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Cradle Catholic, fell away for 20+ years. Didn’t know the faith, didn’t understand it. Became a liberal. Went to law school, actually read the Roe v. Wade decision and announced to my conlaw class that the case was utter rubbish. Got hissed for the effort. Realized I was a conservative. Continued on a faithless journey. Then a brother in law came back to the Church, and that got me interested. Then I got into some great theological discussions at work, and a friend gave me Karl Keating’s book (I’m not kidding). I then read Rome Sweet Home and found myself coming back to the Church.
Anyone find it funny that all us re-verts are the most outspoken and inquisitive bunch?
Yet again I find myself thanking God for these forums and the discovery that I am not alone on this earth!!
I can’t believe there are so many of us out there.
Now, why don’t any of you go to my church? I could use the support. 😉
I am curious, however, about how many re-verts think that they fell away from the church due to poor catechesis. And if anyone else attributes that to a phenomenon following Vatican II? Any comments anyone? :ehh:
My faith is Christian. 👍
Okay, list Ric under “Protestant.”
I’m thinking that except for the heroically saintly, if you live long enough, most ‘cradle Catholics’ end up being ‘reverts’ anyway!
I was just thinking that as I was reading all the other responses.
Then I got to yours JimG.

Love Kellie
Anyone find it funny that all us re-verts are the most outspoken and inquisitive bunch?
Yet again I find myself thanking God for these forums and the discovery that I am not alone on this earth!!
I can’t believe there are so many of us out there.
Now, why don’t any of you go to my church? I could use the support. 😉
I am curious, however, about how many re-verts think that they fell away from the church due to poor catechesis. And if anyone else attributes that to a phenomenon following Vatican II? Any comments anyone? :ehh:
I totally agree !!

Mine was definitely due to poor Cathecesis (spelt wrong I think).
I have only just this year started discovering the differences between venial and mortal sins, the true meaning of sacraments, why Catholics are against abortion, and homosexuality etc.

I was raised post Vatican II, and I have posted a thread on how children should be taught at schools already.

I know it is to start at home, but I fell my Catholic Primary Schol should of taught us much more too.

Love Kellie
I picked Cradle Catholic, but I guess I’m technically more of a revert (though kinda in secret). I went through the motions for my family during my early high school years, but I barely even believed in God. Finally He gave me the proverbial kick-in-the-pants that I needed, and I’ve been solid Catholic ever since!
I’m a revert as well. Amazing Grace! " For since in the wisdom of God the world did not come to know God through wisdom, it was the will of God through the foolishness of the proclamation to save those who have faith. " 1 Cor 21.
Just for the record: I’m a ‘cradle’ Byzantine Catholic, who fell away from the church (Revert) and now returned. Some of us can be listed more than once in this poll. :eek: 👍

When there was no Byzantine Catholic School, I had to go to Roman Catholic School and felt I was ot taught well enough. (Besides from what my Pastor tells me," the Roman Catholic priest should have encouraged my mother to keep us in Byzantine Parish").

That along with my liberal development, I became a ‘lost Catholic’. With Grace from God, I returned Roman in 1997, and came home to Byzantine in 2002!

The main things is this: we are ALL Catholic!


Glory be to Jesus Christ! Glory to Him Forever!
After reading all these posts. I’d say I’m a revert–Baptized as a baby, not raised in the Faith, confirmed and first communion at age 28. I agree: Fired up reverts are almost as formidable as converts.
I am a convert, but I really didn’t belong to any church prior to my conversion. I was baptized straight in.

but I’m quite the revert.

I didn’t leave from bad catechesis. I left in order to continue to think that my life didn’t matter and that I could sin as much as I wanted because God hated me and didn’t want me at church anyway.

I never left the beliefs of the Catholic faith. I never went searching for another church to join.

I have had a conversion and, though I am not yet quite to the point of feeling God’s love, I at least don’t believe He hates me anymore.
i put down cradle, but like alot of you i see, i’m kinda a re-vert. i almost left the church for a cute Non-Denomination pastors Daughter. Then i started thinking, and decided to see what exactally i was leaving. When i spun the tables, and tried to convince her to convert, we broke up, and she went to college in Australia.

And i definitally agree with alot of you, young catholics need to be taught what the believe, and why the believe it. most of us aren’t sent out into the world with enough spiritual ammo to fight back against the “fundamentalists” who spend every waking moment trying to attack what we believe.
I submitted cradle, my mother tried to raise me Baptist for the first five years of my life. Once my father got custody I was raised Catholic. I did have a span of fifteen or so years where I did not attend church. Life is much better now that I am closer to God.

Kathy Perry:
Your probably right, maybe we should start a line on that and how we came back.
I’m working on the story of my journey back. I already have it promised to two other groups. As soon as I have it complete (missing the last two sections) I’ll tell you all where to find it.
I’m a non-practicing cradle protestant, but very sympathetic towards the Catholic Church as I attended a Catholic prep school and college and my children are in Catholic parish school.
I am a protestant in the proccess of converting. My story is to long to post here, but as soon as my conversion is final and I have received the sacraments I will be posting it on steve ray’s web site. Lets just say it was the Holy Spirit working BIG time on me. 😃
I choose, convert and protestant.

I voted yesterday, but forgot to explain myself…

I’m a Buddhist (not one of the New Agey types), born and raised, trudging along the path to Rome.

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