What I can not dismiss here is that these people rioting “for justice,” allegedly, while they are breaking the law itself, destroying private property, and being confrontational, as if that won’t lead to more violence.
The CCC speaks about our rights to have private property, and we should all be clear about loving our neighbors. These riots respect neither. I mean seriously, does anyone here wish rioters to destroy their own property? I don’t, and I protect my property with lead projectiles.
These riots being let to go on and on is ridiculous. I bet the same people would be angry if they called for LE from their house for a home invasion or robbery and 911 told them they’d send officers to observe.
The whole thing is ludicrous from top to bottom.
Then I heard yesterday some ridiclousness about replacing our Constitution with some UN or such type charter. If citizens allow our Constitution to be replaced, I would call it conspiracy to commit treason.
At any rate, I understand many black and other folks are upset about injustices.
I’m not happy about my property taxes, but I am not in front of the county auditor’s building throwing malatov cocktails trying to do anyone harm because I’m not happy.
These people are behaving like children having a baby fit, and they need reigned in just like a child is by their parents, except by LE, or the Guard, whatever LE agency is available to shut them down. When someone’s “free speech” starts violating other citizens rights, like by destroying property, that is where free speech stops.
It’s absurd IMO. I totally think the officers who shot that man in the back were murderous and need sentenced as such. Can’t tell me they had a lethal threat justifying lethal force to someone’s back. However, is turning into a criminal mob how we citizens are to protest? Nope. Contact government reps repeatedly, demand change, vote for those who will bring this under control and return peace into such areas.
BTW, LEO’s are peace keeping officers. In any group of humans, them included, there will be people misbehave (sexual crisis for example), but you don’t defund the police because a very small percentage make errors, are racist, or whatever. You prosecute those guilty of crimes, work to reform, and move on.
I am so disappointed with so many of my countrymen whose rights I became disabled protecting. When I was doing that, we were all green btw. 5 of 8 guys on my team were black, under their uniforms. I didn’t give a hoot about color then, and don’t now. I care about the content of one’s character.