Satanism in usa?

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Also, someone said something about young, impressionable, niave…why is it that only young people, or people younger than yourself, (this wasn’t shoshanna, who said this btw it was someone else) deemed niave and impressionable??? You can be 90 years old and still be those things. Just because you think you are wise doesn’t mean that you can’t be fooled, so please don’t judge the young people.
raphaela, without a doubt. My apologies, I painted with too broad of a brush. Wisdom tends to come with age, though it doesn’t always. I should have made it more clear that all those traits are not exclusively linked. For example, I was concerned about the impact of some questionable music on people who are vulnerable to it’s influences and I meant those types of people can be young OR impressionable OR niave. Not young AND impressionable AND niave. You can definitely be old and impressionable, or old and niave.

I wasn’t judging young people. It’s an understood reality that people mature as they get older and are more ready to handle things as they get older (that’s why we don’t let kids see objectionable material). I guess I was just thinking about how when I was 18, I thought that age 18 was when I knew everything and was ready for everything (hey, I was an adult, right???). Now that I’m 31, I can see how little I knew at 18 and when I was in college. When I’m 40, I’ll probably feel that way about what I think I know today 😉

I hope that you check out the band that I mentioned above! Good luck with your musical re-evaluation. I did the same thing when I became Cahtolic and I have gotten rid of some.
I think what is most lacking in the Christian community is an awareness of the spiritual damage that is caused by compromise. If anyone doesn’t realize the battle we’re in, let him turn to Scripture:

Ephesians 6:12
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”
Absolutely, thanks for the scripture! The world we live in today forces compromise all the time, and it’s quite a struggle to free oneself from the moral relativism that rules today. 😦
as for everyone else, i’m trying, i really am. I’m going through all my cD’s later today to listen to the content and if I see something thta is in any reference blasphemous, it’s gone. I’m doing this with open eyes. But I’m not going to throw out every CD i own just because it’s secular. Secular music is not evil.
Thank you all for your concern.
That’s great news, and you seriously won’t regret it. As St. Paul (I believe :rolleyes: ) said, I have become a new creation in Christ.
I can’t say I threw EVERYTHING out either, I do listen to secular music, read secualr items, etc. but just with a heightened “radar” for things evil, blasphemous or just plain bad (morally, etc.).

I mean, why listen to anything that puts my Savior down? Or see/read anything I know would scandalize Him? It’s just not worth it - you know? 👍

In fact, the other night I was watching something on Sundance when I had to leave for a while to attend to my son. I came out of his bedroom and my husband (who isn’t Catholic) asked me why I was watching that program. I had mentioned that I barely turned it on, it seemed entertaining…He said, “Oh you wouldn’t have liked it at all” and seemed surprised I had even turned it on. I guess it was some filthy comic. Anyways, I realized at that time how far I’ve come, that others are noticing a change. Praise be to God! I’ve never been happier! 😃
as long as we keep aborting people and practicing all sorts of immoralities, we will see more and more satanic cults.
I’m sorry I must have misunderstood, but what does abortion and immoralities have to do with more satanic cults??? Please elaborate…
What i don’t understand is why you quoted me on all those things after your post? That is me, and your point was?? Please explain because i didn’t see the neccesity of it.
Hi Raphaela,
Those quotes were just to point out the discrepancies in all of your statements in different sites. But I got thinking about it, and maybe you were just thinking out loud and your emotions were roller-coasting at the same time. So I will let go of all of this and, in that light, I understand. I should’ve thought of the fact that people do think aloud. Considering your age, it is understood. I must admit that even, considering your age, you are inter-relating with this ‘old foggie’!:eek: ), is a BIG BONUS. God bless you. Please accept my apologies…

Thank you all for your concern.
Please be aware that I am concerned. I realize maybe you do not understand Satanism at any level. I wouldn’t recommend studying it as there would be no point and even dangerous but if you can read Dr Amorth’s books and be aware of the different situations that can get one into trouble, It would be from a Catholic perspective so the theology would be right on. I think it possibly would be of great benefit to you. A lot of times when you play with fire, you get burnt. And you being so young and searching, sometimes we open ourselves to too much. That was one of my downfalls…:bigyikes:

I’m sorry I must have misunderstood, but what does abortion and immoralities have to do with more satanic cults??? Please elaborate…
One goes with the other, Rapahaela. The source of any action like abortion is evil, whether the person is aware of it or not. The person herself may not be evil, but the action is evil. You see, you (I don’t mean you personally, just a generic term) open yourself to a whole world of ungodly action and reaction. There is no vacuum in the spirit world. Abortion cannot come from God, then, it would come from the devil. We justify and psychologize the circumstances, but in the end the action is evil. Sodomy is evil, another immoral act. Cannot come from God right? Adultery, fornication, etc, etc. and the list goes on. By the way, all these acs are performed in satanic cults…Big Time! But I do not want to dwell on that…
Anyway, I think I am clear. Please be aware that I pray for you and I am sure there are many who do on this site.

Blessings and love,
I just have a question: today as I rode the subway, I saw a beutiful young woman who caught my eye. She had a tank top on, and when I looked at her arm, she had the satanic star as a tatoo on it, I think it is called a pentegram? Anyway, I have a gold crucifix ring, and she looked at my finger/hand and saw it. She did not look my way AGAIN during the whole subway(train) ride, and she was turning in her seat as if uncomfortable. She was dressed pretty sexy (showing much cleavage), and was very, very attractive, BUT, what may this all mean, really? Has anyone had similar experiences? By the way, my ring crucifix has been blessed by three priests, on three different times, with Holy Water.
I can explain. In most cases, the pentagram that you saw was probably a wiccan/pagan symbol, not satanic. satanic pentagrams often have a goat’s head in the shape of the star. Also, the satanic “star” is usually upside down, whereas the wiccan is right-side up. Chances are she’s not into any of the evil satanic cult stuff, just wicca or paganism. The reason she wouldn’t look at you after noticing the crucifix…many wiccans/pagans stay away from christians, even dislike them because they are generally afraid of persecution by christians. Wiccans/pagans have a pantheistic or polytheistic religion in that they either worship nature, more than one God/Goddess, or both. Wiccans/pagans generally avoid christians just as christians generally avoid wiccan/pagans because each religion feels the other is wrong.

You bought the lie. There is no such thing as “good magic” and worshipping creations of nature is not offering True honor to Jesus Christ.

“St. Michael protect us”

You bought the lie. There is no such thing as “good magic”.

Catechism #2117 states "All practices of magic, or sorcery, by which one attempts to tame occult powers, so as to place them at one’s service and have a supernatural power over others-even if this were for the sake of restoring health-are gravely contary to the virtue of religion".

I have come across the symbol in the martial arts and it is used as a roadmap to destroy the human body or heal the body (cycle of creation or destruction). WARNING do not play around with this stuff! It can hurt you spiritualy and physically. Its called the law of the five elements and it is also used in accupucture, (shiatsu) accupressure, pressure point fighting and other things.

Off the topic of discussion but this link may be helpful:

IMO I would avoid pagans and wiccas and pray for their conversion.
Unbelievably, satanism has even been recognized as a legitimate religion by the US armed services. To paraphrase Dostoyevsky, when you substitute the devil for God, all things are permissible. It could be argued that an atheist is in essence a satanist *de facto *if not *de iure, *since the atheist is in step with the devil’s program.

I never said i dabbled in wicca (once when i was 12, 8 years ago) nor did I say that there was any good magik, as a matter of fact, I never mentioned magic. I was just explaining the difference between wicca and satanism in a religious point of view.

This is a sincere question and I hope not to offend anyone but why is it so wrong to be friends with someone of a different religion? Why is it wrong to have associations with these people? I understand that if you have a weak mind and are easily convinced why hanging aound a satanist could possibly pose a problem. But other than that, they are people too. Not all satanist or wiccans/pagans perform sacrifices, orgies etc like how you imagine it to be. Now, I’m not defending their religion nor condemnign it because that isn’t my place, that Jesus’ place. These people are the nicest people I know, why? Because they don’t judge other people for their beliefs, they don’t condemn other people. Some may avoid most christians because christianity to them makes no sense, but talk to them and they will talk to you, be a friend to them and they will be a friend to you. Im very confident about my religion/spirituality, they understand this. As well as i understand them. People (icluding christians, satanist, wiccans etc.) avoiding other people strictly because of their religious affiliations cause prejudice and sterotype, the exact thing that cause hate and bigotry in this world. You can’t call your self a good person and avoid other people just because you don’t like a certain belief. That is almost like avoid a black person because thier skin is black, or avoiding a woman because she is a woman. We no longer do those things but avoiding people, even judging people because of their religion or sexual preference is acceptable. I don’t understand.:confused:
Metallica’s front man James Hetfield, for example, recently got sober, got married and converted to Catholicism (hence the new album is St. Anger),
wow, I didn’t know that! I’m a big Metallica fan. But I never heard anything like that. Where did you hear about it? I read that his parents were Christian Scientists. What a big jump!

Anyway, Metallica rocks! 😃
No wonder so many of Metallica’s so-called true fans hate St. Anger! Probably because he converted!🙂
I haven’t heard the rest of the album, but I really didn’t like the song St. Anger, mainly because if it wasn’t for James Hetfield’s voice, the song would’ve sounded like System of a Down, almost identical to System actually.
I’ve always wondered if their song “Harvester of Sorrow” was about abortion. Sounds like the “harvester of sorrow” is the abortionist.

I don’t know. just guessing.

You bought the lie. There is no such thing as “good magic”.
HEAR! HEAR! Great point. Thats how they suck you in. ‘It’s not bad’ or ‘that bad’ etc.

This is a sincere question and I hope not to offend anyone but why is it so wrong to be friends with someone of a different religion?

I know I’ve addressed this before, but it’s important that you try to understand our POV since you asked the question. It may not be what you want to hear, but that doesn’t make what we say any less relevant or truthful…
It’s not so much wrong to be friends with people of other religions. I think most of us do have friends outside the Catholic faith - I even have family outside the faith. It’s the nature of the friends you are referring to in this post. From your posts, I am led to believe that even though good people, they range in belief from wiccans/pagans to satanists. I’m sorry, but these are people IMHO that are to be avoided b/c you are inviting evil into your life by contact through them. They may not fully participate in the practice of evil, but the nature of their worship, the people they hang out with, IS evil. You are ASKING FOR TROUBLE.

Why is it wrong to have associations with these people? I understand that if you have a weak mind and are easily convinced why hanging aound a satanist could possibly pose a problem. But other than that, they are people too.

I’ll tell you this, the greatest victory Satan ever scored for himself is fooling more than half the world that he and his minions don’t exist. And he is fooling you too since you apparently are afraid to make judgement and believe in the nature of evil.

You can’t call your self a good person and avoid other people just because you don’t like a certain belief.

This is different than racism, you have to believe that. Satanism and evil crosses all boundaries, all races. Again, as said in other posts, Jesus did not want us to not judge. How else are we to know good from evil? Judgements have to be made. It was the unjust judgements he was warning about.
Raphela, thank you, you seem to be the only one who at least attempted to answer my question (regarding the young woman on the train). I do say, she was very beutiful.
Now, I know you have a great heart and that’s why you want to like and be friends with everyone. However, by association with people who are wiccans, satanists, etc, some entity that may be attached to them may somehow influence thsoe who associate with them; it can rub off on one who associates with one. Plus, avoiding bad company is in scripture, and has always been the teachings of the church.
However, if I find a beutiful, good hearted wiccan I will date her. JUST KIDDING EVERYBODY: LOL, LOL.
Anyway, blessing.
Saint Micheal the Archangel defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil, may God rebuke him we humbly pray, and do thou o prince of the heavenly host, by the Divine power of God cast into hell satan, and all the evil spirits who wonder throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls,
Misericordie, your very welcome!!

Everyone else…it must just be me, but i just can’t understand how beign friends with someone of differing beliefs can be bad. I understand that what they worship is bad, but when, in everyday conversation, their religious beliefs never come up, what’s the harm? I can’t see not talking to my friends because of what they believe. I’ve grown up with them, and even though i haven’t spoken to them in a while, due to long distance college student cost, and living anywhere from 2 to 5 hours apart, but these people are my best friends and I can’t just disown them because i chose to be a chirstian and they chose to be wiccan/atheist/satanist…though the majority of them are atheist, i’m making my case with wicca and satanism. And if people want to be my friend or if they need me, I’m not gonna turn them away because of their beliefs. I understand that Jesus wants us to judge whats good and whats evil but can someone who is misguided in their beliefs, who is a great caring person, and would never hurt a fly, be evil? I can’t see it. I know I may sound niave and hey, I probably am being niave, i don’t know, but I can’t see me denying friendship because of beliefs. I understand also that you are all concerned for my spiritual safety and I thank you but to be honest, i think my own skeptism for any belief/religion is more threatening to my sprituality than any satanist/wiccan could be.
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