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Dr. Colossus:
Meaning what? You left because you didn’t accept the Church’s understanding of revelation? Or you left because of a private revelation?
DR. Meaning Gods Truth was revealed through His Word. 😃
Posted revert went to Catholic grade school and 2 years Cath HS. Left after graduating HS. Middle 60’s. Vat. II did have its effect on me. Felt we were no different from other churches. (Lack of good catechesis). Found a non denomination group in Florida that was very charismatic. Married a luke warm protestant. Knew something was missing in my faith life. Floundering for 20 years. Started going to RCIA and now I can’t get enough.
WooHoo! First atheist to post to this thread!

Although I don’t really consider atheism to be a religion I voted in the poll anyway.
I didn’t know we could choose 2. I am a cradle catholic but was not raised Catholic. I knew I was, and I got to attend Mass with my grandparents from time to time but I didn’t know my faith at all.

As an adult I was a strong practicing anti catholic protestant.

Now I am a convert as of Easter Vigil./QUOTE

I think in many cases our parents “forgot” their religion for a time and their children suffered because of it. By the time they came home we were already out on our own. Thank God He leads us back.
Maggiec 🙂
I listed myself as both “Protestant” and “Other” because I’m Episcopalian. That makes me historically Protestant, but doctrinally I would not regard myself as primarily Protestant. In my view and that of many other Anglicans, the Reformation is just one part of our history and is of lesser authority than the Fathers and the consensus of the historic Church. I’ve considered conversion to Catholicism (or perhaps Orthodoxy) for years–indeed I thought of becoming Catholic before I became Episcopalian, and have never entirely given up the idea.

In Christ,

I too put cradle catholic, however guess I’m a ‘revert’. I was a ‘Christmas Bunny’ Catholic…? Is that the expression? When you only go at Christmas and Easter? I fell away around 18 and didn’t really make a full confession and return until around 26 years old. But wow! How merciful is our God! I love the way one of the people described it, that the Father picked them up and put them back in the cradle. I finally met my husband, and went with him to RCIA because he is a convert, and I learned so much. I have such an awesome appreciation for the Christ’s church! I look back now and am grateful for those rough years, and very thankful for the prayers of many (my Mom) and for God’s grace that I returned to the Catholic Church. I looked at a couple of other churches, but after studing different topics, the Catholic church just had clearer answers, the fullness of the faith, there was just too many things that never seemed to make sense until I came ‘home’.

I would love to start some kind of ‘Coming Home’ project at our parish if anyone knows of one.
I am in the process of converting to the Catholic Church and will be starting RCIA classes in September this year. So I picked other since I haven’t completed my conversion yet.

However, in my heart I’m pretty converted already! :yup:
Maybe I’m mistaken, but I think the category now entitled ‘Eastern Orthodox’ used to be ‘Eastern Rite’. I am a Byzantine (rite) Catholic, and not a member of the Orthodox Church, just to be clear.
I am a Protestant, but I think that I will convert soon. I did an in depth study on the Trinity two years ago, and I was unable to find it explicitly stated in the Bible. In fact, the word “Trinity” never appears in the Bible. John 1:1 is the foundational trinitarian proof text, and I felt that it was far from being an open and shut case for the Trinity. It was a Jehovah’s Witness who challenged me on the Trinity, and my studies took me in a direction that I never expected. I was very dishearted by my discovery, so much so that I stopped going to church for fear of being polytheistic.

It wasn’t until recently that I realized that my problem was not with the Trinity at all; rather, my problem was with sola scriptura. I can accept the Trinity because Christians for 2,000 years have accepted it, but I can’t accept that it can be pulled from the Bible alone. This realization set me on a path to learning about Catholicism. The story of Fatima also peaked my curiosity in Catholicism.
my dad was a baptist minister. my moms dad was a baptist missionary. I never met a catholic in my life that was excited about Jesus Christ and could articulate that excitement in any way from the holy scriptures. It was a long hard road for me to become catholic. It happened thourgh my constant whining and begging God for solid truth. Truth that could change my sin paterns into virtue patterns. I kept reading about this "freedom from sin " in the bible. The best I could do is cope with sin (struggle daily with the same sins making slow progress). Listening to catholic radio I began to hear truth. The scriptural truth about how to conect to Jesus thourgh the sacraments for the sake of freedom from sin. Trust in God, there is a big big differnece between freedom and coping. I am trully sold on the haling power of the sacraments. I became catholic when I turned 40. After I became catholic, I finally met some catholics who were excited about Jesus and even some who can articulate it from the bible. I was glad to find they do exist outside the radio.
I voted yesterday, but forgot to explain myself…

I’m a Buddhist (not one of the New Agey types), born and raised, trudging along the path to Rome.

Man, I would really love to hear your story. I have never heard of a Buddhist converting!
my dad was a baptist minister. my moms dad was a baptist missionary. I never met a catholic in my life that was excited about Jesus Christ and could articulate that excitement in any way from the holy scriptures. It was a long hard road for me to become catholic. It happened thourgh my constant whining and begging God for solid truth. Truth that could change my sin paterns into virtue patterns. I kept reading about this "freedom from sin " in the bible. The best I could do is cope with sin (struggle daily with the same sins making slow progress). Listening to catholic radio I began to hear truth. The scriptural truth about how to conect to Jesus thourgh the sacraments for the sake of freedom from sin. Trust in God, there is a big big differnece between freedom and coping. I am trully sold on the haling power of the sacraments. I became catholic when I turned 40. After I became catholic, I finally met some catholics who were excited about Jesus and even some who can articulate it from the bible. I was glad to find they do exist outside the radio.
Praise the Lord you kept going!!
Well, I was baptized Catholic as an infant but was raised with no faith formation… I was Chrismated at the Easter Vigil of 2000 at the age of 33.

I checked other on the poll because I am a Byzantine Catholic.

David, the Byzantine Catholic
Byzantine, Roman, Assyrian, it doesn’t matter. It’s all part of the One, Catholic, Apostolic Church. There are actually 22 Churches within the Catholic Church, if I’m not mistaken.
Other, sort of.

Baptised as a child, but began to be raised as Catholic when my pareents were married in the Church. Attended Protestant Sunday school for years before that, so acquired a “taste” for the Bible before it was fashionable.
I just realized that when I voted, I accidently voted under Eastern Orthodox (I thought It said Eastern Rite) :o
No listing for Byzantine Catholic!?
(and we are growing here in the Forums)

Go with God!
Well, I was baptized Catholic as an infant but was raised with no faith formation… I was Chrismated at the Easter Vigil of 2000 at the age of 33.

I checked other on the poll because I am a Byzantine Catholic.

David, the Byzantine Catholic
David, Keep signing your posts with the phrase
‘the Byzantine Catholic’ I like it! :cool:

Go with God!
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