Presidential Debate: President Donald Trump vs. Joe Biden - Thursday October 22 at 9PM EST

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Need to move away from where you live if it got above 4 per gallon. The national average barely went above 3.5.
It’s easier to elect people who won’t promote policies which make driving and heating unaffordable.
You mean Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, but not Joe Biden. Read his plan: public option combined with private insurance. Not left enough for Bernie and Elizabeth.
Its a ploy. A public option funded by the government will be initially subsidized to reduce premiums. That will induce more customers to choose the public option until the private providers can’t compete in the same market. That is to say nothing of the pressures the state can place on providers of drugs, equipment and facilities to reduce prices to such a large customer as the state. That is the “affordable” part of the plan which will only apply to those in the public option. The private insurance providers will disappear in a short time because they will be too costly for many customers.
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Gasoline has been a lot more affordable in my area under Mr. Trump.
I don’t miss paying over $4 per gallon back in the days when Mr. Obama was president and Mr. Biden was his V.P.
Need to move away from where you live if it got above 4 per gallon. The national average barely went above 3.5.
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The problem with yearly averages is that they don’t tell the entire story.

The average prices in any month could have been much higher than those on your graph provided they dropped in other months to make the yearly average on your graph.

On May 9, 2011, for example, the per-gallon price as an average across the entire United States reached $3.965.

That means across the entire country the average price was about $4 with many places likely higher and many lower.
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Military activities come to mind.
Mr. Trump seems to be making progress on easing some of the tensions in the Middle East. Check out the peace treaty he helped bring about between the UAE and Israel.
That did not answer the question about the soar in gas prices during Bush’s 2 terms.
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It’s called plagiarism. Perhaps you are unaware of it. Most consider it a form of deception and very much immoral.

If one wishes to simply regurgitate some talking point, that is fine. But post a link to give the author the credit.
Oh, please. It was easy enough to see that it was from a source of some sort and that it was a ‘cut and paste’ which is perfectly fine. You wondered about the source and got your answer.
Right. So standards get savaged. Plagiarism = “cut and paste,” which is “perfectly fine.”

Trump, however, is a liar because he claimed the GND - to actually achieve the goal of “maximum energy efficiency” -
necessitates smaller windows.

Go it.

Strict standards will be applied to those on the right, but those on the left are free from such inanities.

Biden plagiarized several important speeches in his career, but apparently “cutting and pasting” someone else’s words and meaning is “perfectly fine” because clearly it was “…easy enough to see that it was from a source of some sort…” and not Joe - obviously, he could not have thought of those words himself, so excusable.

So now we get a better view of why some support Biden… … Italians call it sympatico, others birds of a feather.
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The problem with yearly averages is that they don’t tell the entire story.

The average prices in any month could have been much higher than those on your graph provided they dropped in other months to make the yearly average on your graph.

On May 9, 2011, for example, the per-gallon price as an average across the entire United States reached $3.965.

That means across the entire country the average price was about $4 with many places likely higher and many lower.
None the less, the graph depicts general scope of what happened.
None the less, the graph depicts general scope of what happened.
But it doesn’t support your supposed point that a $4 price occurred only in a few places. The average price across the whole US reached very near $4 a number of times, so it wasn’t unusual at all. Ergo, it is not true that “The national average barely went above 3.5.” It went above that by close to $.50 a number of times.

Conceivably, the price could have fluctuated between $1 and $10 during the year, so claiming the average of $3.5 depicts a “general scope” says nothing really.
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But it doesn’t support your supposed point that a $4 price occurred only in a few places. The average price across the whole US reached very near 4 a number of times, so it wasn’t unusual at all. Ergo, it is not true that “The national average barely went above 3.5.” It went above that by close to .50 a number of times.
Provide a chart then. I provided one.

And here is another:

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(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
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You seem to have missed my point. I am not disputing that the yearly average in your first graph was incorrect. I was making the point that the yearly average doesn’t support the points you tried to make because a yearly average of $3.64 does not rule out the possibility that prices within that year could have been much higher in any given month.

I don’t need any data to support that point, it is simple math.


And according to the article
According to EIA data, the average price of a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline in the United States was $1.838 on Jan. 19, 2009–the day before Obama took office. As of Monday, Feb. 11, 2013, the per-gallon price had risen to an average of $3.611–an increase of 96 percent.
Yes, and Obama had to recover us from a Recession brought on by Republican policies. And once the recovery was well underway the Price of gas started to drop in 2014.
Republican Congress
Was another missed opportunity.
If the big obstacle was really that, then he needs to show why Trump was able to do so much with a democratic congress.
Or point out that he will have a contentious congress and senate again.
Or at the very least, (which he was alluding to but was cut off)…you have to make it work anyway.
You can’t just yield because of the opposition.
Oh, please. It was easy enough to see that it was from a source of some sort and that it was a ‘cut and paste’ which is perfectly fine.
The first post was not.
It was a cut and paste, no edits, and no indication it came from anywhere other than the poster.
And I even posted the proper quotes to show it.

Your post is unnecessarily rehashing an old issue.
She did better than I expected. Much better than Chris Wallace and she had some tough questions for corrupt Joe.
What I witnessed last night was a career politician( liar) who was very rote and scripted in his comments.As opposed to a citizen,businessman,who speaks the truth from his heart. It just reinforced my reasons as to why I and so many others support President Trump. It’s both refreshing and reassuring to know that he says what he means,albeit not as eloquently as a career politician,but the truth nonetheless .
Jeanne, thanks for the insight into the thinking of a Trump supporter.
And according to the article
According to EIA data, the average price of a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline in the United States was $1.838 on Jan. 19, 2009–the day before Obama took office. As of Monday, Feb. 11, 2013, the per-gallon price had risen to an average of $3.611–an increase of 96 percent.
So let me get this straight…

You are arguing that a price increase of 96% from $1.84 to $3.61 amounts to “getting us out of a recession?”


So if we were paying $10 a gallon, that would be an even better economy as far as you are concerned?
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