Let’s look briefly at Adam’s motive…
In order to justify Adam…
Because Adam did not simply decide one day to disobey God…
And THAT would be purely evil…
The deception of Adam by evil powers is a case-study in sin…
Adam wanted to be like his Heavenly Father…
That is the basis of him disobeying his Father…
And the basis for the deception by the serpent…
And the serpent approached him indirectly…
Through the Bone of his bones…
Through the Flesh of his flesh…
Through the one he named Woman…
And the promise was to become like God…
Knowing Good AND evil…
And to become like God…
He turned from God…
The result was catastrophic…
Naked and ashamed they hid from God…
And confronted he blamed the Woman…
Sound familiar?
So that disobedience was a consequence… His turning from God began first with hearing the Woman, then eating the forbidden fruit… It did not start with the pure evil of disobedience… But it got to there…
I always wondered in John 1:1 the term “ein pros” - Translated almost always as “was with” - Which is literally “was toward”… “The Word was with God…” A good scholar tried “was facing”, on the theory that prosopos is the Greek term for face… What it means, if simply read literally, is “was toward God…” Which means “never away from God”…
And Christ’s walk was totally and exclusively in obedience to His Father… Some monks live that way, once they connect with God - They ONLY do what is commanded, and NEVER do what is not… And this, of course, means getting an obedience from the Abbot for doing anything in the course of discipleship, but means a lot more when the obedience to the Abbot is canceled by death and the connection with God is established directly… For THAT is what Christ did… And we are to follow Christ… At least insofar as we are able…
So the point here is that Good is always the justification of evil… Purely embracing evil qua evil is not how man is corrupted into sin… It MAY become a much later development… But the beginning of sin is deception through the Good… Evil loves to hide…
This is why I push back against your idea that the disobedience of Adam was a purely [you said inherently] evil act… It had inherently evil consequences, but itself was induced through deception seeking Good…
Yes, the choice was moral, but deception uses what is morally good to motivate what is a hidden evil… Turning your back on God causes death, for by doing so, you cut yourself off from the Source of Life, and without that connection, one’s life is lost… The very same day, just as God had warned Adam…
We have to learn what Adam didn’t yet know in Eden-
that the act was evil,
and opened the door to all the other moral evils,
i.e. sin,
Well, it was a death act, as God had warned Adam…
And we in Adam are now born into that death…
And it is upon that death into which we are born…
That all have sinned…
Sins have an amazing persistence!
So have we justified Adam’s Sin?
Does deception mitigate it?
Somewhat perhaps?
Or not at all?