Rioting aftermath in Kenosha

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Oh, corruption happens unfortunately. I don’t know how often, but it happens. NYPD Officer Caught Appearing to Plant Marijuana in a Car — Again

Other issues can arise. Somebody was in your car and left behind something illegal. Or you have a used car with old evidence of something. It’s best to play it safe and say no. Again, that “no” isn’t a guarantor, but it’s what we have as citizens.
On the other hand, an LEO can “probable cause” his way into your car and the search will stand up if he can get the judge to accept that probable cause.
Yes, this is a risk and possibility.
I have heard of police departments who will give a used car car a sniff test, from K9 Nosey, to see if eureka of Mary Jane, before you buy it…

May be a rumor.

As to someone getting in my car and leaving something, sometimes I fear I am too subtle in my posts. As in a pot of roaches under the floor mat.
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Unless you search your own car routinely before you drive it, you may have no idea what is in the car or trunk. So it’s best not to agree to a search, but decline politely.

And don’t carry large sums of cash when traveling. Police can confiscate it on the presumption that it is ill-gotten. And they can keep it. The burden of proof will be on you to prove the innocence of the cash. You will have to file suit to get it back.
This is where the paranoia I mentioned kicks in. My cars are always locked, in the drive way, clearly visible from the house (6 feet, +/-). They are on alarms, at all times. The only folk who get into the cars when I am not around are the dealers that have serviced them, for 15 and 13 years, respectively.

I know the theoretical possibilities. I am inclined to think I would decline a search. But that has issues of its own. I certainly think there are folk who, given their lifestyle, below the radar business dealings, hobbies, or circle of friends/acquaintances, might certainly wish to decline a close look at their inner car.
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Let’s just say Wisconsin is in play as it was in 2016. Trump took WI that year and it’s not hard to imagine he could do it again.
Yes, they violate the teaching of the Church. We are instructed to welcome the stranger. There may be different ways to manage our border to ensure safety but the teaching is clear that welcoming the immigrant is a key factor in Catholic social teaching.
I was a graduate student at a university near a black neighborhood. It was well-known that the id checkers (who were minorities) looked much closer at the ids of the minority students than those of the white students. Race role conditioning.
Has it ever occured to you that, at least in the case of the police, sometimes they have to profile. If you have an area that is only 10% black, yet 95% of the crimes are committed by black people, then black people are more likely to get searched there. The innocent black people who have to endure the searches can blame the criminals for this.

If I as a Polish person was living somewhere where the Polish community made up 10% but committed 95% of the crimes, and because of that, Polish people were being searched more, yes, it would suck, but I would also understand why it is happening. Rather than being annoyed at police, I would be annoyed at fellow Poles for making innocent Poles have to go through this and giving Poles in general a bad name.
I let them search my car and I also let the border control search my car. It doesn’t bother me one way or the other
No way I’d drive my personal vehicle across a border for risk of having left ammunition in it somewhere, even just one round would get me in trouble I think.

As for being pulled over by LE, best to put hands on wheel at 10 & 2 o’clock, dome light on, window down when he’s approaching. If armed, better know if in a “duty to notify” state, and if so, notify the cop you are legally armed. Wait to see what he asks for, tell him where it is, and ask if you can reach for it. This puts LEO mind in mode that one is cooperating and being honest, rather than wondering what you may have hidden in the car.
I’ve been pulled over and warned for multiple traffic issues for which no citation was issued, while armed, and have never had any problems from LE.
Disclaimer: I keep my military ID in an easy to see clear spot of my wallet…that may help, plus I keep my license and carry licenseS readily accessible.
Oh, and be polite, say sir, ask how you can help, etc. Comply, comply, comply, and you’ll avoid problems regardless of race. I’m a middle aged white dude, never had a problem while following these rules.
Has it ever occured to you that, at least in the case of the police, sometimes they have to profile
No, they never have to profile. That is prejudging a person by race. You know, prejudice.

Most crime is committed by males. So should they start being profiled?

How large a percentage of mistakes can our society tolerate? We could imprison all males from 14 to 34 and that would reduce the crime rate by 95%. Or we could imprison minority males. Or we could profile all males. Or we could profile minority males. What level of mistaken profiling in tolerable in a society which trumpets 'Justice for all".
That is prejudging a person by race.
No, that is not what profiling is.

It is based upon a general description. Race, hair color, height, weight, sex, tattoos… anything at all that makes a suspect identified.

Makes me wonder about those that fixate upon race. Is that all they see?
It is based upon a general description. Race, hair color, height, weight, sex, tattoos… anything at all that makes a suspect identified.
You are describing a suspect. Making a person suspect based on appearance is profiling.
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