Satanism in usa?

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Hellish cults, drugs, and crime: the satanism of the young reaps its victims in Italy. Its organizations and subcultures. The pope’s exorcisms, and the opinion of a famous exorcist, Fr. Gabriele Amorth.

Interesting recent article about satanism in Italy.,2393,42168,00.html

Could this be happening here too?😦
Interesting article. I’ve known of this for sometime but not any victims. Italy has been some sort of breeding ground for these satanists. I also have a feeling that they’ve reached France. Then again it could be just me.
My husband’s friend’s mother ( :confused: got that?) was a school counselor. Apparently she heard more than once confessions from students about how their parents were satanists, involved in ritual and things.
She really didn’t say more than that, just enough to impress that evil was real and was out there…
Of course there’s satanism in the USA, just like there is satanism in Canada and England…

Satanism is now a valid religion, whether it’s right or not, that’s not the point. if you read up on it (my fiancee hates it when i do, he thinks the devil will try to steal my soul), it’s nothing but rituals. Catholics have rituals. I’m not condoning it by the way. IT’s just that most satanists are good people, I have a good friend who is one, he wouldn’t harm a thing. There are the select few that take what they believe, twist it, and turn it into a reason to kill, rape, sacrifices animals, whatever. It give the rest a bad name. BTW, i am christian, I just feel that people are open to whatever religion they want, it’s a choice, and God gave us free-will to choose.
BTW, i am christian, I just feel that people are open to whatever religion they want, it’s a choice, and God gave us free-will to choose.
True, but he wants us to choose TRUTH. Your comment sounds like moral relativism to me… 😦 I hope you can have some influence over your friend to show him the TRUTH and the love and graces that Jesus wants to give him.
BTW - maybe you should read Fr. Amorth, Satanism isn’t at all benign…your friend (and you since you are his friend) is in real trouble whether you all know it or not! :eek:

Here’s a site for your information:
I read the article and still don’t understand. How am I in trouble because i have a friend who is a satanist? I’ve talked to him about God and Jesus, but he has no interest. That doesn’t mean I can’t be friends with him. He’s explained his beliefs to me, why he has chosen to think that way. I don’t agree, i think it’s wrong, but that doesn’t mean i can’t be friends with him. Jesus taught to love thy neighboor no matter what.
I read the article and still don’t understand. How am I in trouble because i have a friend who is a satanist? I’ve talked to him about God and Jesus, but he has no interest. That doesn’t mean I can’t be friends with him. He’s explained his beliefs to me, why he has chosen to think that way. I don’t agree, i think it’s wrong, but that doesn’t mean i can’t be friends with him. Jesus taught to love thy neighboor no matter what.
Satanism is the worship of the evil one, Satan. Satan loves to ruin souls, and your friend’s soul is definately at risk of being lost forever.
The evil they proclaim has a way of attaching themselves not only to those directly participating in the worship, but to all that may be in contact with the individual(s).
Your friend may not be “heavily” involved, and may indeed have a good heart, but what about the people HE hangs around with?

(As I type now my computer is starting to act up, freezing and such. I’m convinced that something is trying to not allow me to post)

I would say not to be this person’s friend, but that’s just my advice. Jesus does not say love thy neighbor “no matter what”. Love means telling people the TRUTH. Tolerance is not truth, it is a lie. If we tolerate sin then we are an accomplice to that sin. Love rejoices in truth and righteousness 1Cor:13. Letting a loved one place their soul in eternal damnation for the sake of tolerance is not love.

Now I know there is not much you can do for a friend, it is different than say a brother, sister, etc. You’ve mentioned you’ve brought up Jesus and that’s commendable. I just say not to be their friend b/c their activities could mean trouble for you through some sort of transference.

Maybe see if Fr Amorth’s book can be found in the library and if your friend will read it. Or point him to the website.

Anyway, God bless and be sure to stay strong in the sacraments if youdecide to keep in touch with this person. Also, he needs your prayers!!! 👍
At the present time I’m reading a book called The Catholic Warrior and it deals with spiritual warfare. The authors name is Robert Abel who is a Catholic himself and he takes you through a spiritual battle field that we are fighting everyday of our lifes. It’s really some scary stuff but true. You can attain this book at . He is on target regarding this subject but in chapter nine his thinking turns to a Pentecostal-like take on the saints especially on St. Jude that I totally disgree with. Spirit Daily also degrees with chapter nine but other than that it is a good read. As Catholics we need to know how to put on the full armor of God and fight a good fight.

As a recent high school grad going on to college, I can tell you all that a lot of it the growth of satanism is being spread via the campuses via music. There is a ton of death-cult music that they listen to, people like Rob Zombie, etc. But perhaps the worst example of this all is they actually think that some of the music is Christian! It worps their mind. I had a lenghty debate with a fellow student about System of a Down and why they aren’t Christian, but rather anti-Christian/Catholic. I hope that gives some insight…
I listen to all that music, there is nothign wrong with it. System of a down is very political and environmentally concerned. I don’t think they even go near religion in any of there songs and i have all their albums. sure they may swear a bit but they certainly aren’t satanic. Music is music, and I like it all. Sure, amybe some of the artists display anti-catholic sentiments ie. Marilyn manson, but you have to analyze what they are saying and realize where they are coming from. Just because they are against catholicism doesn’t mean that if you listen to it, you will be. The music isn’t the problem, it’s the people who can’t make their own decisions.
I listen to all that music, there is nothign wrong with it. System of a down is very political and environmentally concerned. I don’t think they even go near religion in any of there songs and i have all their albums. sure they may swear a bit but they certainly aren’t satanic. Music is music, and I like it all. Sure, amybe some of the artists display anti-catholic sentiments ie. Marilyn manson, but you have to analyze what they are saying and realize where they are coming from. Just because they are against catholicism doesn’t mean that if you listen to it, you will be. The music isn’t the problem, it’s the people who can’t make their own decisions.
Oh raphaela!! :gopray: God be with you!! :rolleyes:

I used to think a bit like you but thank God I was delivered from that namby-pamby moral relativism that is DESTROYING our youth and our country!!!

If you LOVE Christ, why oh why would you want to listen to something, ANYTHING that puts Him down? Not only puts Him down (Oh, after all He’s DONE for you!!) but puts you down as well? If you profess to be a Christian, what do you think the person who wrote the song that puts down Christianity thinks of you? That you, that we as Christians are empty-headed morons that can’t think for ourselves. It’s only the opposite of course but they don’t have the intellectual capacity to see how they’ve been manipulated.

As I’m afraid you are being manipulated, raphaela. Please take what I’m saying not as a judgement b/c it’s not. I’m truly wishing for you to take your relationship with Jesus, your God, seriously. There is a reason St. Paul tells us to think upon things that are good and holy. Be wise in our choice of music, friends, to guard our senses. To hang out with satanists, listen to music that is anti-Christian, watch unholy films, etc. is playing in Satan’s playground and regardless of how you think you WILL get burned! Being manipulated by , “oh, it’s not that bad”, or “he’s a satanist but really a good person”, “or everyone else is doing it”, well that’s the manipulation of the ages, and evil LOVES it when you fall for it!!!

Please at least think about it. :twocents:
I’ve listened to a few System of a Down songs (mostly the ones they play over the radio or @ sporting events) and they are far from being remotly good. Take their song “Chop Suey.” Look at the lyrics, they make reference’s to Christ’s Passion. but in a blasphamous way. They call his Passion "A self rightous suicide."They also state “Why’d you leave the keys up on the table? Here you go create another fable.” Yep, they call Christ’s life a fable, nothing Satanic about that.

There are also more examples, but you be the judge. Chop Suey lyrics click here.
Constant exposure to stimuli, whether from music, television, games, and whatnot have a certain way of de-sensitizing a person. At first, you may seem revolted, but over time, it becomes normal and acceptable. 😦
Music is a creation it doesn’t matter what the person is saying ( i usually listen for the music, rather than the lyrics anyway). I have a strong will, but I’m also open. I don’t let anythign change my mind unless it’s worth it, for instance, i baecame a christian. What someone else writes in thier songs is not going to effect my belief/love for christ, my moral judgement and my way of life. For that I am thankful because due to my personality, i can listen to any type of music with an intent to listen, not to judge. I’m not worried if Satan is trying to get me, cause if he is, it’s not working. I’m a musician, I have been since I was 6. Besides Jesus, it;s my passion, my hobby. Just because someone writes a song that is un-christian, doesn’t mean it’s not a good song.

P.S. I did listen to the lyrics from chop suey and yes, I can see the biblical referneces. Can you tell how much i actaully listen to the lyrics. I like the music more. I’ve listened to that song thousands of times and it was only for the music.
Music is a creation it doesn’t matter what the person is saying ( i usually listen for the music, rather than the lyrics anyway).

As you may have guessed, I totally disagree. 😉 When you say things, do your words not really matter? Do you say things that may or may not be true just for the sake of having words come out of your mouth? If this were true (like those opposed to things GOOD want you to believe) why believe in ANYTHING? Since you are a Christian, please take into account what Jesus said, Let your YES mean YES and your NO mean NO, anything else is from the evil one. Jesus, knowing everything, says that words matter!

I have a strong will, but I’m also open. I don’t let anythign change my mind unless it’s worth it, for instance,

i baecame a christian. - I’m so glad that you made that choice!! 👍

What someone else writes in thier songs is not going to effect my belief/love for christ, my moral judgement and my way of life. For that I am thankful because due to my personality, i can listen to any type of music with an intent to listen, not to judge. I’m not worried if Satan is trying to get me, cause if he is, it’s not working.

Please do not underestimate him - he’s smarter than any one of us, please believe that. I don’t know if you know his background (I wouldn’t dwell on it he’s not worth it) but he was an archangel, very powerful. Still is - the good thing is that just like anyone of us he’s still subject to Our Lord.

I’m a musician, I have been since I was 6. Besides Jesus, it;s my passion, my hobby. Just because someone writes a song that is un-christian, doesn’t mean it’s not a good song.

How is that possible? If that’s true then what is GOOD, what is BAD? Can you see what I’m saying (even if you disagree?) you are leaning towards everything being relative, that it’s only what you think it is, which takes away ANY meaning in ANYTHING. That is so opposed to what Jesus taught. Jesus is GOODNESS, not that he’s a good guy or does good things, he actually is the embodiment of GOOD. Everything good - that is Jesus. He exists as good, know what I’m saying? Since that is true, can something opposed to His beliefs be Good? One thing cannot actually be two things. It cannot be GOOD, be Jesus Himself, and then not be Him, not be what He is - that’s illogical, it just can’t exist that way. I hope I’m making sense b/c this is soooo important and I wish more young people especially understood. BTW - I’m young myself (29) That’s still young right? :eek:

P.S. I did listen to the lyrics from chop suey and yes, I can see the biblical referneces. Can you tell how much i actaully listen to the lyrics. I like the music more. I’ve listened to that song thousands of times and it was only for the music.

At some point in our lives, if we are honest and serious about our love for Our Lord, we have to make difficult choices about the lives we live. That may mean making a conscious decision to not listen to music that is un-Christian. Oh to say that Christ’s sacrifice was self-righteous, that is BLASPHEMY and may God be gentle with this soul when his time comes!!!

I enjoy your posts, I hope you don’t think I’m always coming down on you, I just worry!! 🙂 I’m glad you are here searching for truth and I hope I’m doing a little bit, like all of us, to give you something to think about and that you’ll keep searching here on these boards…
Take Care!!!
Sorry, but outright admitting to worshipping the Devil, does NOT call for loving ones neighbor…to the point of being friends. The most love they are currently worthy of is you telling them that they are choosing an outright rejction of God and must trun around from that position ASAP… and then LEAVE. Pray for them of course…but outright worshipping the devil does not fall into the category of hanging out with those who are atheists, agnostics, muslims, protestants, etc… they have knowingly rejected God and chose his aper… their hearts are BLACK. no matter if they give ya the line…we dont slaughter babies or anything…its not THAT kind of Satanism…blah,blah, blah… FLEE them, lest you pick up a spirit of OPPRESSION just by hanging around.
At first I thought you were trying to do the Fundy thing and tell us Catholics that we are not just Mary worshipers, we are satanists.😉

Yep, Satan is alive and well. I taught my five year old son the Hail Mary and the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel. We wear medals on our jacket zippers, backpack zipper, and my purse that are two sided St.Michael and Guardian Angel medals.

Of course being the over-zelous convert that I am, I put scapular medals, Marian medals and some saint medals on other tabs and zips.😃

I figure that any reminder to pray to vanquish satan is worthwhile.

Pax et bonum,
I have a friend in the seminary who used to be in all that loose non-offical occultish stuff before he was scared out of it. He told me it is a very innocent looking at first, but it grabs hold of you quickly. I’ve studied a ton of this stuff, because I also see it on the rise. My idea is that it is because of the ‘spirtual vaccuum’ that has been created within the last 60 years or so. The need for God is inscribed in the human heart, and we see the youth striving for something to beleive in after the last few generations tried to get rid of it. With former Catholics I think it’s especially with the way that the Mass has been altered and the new modern church designs. (I don’t mean the Tridentine, I mean that the Novus Ordo isn’t allways properly done) The Mass properly celebrated in a proper church can lift the soul to new heights…That’s my idea to help fix the situation.

Satan, the Father of Lies will always present himself as something good, harmless, something that “isn’t that bad”, something that’s beautiful. But Lucifer was cast out of heaven. (Isn’t it obvious that evil and the all-holy God cannot be in the same place at the same time?)

In 1Peter:5, we are told, “He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters.”

And Jesus said,“Stay sober and alert. Your opponent the devil is a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, solid in your faith.”
(Matthew 12:30).

Jesus came to save the lost…that means to free us sinners from the hold that Satan has over our lives. Satan is a fallen angel and has an angelic mind far superior to our own. He is evil personified. Evil is his reason for living. Everything that has to do with him is evil. He wants to win the whole world to himself. How can anyone justify giving Satan the glory that should belong to our all holy, all merciful, all wise Lord? A “good” Satanist is an oxymoron – a contradiction of terms.

Those who are tricked into believing the lies about Satanism should be running for their lives, straight for Jesus and away from Satan. Satan is a destroyer of souls. And he is patient…he’s the lion lying in wait for the prey. The fact that you haven’t been devoured totally is his way of giving you a false sense of security. It WILL HAPPEN.

The most amazing thing about Jesus is that He doesn’t force us to love him. He leaves it up to our choice. His mercy endures forever. All glory be to you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
I read the article and still don’t understand. How am I in trouble because i have a friend who is a satanist? I’ve talked to him about God and Jesus, but he has no interest. That doesn’t mean I can’t be friends with him. He’s explained his beliefs to me, why he has chosen to think that way. I don’t agree, i think it’s wrong, but that doesn’t mean i can’t be friends with him. Jesus taught to love thy neighboor no matter what.

Please Raphaela, rethink your stand. The devil kills with kindness then comes for the kill when you are vulnerable. Whether this friend is a true Satanist is neither here nor there. As in any spirituality, there are levels. You have your cafeteria Catholics at one end and your fundamentalists at the other…this exists for Satanists also. You play with fire (being in his company) and you get burnt. Big time. I have been involved in an exorcism (presided by two priests with authority from the bishop) and it is not a pretty sight. It lasted for five years and it was only by the grace of God that we all survived such a long time span. But grace abounds where evil exists. Please be open to think this over…your soul may be at stake. Maybe if you really wanted to know how the Devil works, watch the movie ‘The Devil’s Advocate’. It is one movie that comes so close on how the devil works in real life. And when you realize you are not in a good situation, well, it might be too late. Do not put yourself in such an occasion of evil. Your friend could the nicest person you will ever meet, but this ‘niceness’ is only a ploy. You are banking on human feelings and not banking that your faith may be at jeopardy.

Satanism does exist loud and clear even in a small city like mine. I worked for 5 years in the cafetreia of our local high school (Catholic nonetheless) and many and I repeat many would come to talk to me about dabbling in satanic rituals just for fun. Why they approached me and not the chaplain is beyond me to understand. And it was through these students that I found about a satanic worship place not far from my place. I went to go and visit the place (with the protection of St. Michael) and there was an altar with dark brown-black liquid over it. I threw holy medals of St Michael blessed by a priest around the perameter of the said house. My city is only about 35,000 people. In a bigger city near here, there a much bigger Satanic coven.

And it is true that our clerics do not take the devil too seriously. At the detriment of many souls.You even mention the devil to them and they smirk. I can’t even count the number of times I reported satanic worship in the school to my pastor and he scoffed at me…only until a student’s mother approached him because she found a satanic bible in her home. After that, the priest believed me. I also wrote to the Board of Education and the Bishop about such evil activities in a Catholic school. I was ignored. The school had a psycic come in to teach the students in one of their ‘religion’ class. These young people do not have their faith rooted in Christ and this psychic would sway them unbelievingly. I saw students walk around with pentograms and upside-down crosses. This was so alarming.

Again I beg you and plead with you, to let go of this ‘friend’. The popular saying is ‘Don’t judge a book by its cover applies here’.

Jesus never asked us to love someone at the detriment of your soul. You could love at a distance and definitely pray for his soul. The love you are describing is sentimentalism…love is a choice. As Our Lady of Faima implied, you must choose…Jesus or the devil. I believe you would choose Jesus but that can change, because you may become ‘infected’ (sounds like a virus, doesn’t it?) and you would have to be quite a mature Catholic-Christian to not be poisoned by this relationship. And this poison may not be discernable at this point.

Please bring this issue to God first of all and seek His will in this situation and consulting with a priest would be a very good idea. The site mentioned on one of the posts [St. Michael’s] is an excellent source of information and the site is loyal to the Magisterium, which is very important at his point. E-mail Brother, he is an experienced person on this sort of thing.
Good luck and many blessings,
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