
raphaela, without a doubt. My apologies, I painted with too broad of a brush. Wisdom tends to come with age, though it doesn’t always. I should have made it more clear that all those traits are not exclusively linked. For example, I was concerned about the impact of some questionable music on people who are vulnerable to it’s influences and I meant those types of people can be young OR impressionable OR niave. Not young AND impressionable AND niave. You can definitely be old and impressionable, or old and niave.Also, someone said something about young, impressionable, niave…why is it that only young people, or people younger than yourself, (this wasn’t shoshanna, who said this btw it was someone else) deemed niave and impressionable??? You can be 90 years old and still be those things. Just because you think you are wise doesn’t mean that you can’t be fooled, so please don’t judge the young people.
I wasn’t judging young people. It’s an understood reality that people mature as they get older and are more ready to handle things as they get older (that’s why we don’t let kids see objectionable material). I guess I was just thinking about how when I was 18, I thought that age 18 was when I knew everything and was ready for everything (hey, I was an adult, right???). Now that I’m 31, I can see how little I knew at 18 and when I was in college. When I’m 40, I’ll probably feel that way about what I think I know today

I hope that you check out the band that I mentioned above! Good luck with your musical re-evaluation. I did the same thing when I became Cahtolic and I have gotten rid of some.