Fr. Ambrose
- The Orthodox on the list here will immediately recognise that you have highlighted one of the things which divide Roman Catholicism from Orthodoxy - the Catholic seeks logic and needs to understand, the Orthodox bow down in obedience before the Almighty and say, “Yes, Lord, I believe, help thou mine unbelief.”*
- We pray for the dead because our fathers in the faith since the first generations have prayed for the dead. We pray for the dead because the Spirit has inspired the Saints to compose church services for the dead. We also pray for the dead because the human heart feels the compulsion to do so - it is such a profound need that only the Creator could have implanted it within our souls.*
- In your estimation does the Catholic teaching on uncreated grace equate to the Orthodox teaching?*
- It [the Orthodox definitions of Essence and Energies] is just as incomprehensible to the ordinary Orthodox.*