Rioting aftermath in Kenosha

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Parents of black boys often give them “the talk” about how to go above and beyond to stay out of trouble and avoid being the victim of police violence. But we should all long for the day when such extreme precautions are not necessary.
I was given that talk as well, it works regardless of your skin color.

We will never move beyond the need for people to be respectful rather than combative when they are being detained.
The talk” for black boys is more than just being respectful.
Again, I’m sorry you feel the police of Kenosha are incompetent. Given what happened to Mr. Blake, however, I’m afraid I share your sentiments.
Incompetent? I don’t remember saying that, though it may be the case in this shooting. Again, I’ll wait for the evidence.

Police are simply agents of the government in the jurisdiction in which they serve. The overwhelming majority do a magnificent job.
But they are still subject to the training and culture and commands of the elected officials they work for. When the mayor says stand down, they do. An excellent example is Baltimore after Freddie Grey’s death:
“We also gave those who wish to destroy space to do that as well.”

WATCH: Kenosha County Board holds news conference on Jacob Blake protests​

This is a risk they should have to accept when they take the job.
No, cops do not and should not go into the police accepting it’s a dangerous job, so they should just believe people and hope not to get shot. If anything, cops need to be more cautious than others as they actually go to dangerous places and deal with dangerous people.
A cop killing an innocent man is a thousand times worse than a cop being killed in the course of their work.
I was about to say I am shocked that as a Catholic you could write something like this, but then I realised, you’re not a Catholic, so perhaps you do believe some lives are less important than others.
If you feel the Kenosha PD is being incompetent by not arresting more people at an event that you didn’t even witness, take it up with them.
Didn’t witness in what way? Be there in person you mean? Were you there? Perhaps you’ve seen things I haven’t. Feel free to enlighten.
Please prove me wrong. Sincerely. I’d love to see more responsible journalism.
It’s like you live in an alternate universe or something. You can’t seriously tell me you turn on the TV and see the mainstream media trying to show ‘evil rioters’. They’re doing the exact opposite.
Applying your logic, none of us could reach for our registration at a traffic stop without getting shot.
This is an absurd statement.
Not even our Church would back anyone saying the contrary. Even the minority of Catholics globally who support the death penalty do so only in cases of first degree murder.
I never said it was okay for them to be executed, and none of those men killed were ‘executed’ by the police. I was talking about how the narrative that the police are driving around just looking for innocent black men to hunt down and kill, is nonsense.
Before some here say that the Black Lives Matter folks murdered people in Kenosha:

" Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old [charged with shooting three people — two of them fatally — during a Kenosha protest Tuesday evening, thought of himself as a militia member trying to protect life and property, according to interviews and social media posts.

Video shot in the hours before the shooting shows Rittenhouse hanging out with older armed men, who tell the reporter they’re protecting a car lot. Rittenhouse then introduces himself as Kyle.

He also did a video interview with the Daily Caller in front of a boarded up building.

“People are getting injured and our job is to protect this business,” Rittenhouse says in the clip. “And my job also is to protect people. If someone is hurt, I’m running into harm’s way. That’s why I have my rifle; I’ve gotta protect myself obviously. But I also have my med kit.”

Among the armed men in the streets Tuesday was former Kenosha Ald. Kevin Mathewson, who is active in a group known as the Kenosha Guard. Mathewson posted a video selfie of the scene near the Kenosha government center Tuesday night. He did not return a phone message Wednesday.

Earlier in the day, the Kenosha Guard created a Facebook event called “Armed Citizens to Protect our Lives and Property.” The invite was picked up by the far-right website Infowars.

The Facebook page, which was taken down late Wednesday morning, calls Kenosha Guard a social club. But a post signed “Kenosha Guard Commander,” written to Kenosha Police Chief Miskins, says this:

“As you know I am the commander of the Kenosha Guard, a local militia. We are mobilizing tonight and have about 3,000 RSVP’s. Our effort has made the national media. I ask that you do NOT have your officers tell us to go home under threat of arrest as you have in the past. We are willing to talk to KPD and open a discussion. It is evident, that no matter how many Officers, deputies and other law enforcement officers that are here, you will still be outnumbered.”

Rittenhouse is already being branded a white supremacist and member of a white supremacist militia n social media of course.

I’ve seen some not very good quality video of the incident. It looks like the person/people he shot attacked him so he seemed to be defending himself. Did he have to shoot? I’m no expert. I’m sure some of the media are going to (or already have) put out a narrative that he was just going around and shooting people randomly.
I’ve seen some not very good quality video of the incident. It looks like the person/people he shot attacked him so he seemed to be defending himself.
You are very forgiving of Kyle in how he used his real rifle to kill two people. But 12-year old Tamir Rice was killed by police for having a fake toy gun. It sure seems like the reactions of the police are very different for black kids and white kids.
Who were attacking him and participating and looting and rioting. And one of them appeared to be armed.

Maybe they shouldn’t have chased him.

Kyle is under arrest right now, charged with intentional homicide. It seems the justice system does not agree with you yet.
All NBA platoff games today have been postponed after the Milwaukee Bucks initiated a strike to protest the shooting of Jacob Blake and other Black victims of the police.
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A 17 year old came from out of state, armed with a rifle? If he were with BLM conservatives would say he was looking for trouble.
Who wouldn’t want it to end? I just don’t want to see blood running in the streets and further polarization of the issues.

Actions can always make the situation worse.
Many lives have been ended in the fight for justice.
Honestly the kid has sacrificed his life for very little, even if you try to wrap it up as “justice.” He’s going to prison for most of his life to impress fashy nerds on 4chan, basically.
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Maybe. He hasn’t been to trial yet.
Even if he only spends a relatively shorter period in prison he will have a conviction that will haunt him for the rest of his life. Personally I would have waited until I was in my 40s or so to see if my life was any good and then pulled a stunt like this.

At least this proves that people on both sides are travelling to these places to behave violently.
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Facebook takes down ‘call to arms’ event after two shot dead in Kenosha​

‘Any patriots willing to take up arms and defend our city tonight from the evil thugs?’ asked the Facebook group​

The killing of two protestors in Kenosha, Wisconsin on Tuesday night may have emerged in response to a Facebook event posted by a self-described militia, which referred to the event as a “call to arms.”

The event was also promoted by Infowars, which posted a screenshot of the Facebook event listing. The listing is no longer publicly accessible but, reached on Facebook, the Kenosha Guard account confirmed to The Verge that the screenshots were authentic. The group’s Facebook page has also been taken down, but it boasted more than 3,000 members as of this morning.

Reached for comment, Facebook said the company’s investigation had produced no direct links between the shooting and the Kenosha Guard accounts. “We’ve designated this shooting as a mass murder and have removed the shooter’s accounts from Facebook and Instagram,” a Facebook representative said. “At this time, we have not found evidence on Facebook that suggests the shooter followed the Kenosha Guard Page or that he was invited on the Event Page they organized. However, the Kenosha Guard Page and their Event Page violated our new policy addressing militia organizations and have been removed on that basis.”

Specifically, Facebook said the Kenosha Guard page had been removed for violating the platform’s Dangerous Individuals and Organizations policy, which was expanded to include militia groups earlier this month.

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

In a post Tuesday afternoon, the Kenosha Guard Facebook group encouraged an armed response to the ongoing unrest. “Any patriots willing to take up arms and defend our city tonight from the evil thugs?” the post reads. “No doubt they are currently planning on the next part of the city to burn tonight.”

At 11:45PM Tuesday night, two people were killed after a confrontation between protestors and men armed with long rifles, with a third sustaining injuries. Video of the shooting appears to show an armed militia member firing at protestors. The local sheriff’s office is still investigating the shooting, and the perpetrator has yet to be identified.

In a statement Wednesday morning, the Kenosha Guard Facebook group said it was unsure whether one of its members had fired on protestors but did not disavow the shooting or its perpetrator. “We are unaware if the armed citizen was answering the Kenosha Guard Militia’s call to arms,” the statement reads. “Just like with the shooting of Jacob Blake, we need all the facts and evidence to come out before we make a judgement. God Bless and stay safe Kenosha!”

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