Theosis is the acquisition of God by the person -
Baptism is the rebirth of the person in God…
So that the hypostasis, the sub-stance, that IS the person has been reborn with God as a part of the person who then acquires God… The acquisition of God is Theosis… The rebirth of the Person INTO God is by Baptism into Christ…
This is simply, I should think, outside the phronema of the western confessions totally…
For instance: The Blessed Virgin upon conceiving Christ in Her womb went straight to the house of Elizabeth 6 months pregnant, and the Holy Spirit came upon Elizabeth filling her, remember? And she said:
Luk 1:44-45
For, lo, as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in mine ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy.
And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord.
Elizabeth’s words were entered into the Gospel because they came from God, because she was filled with God the Holy Spirit. This is Theosis - Being filled with the Holy Spirit - Her words were not her own - They were the Holy Spirit speaking through her…
Similarly when John wrote the Apocalypsis, he wrote that he was “in the Spirit” on a Sunday… This is the same, except that John and Elizabeth differ, because Elizabeth was never Baptized into Christ, but John was… OT Salvation and NT Salvation differ greatly, but not experientially, in their Saints…