So, we see from the CCC that those in a Protestant denom can be incorporated into Christ by virtue of their baptism. The Catholic Church does not teach what you believe, so you must rectify this, or protest, and thus become protestant.
Were it not for the ardent love of many Protestants and their efforts to evangelize non-Christians, many more non-believers would be lost, due to the abdication of the Great Commission by lay Catholics in our country for most of its history. If you want to lead others to Christ and his Church, great, go for it, but do not condemn other Christians out of ignorance.
My mother was not even allowed to walk into a Catholic church growing up in the 50s, because she did not belong to the faith. No one made an effort to welcome her into the flock, or invite her to explore the faith. Too often Catholicism is presented as a members only club, and “cradle Catholics” are unwilling to share their faith, citing social etiquette or the privateness of their faith.
If you want to HATE something, hate the uncharitable attitude that leads to fallen away Catholics and repels Non-Catholic believers.