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I though it might be interesting to find out what the numbers look like for our religious afiliations. I assume the majority of us are Catholic, but how many are in the process of converting? Feel free to tell us your story…

BTW: you can choose more than 1 if appropriate.
What about the “re-verts”? That is what I am.
I guess that you could either just choose cradle Catholic, or choose cradle and lapsed at the same time, or however it seems appropriate to you!

(I’m sort of a re-vert, too, but more out of laziness, materialism, and self-worship than any hostility or conversion away from the church.)
yeah, I think that makes me a convert… baptized but not raised Catholic? I think I’ll pick convert, I sure don’t qualify as cradle… I’d actually KNOW something in that case 😃 .
Don’t be so sure! I went to Catholic schools for 12 years and barely knew anything when I got out! :rolleyes:
I didn’t know we could choose 2. I am a cradle catholic but was not raised Catholic. I knew I was, and I got to attend Mass with my grandparents from time to time but I didn’t know my faith at all.

As an adult I was a strong practicing anti catholic protestant.

Now I am a convert as of Easter Vigil.
I’m thinking that except for the heroically saintly, if you live long enough, most ‘cradle Catholics’ end up being ‘reverts’ anyway!
I’m thinking that except for the heroically saintly, if you live long enough, most ‘cradle Catholics’ end up being ‘reverts’ anyway!
Probably. I wonder what St Augustine would have picked :confused: 😃
I am a “cradle” Catholic who fell out of the cradle for awhile … fortunately my Father found me and put me back.

I am an invert, really a cradle catholic, see I was baptised catholic never left the church but was really a nominal uneducated catholic till my teen when I had y convertion experience…since I never left the church I am not a revert, and sice I was not born outside of the church I am not really a convert, that makes me an invert, or a convert from within…👋
I call it the ‘recovering lapsed Catholic’ I think we should outline the 12 steps for recovery.
  1. Do NOT call up your old CCD teachers and try to find out why they didn’t tell you what the catechism was or that we had to believe the Eucharist was real. Patiently say the Rosary for these people instead.
(I had my conversion experiance start while watching Mother Theresa’s Beatification, I found that I liked EWTN coverage alot more than CNN and I remembered that I had a goddaughter’s first communion coming up so I thought I would brush up on the basics…little did I know…)
What about the “re-verts”? That is what I am.
I have the same problem (sort of). Born in a quasi-Catholic family, baptized as a baby. Seldom attended Mass, dropped out of the Church, returned (and received First Communion) at the age of 33. Sort of dropped out again. Came back. Now, at age 55, very active in the Church.

What am I? (not a convert, not really a cradle, I guess I would be called a Revert) For that reason, I selected both Cradle and Convert above.
I’d be a cradle Catholic revert. Due to poor Catechesis among other things, I found the Church lacking substance and fell somewhere in between deism and agnosticism. However, after God threw the metaphorical brick at my head, I came crawling back.

Put me down as a crawling cradle Catholic. 😛
Cool, mine was more a process than a one time event…I can see the hand of God in life from a very early age,but it was my fathers protestatn church that promted me to seek and learn more about the true Chrsitianity, that lead me to a stronger conviction of my own faith…
I thought I would make this my first post. I am a cradle catholic who fell away from all christianity for a little over a decade. About two years ago I felt a pull back to church and have been growing in my faith ever since.
I thought I would make this my first post. I am a cradle catholic who fell away from all christianity for a little over a decade. About two years ago I felt a pull back to church and have been growing in my faith ever since.
Welcome Hank! And Welcome back! 👍

I was raised without much religion, but became an evangelical Christian in my hometown through friends in school. After college I married a Catholic but didn’t intend to become one myself. Several years later while serving in Japan I was witness to the charitable works of a group of Franciscans where my wife went to Mass. I was impressed enough with them to start looking seriously at Catholicism. The more I saw the more I liked and I was confirmed and had my first Communion there in Japan back in 1994.
I’m thinking that except for the heroically saintly, if you live long enough, most ‘cradle Catholics’ end up being ‘reverts’ anyway!
Your probably right, maybe we should start a line on that and how we came back.
I’m thinking that except for the heroically saintly, if you live long enough, most ‘cradle Catholics’ end up being ‘reverts’ anyway!
I am a cradle Catholic but was not well educated in the fine points of my faith as we lived in a small town with no Catholic Church, but my SAINTLY mother did her best and I never left the faith but when my first husband converted after our 3rd son was born, I took the classes with him and that started me on my way. Over 30 years ago, I joined Catholics United for the Faith and The Blue Army,(A Fatima apostalate), and they carried me thru some very rough years of confusion and kept me on the right path. For that I will ALWAYS be grateful. My first husband died at age 31, (accident) and my second husband, a convert also, died at age 47, (heart). Our Faith, great Blessing for them and for me.
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