Again, the way you understand the obedience of Christ to God the Father is the issue here, not the mere statement Christ was obedient to God the Father. The humanity of Christ was subject to obedience to God, not His divinity. He cannot disobey God because He is God, God cannot disobey Himself. And none of your quotes address the divinity of Christ as being subject to God the Father.saying Jesus was obedient to his Heavenly Father I would appreciate that as I could not find that
“These words are to be understood of Christ’s human nature, wherein He is less than the Father, and subject to Him; but in His divine nature He is equal to the Father. This is expressed by Athanasius, “Equal to the Father in His Godhead; less than the Father in humanity”: and by Hilary (De Trin. ix): “By the fact of giving, the Father is greater; but He is not less to Whom the same being is given”; and (De Synod.): “The Son subjects Himself by His inborn piety”—that is, by His recognition of paternal authority; whereas “creatures are subject by their created weakness.””