Presidential Debate: President Donald Trump vs. Joe Biden - Thursday October 22 at 9PM EST

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I didn’t realize how much of what you have posted in this thread came from the article.

Verbatim, in fact.

Are you by chance the original author?

If not, why didn’t you cite the article as you quoted it?
I didn’t realize how much of what you have posted in this thread came from the article.

Verbatim, in fact.

Are you by chance the original author?

If not, why didn’t you cite the article as you quoted it?
Copy and Paste is quite easier especially when people say Trump did not lie at all during the debate.
I tuned in late and only caught the last 40 minutes or so. Was there very much talk about China ?
Copy and Paste is quite easier
It’s called plagiarism. Perhaps you are unaware of it. Most consider it a form of deception and very much immoral.

If one wishes to simply regurgitate some talking point, that is fine. But post a link to give the author the credit.

“They want to take buildings down because they want to make bigger windows into smaller windows. As far as they are concerned, if you had no window, it would be a lovely thing.”

— Mr. Trump


This is one of the more unusual attacks that Mr. Trump has made about his opponent’s climate change plan, and few energy experts seem to know what to make of it. Mr. Trump made a similar accusation to Fox News host Sean Hannity earlier this month saying, “I mean, they literally want to take buildings down and rebuild them with tiny little windows, O. K.? Little windows so you can’t see out, you can’t see the light.”

The Green New Deal, a framework for eliminating emissions that is different from Mr. Biden’s climate change plan, does include a goal to “upgrade all existing buildings in the United States … to achieve maximum energy efficiency” within ten years. However, low-energy buildings can have windows of any size.
While it might be true that windows are not mentioned in the GND, that was not Trump’s point. If you know anything about building and heat transfer you know that achieving “maximum energy efficiency” absolutely requires smaller windows.
Windows typically occupy about 15 to 20 percent of the surface area of the walls. Windows not only add aesthetic looks and often a very important aspect of a home, but also a very significant component of home heating and cooling costs. Windows lose more heat per square foot of area in winter and gain more heat in summer than any other surface in the home.
Source: Windows and Heat Loss | EGEE 102: Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection
Ergo, the claim in the Green New Deal document that you cited, specifically, that “…low-energy buildings can have windows of any size…” is patently false.

As a developer, Trump would know that. As a bartender, AOC likely just confused her orders.

So rather than fact-checking by checking irrelevancies such as what words are in the document, why not check what the claims in the document actually require in order to be true?

That is the issue I have with “fact checkers” - they pretend to check important or crucial facts in a claim or statement when they frequently just sidestep what is critical or important in the statement and target irrelevancies pretending they have done impeccable fact-checking…

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A couple of other points. Trump wants it both ways: that is, he accuses Biden of being a socialist, and, in the next breath, he says that Biden wanted to cut Medicare. Now, what self-respecting socialist wants to cut Medicare?

Another thing involves Biden’s voting for the crime bill in 1994 and calling criminals, many of them Black, super-predators. What Trump leaves out, possibly because he does not know this, is that many members of the Black congressional caucus also voted for that bill because it included some good things as well. Further, most Black leaders, except Al Sharpton, supported the bill because it punished (Black) crack pushers who preyed on people in Black neighborhoods. Biden called the drug pushers super-predators. And he was in favor of law and order.
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The president appeared determined to reinvent the reality of the last four years — and the history of the pandemic in 2020 — as he faces judgment on his actions in just 12 days. He once again falsely dismissed the Russia investigations as a “phony witch hunt.” He insisted that aside from Abraham Lincoln, “nobody has done more for the Black community,” an assertion that people in both parties find laughable. And he tried again to wish away the pandemic, saying “we are rounding the turn” even as daily cases of the virus this week topped 70,000 in the United States for the first time since July.
And from the NYT article you did not cite…

“The president appeared determined to reinvent the reality of the last four years — and the history of the pandemic in 2020 — as he faces judgment on his actions in just 12 days. He once again falsely dismissed the Russia investigations as a “phony witch hunt.” He insisted that aside from Abraham Lincoln, “nobody has done more for the Black community,” an assertion that people in both parties find laughable. And he tried again to wish away the pandemic, saying “we are rounding the turn” even as daily cases of the virus this week topped 70,000 in the United States for the first time since July.”

In the words of Joe Biden, “C’mon man”.
A couple of other points. Trump wants it both ways: that is, he accuses Biden of being a socialist, and, in the next breath, he says that Biden wanted to cut Medicare. Now, what self-respecting socialist wants to cut Medicare?
The kind that wants to initiate universal health care?
Gasoline has been a lot more affordable in my area under Mr. Trump.
I don’t miss paying over $4 per gallon back in the days when Mr. Obama was president and Mr. Biden was his V.P.
Did Trump mention China very often in his replies to questions that were not about China ?
You mean Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, but not Joe Biden. Read his plan: public option combined with private insurance. Not left enough for Bernie and Elizabeth.
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Among other things Trump blamed China for the virus but I think that was early on.
Another thing involves Biden’s voting for the crime bill in 1994 and calling criminals, many of them Black, super-predators. What Trump leaves out, possibly because he does not know this, is that many members of the Black congressional caucus also voted for that bill because it included some good things as well.
So why is Biden off the hook for calling only some black criminals “super-predators,” while Trump is still on the hook for referring to all Mexicans as rapists and criminals when he was only referring to those who are like MS-13?

You haven’t picked up on the fact that what Trump is doing is making Biden live up to the same rules imposed by the press as he has to. The rules are only fair when they are applied equally to both parties.

Like I said, Republicans are the party of principles, so if the press wants to impose some kind of guiding principle such as “Assume the worst was meant” then that principle has to apply to Biden, as well, no?
Further, most Black leaders, except Al Sharpton, supported the bill because it punished (Black) crack pushers who preyed on people in Black neighborhoods. Biden called the drug pushers super-predators. And he was in favor of law and order.
Sharpton is a race baiter who only profits when he stirs up animosity. That way he can swoop in and play the legal fixer, and profit mightily. That has been his MO since Tawana Brawley the original hoaxer.
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The president appeared determined to reinvent the reality of the last four years — and the history of the pandemic in 2020 — as he faces judgment on his actions in just 12 days. He once again falsely dismissed the Russia investigations as a “phony witch hunt.” He insisted that aside from Abraham Lincoln, “nobody has done more for the Black community,” an assertion that people in both parties find laughable. And he tried again to wish away the pandemic, saying “we are rounding the turn” even as daily cases of the virus this week topped 70,000 in the United States for the first time since July.
“The president appeared determined to reinvent the reality of the last four years — and the history of the pandemic in 2020 — as he faces judgment on his actions in just 12 days. He once again falsely dismissed the Russia investigations as a “phony witch hunt.” He insisted that aside from Abraham Lincoln, “nobody has done more for the Black community,” an assertion that people in both parties find laughable. And he tried again to wish away the pandemic, saying “we are rounding the turn” even as daily cases of the virus this week topped 70,000 in the United States for the first time since July.”

In the words of Joe Biden, “C’mon man”.
Nice try, but that was part of another:
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So was your original post on this topic merely copy and pasted from that article without a citation?

Just asking.

Edit: Apparently it was. Hat tip to @vz71.
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Ok, thanks. I just have a feeling China is going the US and our allies resolve if Biden is elected.

Trump is a thorn in their side. And at this point in time I see that as crucial in preventing what they have in mind.
Gasoline has been a lot more affordable in my area under Mr. Trump.
I don’t miss paying over $4 per gallon back in the days when Mr. Obama was president and Mr. Biden was his V.P.
Need to move away from where you live if it got above 4 per gallon. The national average barely went above 3.5.
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