Music is a creation it doesn’t matter what the person is saying ( i usually listen for the music, rather than the lyrics anyway).
As you may have guessed, I totally disagree.

When you say things, do your words not really matter? Do you say things that may or may not be true just for the sake of having words come out of your mouth? If this were true (like those opposed to things GOOD want you to believe) why believe in ANYTHING? Since you are a Christian, please take into account what Jesus said, Let your YES mean YES and your NO mean NO, anything else is from the evil one. Jesus, knowing everything, says that words matter!
I have a strong will, but I’m also open. I don’t let anythign change my mind unless it’s worth it, for instance,
i baecame a christian. - I’m so glad that you made that choice!!
What someone else writes in thier songs is not going to effect my belief/love for christ, my moral judgement and my way of life. For that I am thankful because due to my personality, i can listen to any type of music with an intent to listen, not to judge. I’m not worried if Satan is trying to get me, cause if he is, it’s not working.
Please do not underestimate him - he’s smarter than any one of us, please believe that. I don’t know if you know his background (I wouldn’t dwell on it he’s not worth it) but he was an archangel, very powerful. Still is - the good thing is that just like anyone of us he’s still subject to Our Lord.
I’m a musician, I have been since I was 6. Besides Jesus, it;s my passion, my hobby. Just because someone writes a song that is un-christian, doesn’t mean it’s not a good song.
How is that possible? If that’s true then what is GOOD, what is BAD? Can you see what I’m saying (even if you disagree?) you are leaning towards everything being relative, that it’s only what you think it is, which takes away ANY meaning in ANYTHING. That is so opposed to what Jesus taught. Jesus is GOODNESS, not that he’s a good guy or does good things, he actually is the embodiment of GOOD. Everything good - that is Jesus. He exists as good, know what I’m saying? Since that is true, can something opposed to His beliefs be Good? One thing cannot actually be two things. It cannot be GOOD, be Jesus Himself, and then not be Him, not be what He is - that’s illogical, it just can’t exist that way. I hope I’m making sense b/c this is soooo important and I wish more young people especially understood. BTW - I’m young myself (29) That’s still young right?
P.S. I did listen to the lyrics from chop suey and yes, I can see the biblical referneces. Can you tell how much i actaully listen to the lyrics. I like the music more. I’ve listened to that song thousands of times and it was only for the music.
At some point in our lives, if we are honest and serious about our love for Our Lord, we have to make difficult choices about the lives we live. That may mean making a conscious decision to not listen to music that is un-Christian. Oh to say that Christ’s sacrifice was self-righteous, that is BLASPHEMY and may God be gentle with this soul when his time comes!!!
I enjoy your posts, I hope you don’t think I’m always coming down on you, I just worry!!

I’m glad you are here searching for truth and I hope I’m doing a little bit, like all of us, to give you something to think about and that you’ll keep searching here on these boards…
Take Care!!!