For the last time, I am not part of the Libertarian Party. I am not part of any political party. I prefer to think for myself.Please look at your party platform. Pro drug legalization. Pro prostitution legalization. Pro pornography. Pro abortion. They don’t say anything about gluttony though. Or promiscuity. Or the focus on sensual pleasures So I don’t think Libertarians and libertines are the same thing. Both words are derived from “Liber” meaning liberty. The issue is liberty to do what and at what cost to society? If I eat myself into an early grave or enjoy sexual pleasures with a consenting adult I am not harming society. Libertarians however support activities that come with a very high societal cost…something they never seem to address.
Libertarians cannot ignore their party’s outspoken support for what most of us believe is devient behavior. I have a hard time believing that most Americans support legalized drugs, prostitutes, pornography access, and abortion as a “choice.” Most Americans realize that lifting all restrictions on such behavior will come at a very high price to our society.
Now I am in full agreement with the small government approach but the irony is that the ignorance of societal costs of the other half of their platform makes that impossible. I cannot accept Libertarianism as a serious party because it’s so internally inconsistent.