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but I’m quite the revert.

I didn’t leave from bad catechesis. I left in order to continue to think that my life didn’t matter and that I could sin as much as I wanted because God hated me and didn’t want me at church anyway.

I never left the beliefs of the Catholic faith. I never went searching for another church to join.

I have had a conversion and, though I am not yet quite to the point of feeling God’s love, I at least don’t believe He hates me anymore.
It’s more of a matter of faith that you will experience God’s love, either in the near future or when at the time of death, God will give you the Grace to be ready to see Him.

Just continue to pray and be devoted to His Church and visit Him in Eucharist Adoration. I am sure He will talk to you.
I will be praying for you and a lot of people on his site will do the same, I am sure.

Go with God!

Glory be to Jesus Christ! Glory to Him Forever!
I though it might be interesting to find out what the numbers look like for our religious afiliations. I assume the majority of us are Catholic, but how many are in the process of converting? Feel free to tell us your story…

BTW: you can choose more than 1 if appropriate.
Now,how about the “cradle catholics” like me saying what their
great-grandparents were?
Now,how about the “cradle catholics” like me saying what their
great-grandparents were?
Tracing back to 1700’s on my fathers side - Catholic
Tracing Back to 1600’s Mothers Side - Catholic - 1 Lutheran

My grandfather was a Lutheran. The only Protestant that I know of in the family. We loved him though. No complaints. 😉
Cradle Catholic
Left the Church once I turned 18 because I didn’t understand it. Went to Catholic school, Mass every Sunday, parents both Catholic but was never taught what the Mass means, nor too much else that really mattered. Only learned the “stories” like Noah’s Ark, baby Jesus in the manger…etc.

Once I left the Church…
Never thought much about God except to acknowledge that “something” was out there and never ever prayed. However, I did very much envy those people who had a “faith”, whatever it was. I just knew I had none of it.

Life changing experience…
Saw “The Movie”
Looked for a religion I would be comfortable with because I sure was not going to go back to that backward, old-fashioned Catholic Church that I was forced into as a child.

Read, read, read, internet, google, library, forums, websites, read, read, read,etc etc etc for about 3 weeks, looking for where I belonged. Slept only about 4 hours/night during this time and work outside the home full time but I was desperate to find the answer I needed.

I’m back!!! The Lord has truly blessed me!
My parents, born and raised in Puerto Rico, were both roman catholics along with the rest of their families. Though they never met in PR, they found each other in the state of New Jersey, fell in love, got married and moved to New York City. My mother attended a little Protestant church where she began visiting - thanks to some of her new friends. God worked a great miracle in her heart. She heard the gospel of Jesus Christ and believed in Him alone and was saved completely by God’s grace. My dad didn’t like it one bit. But my mother constantly prayed for him, and my dad came to know Christ and the good news of the gospel soon after.

As a result I was born in a conservative evangelical church. Like many, I just went because my parents did. But as I began to read Scripture, Jesus Christ came into my life and I saw him and experienced joy as never before. Now I live my life to glorify Him and enjoy Him forever! My father’s family are all protestants today - converts from catholicism. The same is true with some on my mother’s side. All to the glory of God! He saved me and my family; undeservingly as we are.
26For consider your calling, brothers: not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth. 27But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; 28God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, 29so that no human being might boast in the presence of God. 30He is the source of your life in Christ Jesus, whom God made our wisdom and our righteousness and sanctification and redemption. 31Therefore, as it is written, “Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.” (1 Corinthians 1:26-31, ESV)
In Christ,
I am a “cradle” Catholic who fell out of the cradle for awhile … fortunately my Father found me and put me back.

Me, too! Isn’t Our Heavenly Father gracious and merciful! I actually never left the Catholic Church, though I thought seriously about it, so I guess I sort of consider myself a “retro-vert!” I very much appreciate the way you worded your response! God bless.
Now,how about the “cradle catholics” like me saying what their
great-grandparents were?
My father’s maternal grandfather and grandmother were Catholic, Italian grandmother, French grandfather

My father’s paternal grandfather and grandmother, not really sure, my paternal grandfather was not Catholic, though all of the children of he and my grandmother were baptized Catholic and received all of the sacraments of Catholic initiation.

My mother’s maternal grandfather, ex-Catholic, however when my grandmother fell out of her high chair and was seriously hurt, my great-grandfather had her baptized and changed her name from Grace Edna to Josephine Mary. Sounds to me as if he still had Catholicism running in his veins.

My mother’s maternal grandmother, I do not know what religion she was, but she was not a nice lady, according to my mother.

My mother’s paternal grandparents, I’m not sure of.

All of my great-grandparents were dead long before I was born. Never knew them at all.

My mother became Catholic when she met my dad. I guess my dad would never have left Catholicism for any woman.
My parents, born and raised in Puerto Rico, were both roman catholics along with the rest of their families. Though they never met in PR, they found each other in the state of New Jersey, fell in love, got married and moved to New York City. My mother attended a little Protestant church where she began visiting - thanks to some of her new friends. God worked a great miracle in her heart. She heard the gospel of Jesus Christ and believed in Him alone and was saved completely by God’s grace. My dad didn’t like it one bit. But my mother constantly prayed for him, and my dad came to know Christ and the good news of the gospel soon after.

As a result I was born in a conservative evangelical church. Like many, I just went because my parents did. But as I began to read Scripture, Jesus Christ came into my life and I saw him and experienced joy as never before. Now I live my life to glorify Him and enjoy Him forever! My father’s family are all protestants today - converts from catholicism. The same is true with some on my mother’s side. All to the glory of God! He saved me and my family; undeservingly as we are.

In Christ,
Hi NL!

Welcome! 🙂
I voted other.

I don’t really consider myself any of the above choices…although I do lean towards a choice or two.

There was no option that exactly fit me, so I selected cradle Catholic and Other. I was born and raised Catholic, left for many years of being a “name only” Catholic, but have returned to the Chruch over the past several years. I guess I’d be considered a returned Catholic, or revert as some has called it.

Have a great day,
I am reformed Calvinist though was raised catholic. When I was a teenager I left the church because it was so archaic. 😉 God mercifully saved my sorry soul in my early 20’s and I didn’t go back to the church because I then saw it as too liberal!!! I have been in evangelical, charismatic, Pentecostal and Lutheran churches. I seem to be slowly going backwards in an effort to find the FIRST and one true church.

Ironically enough, I came here because of the constant Catholic bashing going on around me. Having been raised Catholic I knew some the things they were saying were simply not true, but there were many things I was unsure about so I began looking things up. As providence would have it, I came across Dr. Ray’s show on Relevant Radio one day in the car… I was hooked 😉 He is so practical and helpful… and well… you know, I just left the radio on all day, and here I am.

Not sure where this will lead me as I have many reservations regarding the Catholic Church, but I feel the need to do some research at this point. Since God said He would establish a church and the gates of hell could not prevail, and since I have come to learn doctrine IS VERY important… there HAS to be A true church. I have long ago stopped believing ALL of them are correct.
I selected cradle and convert. My conversion is dull by some standards … I guess I should post it up one of these days. Steve Ray may post an essay about my Easter Vigil one of these days but if he doesn’t, I will post it on my web site and link it to my profile here and on DCF …

I thank God every day for returning me to the fullness of the faith.
I am a cradle Catholic and am thankful to God that I was raised in a solidly Catholic Christian household.

The struggles of faith are fewer and far between for me because of what the Catholic Chuch teaches. I’m not saying I’ve never had struggles with faith, but I’ve always found that the Church is right in its thinking. I’ve explored other religions out of curiosity but I have never had any incentive to leave my faith.

I pray all will come to realize what a treasure we have in the Catholic Church.
Good for you and your family New Life – keep on plugging on the way (Way).

Me, I’m a non-saint cradle catholic, blessed to be married to a cradle catholic who’s a fountain of faith. The more we learn, the stronger our faith, and the more obvious it becomes to us that the Truth is living in the Catholic Church.
Just a former practicing catholic of many years who left because of revelation truth. 😃
Just a former practicing catholic of many years who left because of revelation truth
Meaning what? You left because you didn’t accept the Church’s understanding of revelation? Or you left because of a private revelation?
Cradle Catholic All The Way! Thank God for my mom and Grandfather and great aunt on her side too they are and where fountains of faith and love.

Thank God for all the Eucharistic miracles they are one of the ways that I can remember John 6 is true.

53 Jesus said to them, "Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you. 54 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day. 55 For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. 56 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him.Peace and God Bless!

“Other.” Raised Episcopalian, which isn’t really Protestant, but certainly isn’t Catholic either. Exploring Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox.
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