Putin, the Russian president, moves to ban gay marriage and add references to God in constitutional amendments

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I would suggest studying the Catechism on pornography. It says civil authorities should stop it’s distribution and manufacture. In addition there is a long history of papal statements condoning the state repressing error (error has no rights), and even given the Vatican II statement on religious liberty, Fr Brian Harrison has made the best case possible that I’ve found showing continuity with previous teaching. I’ll include the link below.

The state must follow the natural law.

THAT supports my point. Never a communist.
Also, single payer is a government program. The government does not take over insurance companies. The government conforms our health Care system to the rest of the top economies. So we can compete with them more effectively.
He regulates OTHERWIZE. Not take ownership. He taxes.
Regulation and taxes. Consistent with the new deal.
Breaking up banks ensures we aren’t saying ," to big to fail, like Reagan then Bush."
Free college and a living wage. I wouldn’t credit communism for that.
Investment in the labor force is a tactic that outcompeted us in generating PHDs.
A living wage. You set yourself up as opposition.
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You need to be more careful with your reading and analysis of articles. The ARTICLE does NOT say “that BERNIE WAS NEVER A MEMBER OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY.”

Here is the money quote:
Former mayoral advisers from Burlington defend their old boss. They note that Sanders was never a member of the Communist Party and deny he was even a small-c communist, even while acknowledging he named their city softball squad the “People’s Republic of Burlington” and the town’s minor league baseball team the “Vermont Reds.”
To be clear, it is NOT the article nor the writer of the article that claims Bernie “was never a member of the Communist Party.” It is Sanders’ “former mayoral advisors” that make that claim.

The article consistently puts forward evidence that Sanders’ advisors are simply not to believed when they claim what THEY do about Sanders not being a communist.
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It strikes me as ridiculous that Americans are concerned about Russia and its relationships with its neighbors. We go halfway around the world to interfere in the business of other countries but Russia must be isolated.
Yes… As it leaves a long wake of horrific scenarios wrt forcing e.g., Democracy…
along with keeping its viewership in the dark…

The main problem underlying what you’re speaking of - concerns Media…
Which is in many instances the main organ of Info of Leftism - AntiChristian - Slanted.

Take Russia… Starting w/Napoleon, and then the Anti-Christian Bolsheviks and then Adolf Hitler,
there’s been an ongoing attempt to glom Russia at the expense of Church and Church Goers…

Upwards of 30 Million Slavs gave their lives fighting the Nazi War Machine…

Today? Globalism seeks the World - and, several nations - are not bending over saying, OK

For those observers who keep atop of global military geo-politics
  • it’s looking like an Armageddon is just around the corner…
Keep your FAITH in JESUS…

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This not pointing fingers but reporting on what is going on in different countries, Under Stalin, atheism was the state religion. Churches were used to store ammunition. In the 1960s, we were told by our leaders that we were in a struggle with Godless Communism.
Putin has moved away from the Godless Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Bolsheviks / Soviets

He’s an avowed Christian

He’s $upporting the re-building of the Russian Orthodox Church -

AntiChristian Western Media keeps very Quiet about anything connected w/him and Church and Christ.

The ROC Church is an Apostolic Sister Church to The Catholic Church…

The Western Media is going Crazy over his moves to "ban Homosexual “marriage”

Should any be surprised?
I think it is awesome that Russia is doing this. I wish that all nations would follow their lead.
Putin has moved away from the Godless Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Bolsheviks / Soviets
You may find this Guardian article interesting.


Those covers date to World War II. The Soviets were essential allies.

Please help me understand what these covers have to do with Putin.

Putin paints Stalin as a great leader. He views the collapse of the Soviet Union as a disaster.
An image of Stalin as a strong leader who had ensured victory in the second world war and led a Soviet superpower re-emerged. Television propaganda again worked hard to create that image. The millions who perished in waves of political repression were pushed to the margins of collective consciousness.
Putin has called the fall of the Soviet Union “the greatest geopolitical catastrophe” of the 20th century.
Today Stalin’s face watches you ubiquitously from billboards, subway train walls, and bookstore windows. Dozens of monuments to him have sprouted around Russia.
One can approve of his actions regarding same-sex marriage without painting him as a good man.



Please help me understand what these World War II era covers have to do with my previous comments about Putin’s current praise of the Soviet era and of Stalin.

I was responding to this statement from a previous poster.
Putin has moved away from the Godless Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Bolsheviks / Soviets
Putin praised Stalin and so did Time magazine and Life magazine. Those are both American magazines, published in the USA.
In dubbing someone Person of the Year, Time “features and profiles a person, a group, an idea, or an object that for better or for worse… has done the most to influence the events of the year.”

It is not an award or honor. In 1938, Hitler was Time’s Man of the Year.

This 1943 example doesn’t work for me because it doesn’t connect with Putin’s rehabilitation of Stalin.

Life’s cover was simply a reference to its profile of the USSR. Charles Manson was on Life’s cover!

Anyway, I fear we’ve drifted off topic.
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I’m still amused by the fact that people are characterizing Putin as a good guy. 🥳
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One can approve of his actions regarding same-sex marriage without painting him as a good man

One should not only applaud the Actions of applauding God - and seeking to end same-sex marriage on a national level - w/o having to seek Ad Hominem commentary - – one should never paint any leader/nation - who supports ABORTION… as anything else but bad…

Good Man? That’s up to God and never us…

And Note: The pope does not share the same criminalizations as does the Leftist Media…
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You mention praising Stalin. But is it true that in the past many Americans have praised Stalin? This is proven by the articles in Time and Life magazine. Actually, there is a presidential candidate who received millions of votes already and he has praised Fidel Castro and other communist leaders.

I have already explained that being on the cover of Life magazine is not an honor. The person on the cover is the “big” story. I mentioned notorious mass murderer Charles Manson appearing on the cover of Life. Does this cover seem flattering?

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

So let’s put that one to bed.

I also pointed out that being Time’s Man of the Year is not an honor.
In dubbing someone Person of the Year, Time “features and profiles a person, a group, an idea, or an object that for better or for worse … has done the most to influence the events of the year.”

It is not an award or honor. In 1938, Hitler was Time’s Man of the Year.
You mention praising Stalin. But is it true that in the past many Americans have praised Stalin? This is proven by the articles in Time and Life magazine. Actually, there is a presidential candidate who received millions of votes already and he has praised Fidel Castro and other communist leaders.
I’m aware of Bernie’s view of Castro. It’s deplorable for him to praise this tyrant. But Bernie is way off topic.

Let’s put that one to bed.

This is my bottom line: I question Putin’s motives because he’s a tyrant.

I don’t proclaim absolute truth. I stated my case and offer my conclusions. Take them with the proverbial grain of salt.

I have nothing left to contribute to this sprawling topic.
So God bless you.
I have already explained that being on the cover of Life magazine is not an honor .
I was referring more to the article inside the edition quoted. Please read the article first. It is not just the cover.
I question Putin’s motives because he’s a tyrant.
That’s to be expected
given the very effective anti-Christian Leftist media’s modicum of propaganda indoctrination …

The Globalites have been trying to Glom Russia for Centuries.
And came close when the Bolshevik’s took over and almost thoroughly destroyed Christianity,
along with murdering 10’s of Millions of Christians…

1000’s of news items re: Russia / Putin have been occurring.

But when P-ussy Rioters storm a Russian Cathedral descrating it and get arrested?

Or when Russia makes it a law that Active Homosexuals can not Recruit?

Or when Putin seeks to ban Homosexual “Marriages”, and, references positively to God?

The AntiChristian Pro-Sodomite Western Media Machine Goes BERZERK!
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Hi, Al:

I’ve really said all I have to say on this topic. God bless you.

P.S. He’s an off-topic tidbit from history that you may find interesting. Before Castro came to power, New York Times reporter Herbert Matthews painted the future dictator as a non-Communist fighting a corrupt regime. Matthews, in essence, was a pro-Castro propagandist. The Times never fired him.

Americans were shocked to find out that Fidel was a communist and a dictator.

Take care and be well.
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After all the attempts to divert the reality…

The Liberal Media went berzerk BECAUSE
Someone - Anyone - Including Catholic Teachings
Dares to Oppose Sodomy… .
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along with murdering 10’s of Millions of Christians…

Or when Russia makes it a law that Active Homosexuals can not Recruit?
According to Timothy Snyder, the author of Bloodlands, the total number of deaths under Stalin were as low as 6 million. Just a long time interest of mine, sorry.

As for active recruiting, though I generally don’t mind Putin, it doesn’t really work that way.
According to Timothy Snyder, the author of Bloodlands, the total number of deaths under Stalin were as low as 6 million.

Estimates of the death toll vary widely,
from 3.5-8 million (G Ponton) at the low end
to 60 million (A Solzhenitsyn).

According to Valerie Strauss and Daniel Southerland,
Stalin is believed responsible for between 30 million and 40 million “unnatural deaths,”
including millions from a famine he created.

Mao? Estimates Run typically from 40 Million to 80 Million

Three Cheers for any leader who Praises God and seeks to Eliminate Homosexual Unions…
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That was before the opening of the archives. Solzhenisyn isn’t really a reliable source on estimates. He was working purely on guesswork. Anne Applebaum estimates a million dead in the gulags, as does Snyder. Khlevniuk came to a similar conclusion if I remember right. I don’t have his book in front of me at the moment. These estimates are all after the opening of the archives. Even Memory, a group dedicated to preserving the memory of those who suffered in the gulag, has researched the death rate and found it was about a million. If I remember right the highest number of deaths were during WWII when millions across the USSR died because of the Germans.

I’m all for not legalizing same sex unions, but the actual attraction is a very complicated psychological thing. Even the Catechism states it’s psychological genesis is unknown.
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