Putin, the Russian president, moves to ban gay marriage and add references to God in constitutional amendments

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A point the Russians remember and honour each year in London. However the British handled their contribution to the Soviets in a more understated way and thus the Russians have as a result generally still more respect towards them as a former ally. Also, as both put up with immense devastation on the Home Front they share that historically, something the US thankfully did not have to endure.

I think that last point is a critical one. Americans haven’t fought a meaningful war on their home soil since the Civil War. To any American born in the last 150 years, war is something that happens in other lands. Americans deserve a great deal of credit for stepping into the Second World War. Victory with just the USSR and the British Empire was hardly certain, even with Lend-Lease. Churchill himself admitted a guilty elation when word of Pearl Harbor reached him, because that was the moment he knew German would be defeated.

But this issue comes up a great deal in other topics; in particular American criticism of the EU. I think to some extent it is hard for Americans to imagine the full horrors of war. The Civil War was fought when industrialized war was in its infancy, but by the First World War, the devastating power of modern industrial warfare could be fully appreciated. All over Europe, from two great conflicts, there are cemeteries and commemorations. You would have a hard time finding a family in much of Europe who wasn’t directly touched by those titanic conflicts, and I’m not even talking about operations in the Pacific Theater, which so sadly doesn’t get nearly the attention that the European theaters do. An entire continent was traumatized by what really amounts to the Second Thirty Years War.
I know many Jews that will not touch a German car of any kind…stupid hatred that lives on. (Yes, they have reasons but it’s still a hatred of Germany)
I know many Jews that will not touch a German car of any kind…stupid hatred that lives on. (Yes, they have reasons but it’s still a hatred of Germany)
Even in Canada, there are still some veterans who detest the Germans and the Japanese. Some enmities die very slowly. But for many Jews, Germany’s sins will take a very long time wash away, rightly or wrongly.
Wars leave no one untouched. My father served at Pearl Harbor just after the bombing. His brother served in the Pacific Theater, was involved in several battles and would not talk about any of it except to my father privately. I have several 2nd and 3rd cousins that died in concentration camps. My fathers maternal grandparents were killed in the Russian Pogroms which is why the grandparents immigrated to America. My mother’s side are British and I have great Aunts that survived the Blitz.

Wars tend to leave no one untouched. :cry:
In Canada, particularly in WWI you would have been hard pressed to find a city, town or village that wasn’t directly affected. The body counts of Canadian soldiers in WWI were astronomical for such a young nation. My father’s family comes from a very small community in Eastern British Columbia, and there’s a First World War monument there to the fallen local boys, and during WWI, the place couldn’t have had more than three hundred residents. My great uncle fought in Italy and France during the Second World War, and was wounded in France. My grandmother was picking shrapnel out of Uncle Ralph for a few years after the war.
As someone who studies German technology, there is no basis for that statement. And there’s no magic in good engineering. But recently, numerous factors have forced automakers to cut corners. I recently spotted an SUV by BMW. It was mediocre, like American SUVs.
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That was incomplete. The Americans ended up overwhelming German defenses, that’s all. When the US began launching thousand bomber raids from England, there was no way the Germans could compete. The order to the German Air Force was to send up aircraft only when a reasonable chance of success existed. And that number does not include escort fighters. After the war, a person who saw and understood the threat from Germany wrote that if the war had been ‘allowed’ to continue for another six months then the Allies would have been faced with entirely new threats in the air.

The Middle East was not the only source of oil. Romania had oil, along with other occupied countries. I have seen a contemporary photo of heavily camouflaged oil storage tanks in Norway. IG Farben had developed a process to convert plentiful German coal into oil. It involved a catalyst, pulverized coal and hydrogen injected under high pressure. This synthetic fuel was called Leuna Benzin. The Germans also converted trucks and cars to run on wood, or wood gas (holzgas in German).
Membership of the Communist Party was always quite restricted. In Soviet Russia only a tiny minority were Party members, though the whole population was supposed to be “communist.”

To be a communist you much believe in the abolition of property and the establishment of a dictatorship of the proletariat.

Socialists believe in the abolition of significant property through the nationalisation of the means of production, distribution and exchange.

I doubt very much any presidential candidate is a classic Communist, but I could imagine one or two are socialists.
I realize this will change zero minds, but I’ll share it anyway.
Pope Francis has condemned the use of nuclear weapons. But the Americans see things differently:
According to the article:
<<General Tod Wolters, Commander of US forces in Europe and of NATO, has stated, “I’m in favor of a flexible first-use (nuclear weapon) policy.” >>
How many millions of innocent people does this American general want to murder with his first use nuclear policy? And do you think there will not be retaliation?
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On the Eastern Front, one in three men fighting for the Germans was not a native German. See: The Unknown Eastern Front by Rolf-Dieter Müller.
Socialist via tax policy is an expansion of your definition beyond it’s authentic definition.
In essence, you ( not you personally) are describing something else and assigning a definition that is no longer accurate.
That is the objection.
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A lot of material about the Pacific Theater is available in Japanese, but many original documents were ordered destroyed. Fortunately, recent scholarship is being published in English to help clarify what happened.
My college Russian-Soviet foreign policy prof was one of them. Hungarian.
I have been reading US military journals since the 1980s. They were filled with a great number of scenarios regarding the use of nuclear weapons. When deployed by the US and USSR at the end of the 1950s, the ICBM threat required a statement to be made; “If you attack us we will destroy you.” I recall an article that stated that an unidentified underground complex existed in some unidentified location that could launch a missile against a Russian target as late as one year after the start of hostilities. This would establish in the mind of the enemy that winning under any scenario was not possible.

So carefully worded statements like “flexible first-use policy” is not new. That same policy existed in Strategic Air Command in the 1950s. See the book: Winning Armageddon by Trevor Albertson. The actual goal is to never use nuclear weapons but to be ready to do so should the other side act according to certain scenarios. The Russians know what those scenarios are.

I agree with Pope Francis but the threat has only diminished. Put in simpler terms: If the other guy has nuclear weapons then I will defend my country with nuclear weapons. Fortunately, advances in laser and particle beam weapons are ongoing. Ground-based lasers have been tested in the UK. Using a missile to shoot down another missile is possible but a weapon with a beam that travels at the speed of light is better. Under various scenarios, even short-range nuclear weapon delivery systems would be threatened with destruction before reaching their targets. Hopefully, this will reduce nuclear arsenals still further.
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My copy of Churchills History of the Second World War, in the appendices, has a literal boat load of telegraphs and other correspondence.
And my copy of the Three-Volume Set of the Complete Correspondence between Churchill and Roosevelt - which contains ALL of their Correspondences including that re: “Uncle Joe” (Stalin) - is “mint”… first issued in 1984 publishes their complete correspondence from October 1933 to April 1945, the month FDR died.

Were America not support Churchill from before its Entrance into WWII - Britain would have been very quickly demolished - and acquiesant to Hitler.

Were America not support the Soviet Union - All of Europe and parts of Asia and African would be speaking the hated-by some, German Language…
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Yes, homophobic is used as an automatic discussion stopper and is a secular way of calling the other side evil-bad-wrong. It is a slur. And is uncivilized.
Yes, homophobic is used as an automatic discussion stopper and is a secular way of calling the other side evil-bad-wrong. It is a slur. And is uncivilized.
Yes… those who generate labels aka PC - do so as a means of ending discussion ergo thought

They’re aware that many folks do not want to be lableled and/or considered being in a minority…

Verbal Engineering? Precedes Social Engineering…
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Yes, homophobic is used as an automatic discussion stopper and is a secular way of calling the other side evil-bad-wrong. It is a slur. And is uncivilized.
PC Labels? Are Becoming Hate Crimes…

Hate Crimes become Laws

Hate Crime Laws - can take your Money and/or send you to Jail or Worse?

God determines Hate . and not those who in doing that instill Hatred by claiming HATE!!

God? Abhors Active Homosexuality.

Active Homosexuals? Despise God’s Teachings on Active Homosexuality

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