Little Mary:
My goodness, hawkeye, iguana27 was awfully hard on you here and I see no reason why. I, for one, know that protestants do NOT want me to pray for them, especially if I am going to say a rosary or pray to Mary or a saint. I have gotten specific requests such as “OK, but only pray to God for me, not to Mary or anybody”. (oy vay)
Furthermore, I’ve never been to N. Ireland, but I can only imagine what it’s like there (maybe I really can’t) but I would certainly never insult you by pretending I did (Im’ not saying iguana pretended, I’m off to another subject here). God bless you for keeping the faith.
And like you, I fail to see what reading Angela’s Ashes has to do with this…
Thanks for the moral support, I have nothing against Protestants, my mother was one although a convert.
Did you see on tv over there a few years ago of the Catholic school children trying to get to Holy Cross school in East Belfast which is a Protestant stronghold, west Belfast is Catholic.?
I have no problem with Protestants or any other religion or what the colour of their skin is, I really don’t care, but those scenes of little Catholic children have to walk past those hate filled Protestants wasn’t a pretty sight.
Cnn and many others were over here at the time what an ugly scene, humans really have went to the lower depths of depravity, I would never stop any child going to school no matter what religion they were.
Do you people over there realise that we have Catholic and Protestant bars,? sometimes they mix but it’s an exception to the rule.
I have Protestant friends but the Bible thumpers that stop us in the centre of the town and tell us were going to hell I can’t abide, these are the ones that can quote this part of scripture and that part of scripture but not too much Love.
God bless I shall pray for you
:bowdown: and I never forget about Mary, she was the first Tabernacle on earth. Still haven’t heard what Angela’s Ashes has to do with any of this looking forward to insight.
Don’t worry about anyone being hard on me, I’ve been through the mill !!! by the way I don’t live in Belfast, 83 miles west to be more precise in county Fermanagh.