RE: Gay couple - Diocese of Orange(Bishop Brown) rejects oath request

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I have followed the other two acrimonious threads on this issue as well as reports on other sites, and have yet to see the bishop advocating that CAtholic schools should be teaching the homosexual acts are moral.
No? Maybe not explicity, but certainly by implication. Children learn best by example and role models. Having an openly same-sex couple embraced by the school on a daily and highly visible nature approved by the Bishop’s spokesperson, Fr. Horan, says volumes to the innocent, highly impressionable young people in the school. The school can officially teach whatever, but the incontrovertible fact is that the children will see the disconnect between “do as I say, not as I do.” This Bishop told all priests in the diocese in a memo in 2000 that he approves of civil unions between same-sex persons. Connect the dots.

God saves
Sorry guys but I have to agree with the Bishop on not having parents sign this oath.

As a parent, this situation would make me nuts and I would probably be sitting daily in the principal’s office trying to get this set of “parents” to either keep quiet or be asked to leave.

However, what purpose would such an oath serve? The only people who would feel themselves bound by such an oath would be those who already are adhering to Church teaching? Second, this raises a lot of questions about other students in the school. Are we really ready to require that all parents be Catholic? None could be in a non-Sacramental or unblessed marriage? This opens up single parents to unfair judgemental scrutiny too. Going after the parents is not the way to go.

The real issue is with the administration of the school and with the diocisan schools office. These individuals are the ones that need to step up and affirm that they are adhering to Church teaching. If the school principle and teachers were clear with these parents that what they are saying is unacceptable, if they would take steps to make sure that anyone (student, parent, teacher etc.) who has been exposed to this propoganda effort is given all the education available to understand why this is wrong, and if the curriculum of the school is examined to make sure that no mixed messages are being conveyed, then this problem could be neutralized.

Of course, based on what has been posted above about this Bishop and his diocese, there is little chance of that happening either. The parents who are asking for this are probably acting out of frustration.

Catholic schools are held to a certain standard. In colleges and universities, the church requires that those who teach theology sign a statement that they will not teach anything contrary to the faith. The majority of so-called Catholic universities in this country don’t even ask their faculty to sign let alone ensure that this is done and adhered to. If THEOLOGY faculty at Catholic schools aren’t being held to this requirement WHICH IS MANDATORY, why should we be surprised that the bishop is unwilling to step up and protect our younger and even more vulnerable children.
What is frustrating is that the moral law here is clear. No Catholic teaching disputes that homosexual acts are gravely sinful, but the World drives us to approve of abberrant sexuality on a constant, driving basis. That our shepherds and religous have joined the World against their Church’s clear teaching is so disheartening.

This is not like a debate between what is the best way to approach God or our fellow man. The teaching is clear.
However, what purpose would such an oath serve? The only people who would feel themselves bound by such an oath would be those who already are adhering to Church teaching? Second, this raises a lot of questions about other students in the school. Are we really ready to require that all parents be Catholic? None could be in a non-Sacramental or unblessed marriage? This opens up single parents to unfair judgemental scrutiny too. Going after the parents is not the way to go.
I’m a single guy, but if I were a parent, that sure sounds like a good idea to me.

I “am” touchy about the subject of females in the faith. No other major religion on earth treats with women with more respect, love and adoration, then does the Roman Catholic faith…and no other major religion has even close to as many women in so many important and critical roles.

Women, by infallible statement, cannot be ordained. That is the only area that do not have access to–which in today’s world is a mere fraction of the whole.
God saves:
You are so right! There’s even a catholic prophecy that says that laws will be used to protect the wicked. Look at all the anti-catholic movies being promoted such as “the priest”," dogma" and others. How do they protray our faith? If its about priests it shows that priests sexually abuse children because they are forced to be celebate. The movie Bad Santa takes the redemption out of christmas. If its about God, hollywood will make a mockery out of him and his mother as Dogma did. When the truth about Christ came out as in “Passion of the Christ”, hollywood shunned it. Look at the main stream media, the way they falsley protray our faith. That we are just a bunch of homophobic, sexist and racsist people who do meaningless ceremonies. Why? Because our faith doesn’t allow married priests, ordained women, contraception and abortion, that we say homosexuality is wrong and they level the charge that our holy scriptures are anti-semetic based upon the fact of the pharisees’ and scribes’ participation in the death of Jesus. Look at the entertainment industry, and all the ugly things they pull off. They streotype white people and say horrible things about us. You criticize a black person over something bad they did (Like Michael Jackson) and they’ll accuse you of being rascist. They criticize our race and they don’t get in trouble. They mock our God and our church in their lyrics and they don’t get in trouble. If it mocks black people or any other ethnic group you do get in trouble. The Government said divorce was okay, then they passed a law legalizing abortion, then another for euthanasia and promoting another for embrionic stem cell research. They say qoute “Its only for those that want it.” When they really tempt others into doing it. What they going to do next? Kill babies outside the womb, kill us christians next for opposing Such laws already passed that are against Catholic Church teaching. It seems like we are seeing a systematic elimination of society. Just look at all the lies our society is promoting about Christianity in general. Similar stuff was happening in Germany prior to world war II and look what happened after words. The same thing could happen to us if we don’t watch it!

Padre Pio “The Rosary is the weapon.”
If we had been hearing from the pulpit that “Sodomy is one of the four great sins that cries out to heaven for vengeance” we wouldn’t be in this mess.
And imagine if we would hear about the remaining three including not paying just wages to workers.
And imagine if we would hear about the remaining three including not paying just wages to workers.
That would be great. What’s your point?
To divert attention from the subject at hand;)
Of course. But, I think Katherine2 throws these dud hand grenades because she believes that anyone who brings up homosexual sin is against social justice. Is there any logic in that? Nope.
Of course. But, I think Katherine2 throws these dud hand grenades because she believes that anyone who brings up homosexual sin is against social justice. Is there any logic in that? Nope.
Nope no logic at all, in fact it’s not very loving to active homosexuals who could lose their souls either.If I lost my mind and decided to commit adultry I would hope someone would love me enough to not spare my feelings and all me down.God Bless
I “am” touchy about the subject of females in the faith. No other major religion on earth treats with women with more respect, love and adoration, then does the Roman Catholic faith…and no other major religion has even close to as many women in so many important and critical roles.

Women, by infallible statement, cannot be ordained. That is the only area that do not have access to–which in today’s world is a mere fraction of the whole.
We agree on everything except the part about adoration.😃 But if someone posted that men can’t be pregnant, I wouldn’t take offense and jump all over that person reminding them of all the things men can do. That’s what I meant by touchy.
And imagine if we would hear about the remaining three including not paying just wages to workers.
Oh, Katherine, you’re sooooo lost. No wonder you post the things you do.


The Most Reverend Robert F. Vasa Bishop of Baker

25. The Affirmation of Personal Faith asks candidates for ministry to state unequivocally: “I believe and profess all that the Holy Catholic Church teaches, believes and proclaims to be revealed by God.” This carries with it the affirmation of specific teachings of the Catholic Church. A non-exhaustive list of these is provided in the form of individual affirmations. They include statements on the inviolability of human life, the sinfulness of contraception, the evil of extra-marital sexual relationships, the unacceptability of homosexual relationships, the wrongness of cohabitation before marriage, the significance of the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, the legitimacy of Marian devotions, the existence of hell and purgatory, the uniqueness of the Catholic Church, the legitimacy of the Holy Father’s claim to infallibility and the moral teaching authority of the Catholic Church.

Read this document in it’s entirety by clicking on the link below:

**All the U.S. Bishops should require such a oath.👍 **…o_the_truth.htm

GloriaPatri4 said:


The Most Reverend Robert F. Vasa Bishop of Baker

25. The Affirmation of Personal Faith asks candidates for ministry to state unequivocally: “I believe and profess all that the Holy Catholic Church teaches, believes and proclaims to be revealed by God.” This carries with it the affirmation of specific teachings of the Catholic Church. A non-exhaustive list of these is provided in the form of individual affirmations. They include statements on the inviolability of human life, the sinfulness of contraception, the evil of extra-marital sexual relationships, the unacceptability of homosexual relationships, the wrongness of cohabitation before marriage, the significance of the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, the legitimacy of Marian devotions, the existence of hell and purgatory, the uniqueness of the Catholic Church, the legitimacy of the Holy Father’s claim to infallibility and the moral teaching authority of the Catholic Church.

Read this document in it’s entirety by clicking on the link below:…o_the_truth.htm

**All the U.S. Bishops should require such a oath.👍 **

This link should work…o_the_truth.htm

Adoration is given to Mary–worship and adoration is give only to Jesus. If you love someone completely, then the word “adoe” is appropriate.

Now who is getting touchy? 🙂


**The Most Reverend Robert F. Vasa Bishop of Baker

25. The Affirmation of Personal Faith asks candidates for ministry to state unequivocally: “I believe and profess all that the Holy Catholic Church teaches, believes and proclaims to be revealed by God.” This carries with it the affirmation of specific teachings of the Catholic Church. A non-exhaustive list of these is provided in the form of individual affirmations. They include statements on the inviolability of human life, the sinfulness of contraception, the evil of extra-marital sexual relationships, the unacceptability of homosexual relationships, the wrongness of cohabitation before marriage, the significance of the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, the legitimacy of Marian devotions, the existence of hell and purgatory, the uniqueness of the Catholic Church, the legitimacy of the Holy Father’s claim to infallibility and the moral teaching authority of the Catholic Church.

Read this document in it’s entirety by clicking on the link below:

**All the U.S. Bishops should require such a oath.👍 **…o_the_truth.htm

The Bishop of Baker is completely correct. Why is it so hard to find one like him down here in So. Cal? God Bless all of you who are reading between the lines on this topic and refuse to be brainwashed.
All the U.S. Bishops should require such a oath.
I agree and love the concept. I heard Bishop Vasa on Catholic Answers and the response in his diocese has been overwhelmingly positive.

BUT the Bishop’s oath is required of all those in ministy, NOT those to whom ministry is given. The Orange county parents are requesting an oath be given to the parents of all the school children. If the teachers, school adminstrators and diocisan school personnel were being asked to take the oath, I would be all for it. But how can you ask parents to sign an oath promising fidelity to the faith when the teachers won’t even stand up for the Church’s teachings?
GloriaPatri4, a few things:

  1. *]Please don’t shout.
    *]I couldn’t get your link to work.
    *]I scanned through what you posted, but it’s not clear whether you propose this oath as a requirement for the priesthood, which is the context from where it is taken, or if you propose that parents be required to take an oath normally given to priests.
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