I vote for the later.
I have seen a common thread where you make a statement as fact, assuming the reader must agree with you because you state it. Most of the time “the will” chooses what is convenient, not what is best. Especially in the western culture, where sociologically we are hedonistic in our pursuits.
I reiterate it as fact because it is so obvious to me, that I have a great deal of trouble explaining it to others. Examine your reasons for a chosen action, and you should find that the reason you followed had some desirable advantage over the other motives. This is what I mean by “the best choice”.
No, no, no. Determinism is NOT a fact in evidence with Causality, the arguments is far beyond that point. Just by saying you can have A or C but not both ignores the B. Even if by definition A and C are opposite, does not indicate that a middle position B does not exist.
Either determinism applies to everything or it does not. There is no other logical option in this case. Anything that is not deterministic can only be understood as some kind of “random” event. And that does not allow for freedom.
In this case, you ignore the creative. Free will is the creative you ignore, and it is neither determined nor random.
I’m not sure what you mean by “creative”.
And in this we see the need to argue. It is not the best you seek, but the conversion of others to your viewpoint.
Yes, I am compelled by my desire to make myself understood. That is the best in my view.
I choose not to believe you. Not because it was determined, not because it is random, but because I choose.
What ultimately made you choose? Yourself? That is not evident.
Determinism is not just. Random is not just. Free will is just. And no, justice is not a determined or random concept.
Again, things in this world are either deterministic or random. I don’t see the possibility of an alternative.