Satanism in usa?

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Misericordie, your very welcome!!

Everyone else…it must just be me, but i just can’t understand how beign friends with someone of differing beliefs can be bad. I understand that what they worship is bad, but when, in everyday conversation, their religious beliefs never come up, what’s the harm? I can’t see not talking to my friends because of what they believe. I’ve grown up with them, and even though i haven’t spoken to them in a while, due to long distance college student cost, and living anywhere from 2 to 5 hours apart, but these people are my best friends and I can’t just disown them because i chose to be a chirstian and they chose to be wiccan/atheist/satanist…though the majority of them are atheist, i’m making my case with wicca and satanism. And if people want to be my friend or if they need me, I’m not gonna turn them away because of their beliefs. I understand that Jesus wants us to judge whats good and whats evil but can someone who is misguided in their beliefs, who is a great caring person, and would never hurt a fly, be evil? I can’t see it. I know I may sound niave and hey, I probably am being niave, i don’t know, but I can’t see me denying friendship because of beliefs. I understand also that you are all concerned for my spiritual safety and I thank you but to be honest, i think my own skeptism for any belief/religion is more threatening to my sprituality than any satanist/wiccan could be.
Well, I know I’ve said all I can about it - you obviously know my opinion! 😉
You obviously are a kind and generous person who doesn’t want to hurt your friends’ feelings, and that’s to be commended, you are a good friend.
I’ll still say a few things though 😛 , you should look out for your own soul and protect the precious gift God has given you. Be aware that your association with these people will most likely have negative effects on you and that’s a choice you will have made, you will be putting God’s wishes that you protect your senses (along with the many other things He warns us about and wishes for us) second behind your own desires.
I know that sounds harsh, but that is ultimately what you are doing. No one can serve two masters. You either have to surrender to His will or not. I wish you luck! Please keep posting!! 😉
Thank you Jennifer, I am aware of your opinion and it means a lot that you will give it to me, but I am trying to grasp on to somethign that might help me understand this.

So if i know that being friends with these people, could possibly harm my soul if I let it, I would not be doing it blindly. Besides, my parents have a more harmful effect on my soul than my friends do, so should I stop associating with my parents?
I am trying to grasp on to somethign that might help me understand this.

So if i know that being friends with these people, could possibly harm my soul if I let it, I would not be doing it blindly. Besides, my parents have a more harmful effect on my soul than my friends do, so should I stop associating with my parents?
Yes, I understand. And I know about what you mean with the parents thing, but it’s a different relationship. You can pick and choose your friends, but not your parents. The Lord commands us to respect and obey our parents, so no, I don’t think you should stop associating with your parents.
But respect and obey doesn’t mean you have to do things or believe things they may tell you that disregards our Lord’s teachings. It means that you stay respectful of them, wish the best for them, pray for them, etc. But you are stuck with them :rolleyes: in a way that you aren’t with your friends.

Just my :twocents:…

Have you contacted Brother on Saint-Mike’s yet??? I hope you will share all of this with him along with your ghost experiences…just checking. I need not repeat my twocents, otherwise I am afraid you might go crazy with my posts: :banghead: .

Have a great fourth of july! And everyone else on this forum!:dancing:
First off most of you dont even know what Satanism is. Satanism is NOT the worship of Satan!! Satanists in fact dont even believe in a literal Satan. Satanists do however pride themselves in doing whatever feels good, its basically heathenism , seeing themselves as there own God and living for there flesh. Satanists are basically no different then alot of so called Christians in this country .

Devil Worshipers are the one’ s I’d be nervous about , these are the creeps who do all kinds of sick **** for Lucifer . Who really knows how large this group is or what sort of organization they have but there is some wack Jobs out there that actual worship the Devil.
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