and he follows through. He isn’t beholding to anybody .MAGA🇺🇸
Except those he owes millions of dollars to.
Press Biden like they press Trump, you get Biden acting like Trump.
Soft Ball Trump like they do Biden. Trump acts like Biden.

I try to look objectively, but I am bias as well. I do the best I can.
I didn’t watch the debate. Voted yesterday - well, delivered my absentee ballot to a ballot box.

I think Trump is so outsized and egregious in his conduct that he earns a lot of guff because that’s what he gives. He simply has amped-up interactions with everyone. Biden is much more low key. He gets irritated at times, but his default isn’t set there.
Yup. He is drawing fire to himself while others get things done.
I have a bridge I’d like to sell you.
Uh, no thanks. :confused: There is currently a glut of bridges on the market. People selling bridges are everywhere, mostly in Dem run states that haven’t invested in infrastructure in years. I hear California is selling its electrical grid real cheap to offset pension liabilities. Maybe you can arrange a trade?
I love how, of late, Republicans/Trumsters/conservatives are aggressively inserting Trump or Trump landslide predictions or Democrat bashing into each and each post they make.

I’m impressed at the single-mindedness with which you guys post.

It’s one of the reasons I don’t respond to every post. There seems to be no conversation in World News anymore.
Are you really saying that about the guy who installed his daughter and son-in-law in the West Wing and invited his family, including adult children, on a state visit to England? Seriously?
Kennedy did much the same thing.
There seems to be no conversation in World News anymore.
World news became a Trump bashing forum, four years ago.

If Biden wins, I suspect this forum will more than likely not even talk about American politics.

If Trump wins, no changes will happen. We will hear people keep trashing Trump for non-sense.
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I love how, of late, Republicans/Trumsters/conservatives are aggressively inserting Trump or Trump landslide predictions or Democrat bashing into each and each post they make.
I think Trump is so outsized and egregious in his conduct that he earns a lot of guff because that’s what he gives. He simply has amped-up interactions with everyone.
…but it is only the “Republicans/Trumsters/conservatives” who do such things.
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