Satanism in usa?

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My stance on music is scriptural :

Philippians 4:8
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

If it is not lifting my spirit up, then I avoid it.

God Bless:)
Would it freak you out too much if I told you a true story… about a teen I knew once who told me that she drank real human blood from chalices at the Satanic Masses that she went to sometimes.
Music is a creation it doesn’t matter what the person is saying ( i usually listen for the music, rather than the lyrics anyway). I have a strong will, but I’m also open. I don’t let anythign change my mind unless it’s worth it, for instance, i baecame a christian. What someone else writes in thier songs is not going to effect my belief/love for christ, my moral judgement and my way of life. For that I am thankful because due to my personality, i can listen to any type of music with an intent to listen, not to judge. I’m not worried if Satan is trying to get me, cause if he is, it’s not working. I’m a musician, I have been since I was 6. Besides Jesus, it;s my passion, my hobby. Just because someone writes a song that is un-christian, doesn’t mean it’s not a good song.

P.S. I did listen to the lyrics from chop suey and yes, I can see the biblical referneces. Can you tell how much i actaully listen to the lyrics. I like the music more. I’ve listened to that song thousands of times and it was only for the music.
See how blind you can be, my friend? Your message here just drips with self-pride.

Pride is a sign of danger. Please pay attention… you’re on the edge and you don’t yet see it.
What seems like a long, long time ago I once had a job at a private, non-profit, very large mental health agency treating minors with SED (Seriously Emotionally Dysfunctional) conditions.

Most of the kids lived in cottages on our grounds. As normal and smart or un-smart as any other kid. Went to school on our grounds. Their family lived elsewhere in town. But the kids all had one thing in common - they’d been assessed as being SED.

We had a cottage of only middle-teen girls (tends to be mainly girls, I’m told) who were “cutters.” These are people who when they feel like their life is out of control that they take a knife… ANYthing sharp… and run it down their skin – usually somewhere that is covered by street clothing – in a sad effort to get it under control.

By the way, I met an adult woman a few years ago who trusted me enough to disclose to me that she was a “cutter.” One day, she phoned me after she’d done it and I rushed over to bandage her up and be with her through her emotional pain. This stuff IS real… and you’ll never know it unless someone tells you about it.

Please understand me… I’m NOT saying that people who self-injure are under demonic possssion, or anything like that at all!!

For some reason I felt a nudge to post that self-injury/cutting information here. If you who are reading this right now need to relate to others or get help around it, PLEASE visit:

The reasons a kid could be SED would be that they were a victim of some kind of abuse or suffered from other conditions that led to SED. Most likely, though… it was sexual abuse (sometimes from a family member)… or verbal abuse… or being locked in a closet… or any of a number of things that imbalanced adults do to kids.

We gave them therapy 24/7 in the sense that it included that they had milieu activity therapists (B.A’s in Psych) who did shifts in the cottages so that there was always an MAT at the cottage (which housed between 4 and 8 kids at a time) to deal with issues that came up AND to give environmental therapy, too.

We’d train MAT’s on how to put together activities such that a group of kids playing basketball were all playing basketball for a purpose that would help that kid choose to avoid acting out behavior that had been the trigger to get him there, in the first place. These kids were so SED that they each were one step away from either Juvie (lock them up until they turn 18 as a result from malperforming in the world ) or the state’s mental hospital (which was NOT the preferred solution because these kids just plain were NOT mentally imbalanced – they were emotionally dysfunctional).

Getting to the point… among the things that I did there was to make sure that the videocamera, videotape, and sound system in one therapy room reliably transmitted sound and visual to the neighboring room in which a Master therapist was stationed with a headset/mike around her head. The Master therapist was in the side room (which had a one-way mirror between the side room and the therapy room) in order to give live coaching instructions to a MSW in training giving therapy to a family in the therapy room for how to address topics/conditions that occurred during therapy for one or more people in the family who were receiving therapy together.

There was also a lead from those paired rooms downstairs to a huge living room that sometimes seated 100 therapists, watching the live therapy going on that was simultaneously showing on the TV monitor in that living room.

The family’s adults all signed permission for this therapy to be recorded so that other MSW’s in training could view the therapy at another time. The parents signed for the kid’s permission, too.

Where am I going with this? I’m going here →

It was not unknown that in a group/family therapy session like this that a kid would go into a corner in the therapy room (of course, it HAD to be the corner where the sound quality was least likely to transmit through the system!! :mad: ) and disclose, in a halting, low-volune voice about things that had been done to him, over and over, that he didn’t want to have done to him.

It broke my heart even especially when what the kid wound up disclosing WAS Satanic cult abuse. It’s freaky stuff.

What we were able to tape could and HAD to be used in a court of law when the law required that.

And the law DOES require that Satanic cult abuse be disclosed to the courts.

Gotta give credit to the therapists, though… they’ve been trained and have seen this disclosure before. It’s NEVER easy to get out of a cult… much less a Satanic one.
veronica anne -
See how blind you can be, my friend? Your message here just drips with self-pride.
Pride is a sign of danger. Please pay attention… you’re on the edge and you don’t yet see it.
I’m not proud, I never have been. My music is the only thing I have right now. It’s helped me through so much. I know a lot of you would say, well it’s the devil. But i believe that it’s God. This is not to say that there are no bands out there that are satanic, trust me I know, I’ve heard them and they are, and there are many. I don’t listen to them. But is some music that just isn’t harmful or less harmful, and I listen for the experience. I need proof that this music is wrong because I can’t see it. If that is prideful and sinful, well then show me the way ( i don’t mean to saound rude), because I don’t want to be sinful, I i believe there is no harm in the music that i listen to. I honestly think there is less harm in the heavier bands and more harm in people like britney spears and christina aguilera because they teach very young children sexual perversity. They show false body images, which leads to depressions and disorders in young girls not to mention early sexual activity is ok. In heavier music, they sing about injustices, the pain of the world, such as addiction, suicide, rape etc. all the bad things, but they don’t sing it in a pro-pain way. Sure in some songs they may say somethign about how they don’t believe in God but that is there belief that they are expressing, not mine. And a lot of the bands I listen to have christian members.
I woudl much rather listen to music that shows the bad in the world in an educated way, than music that promote sexual promiscuity in 8 years olds. I would rather watch a band all dressed in black singing about there disapproval in God than an artist dressed in a peice of plastic strategically placed and showing kids how to give oral sex on stage. i don’t think this is prideful to say but i make informed choices, I analyze the characters of the artist i am listening to and judge accordingly.
Dear Raphaela,

Your position sounds SO familiar. I was heavily into early satanic bands (ELP, King Crimson, Genesis) in the 70’s. I too told myself I was only into the music (I also am a musician) but the messages still got through. And I KNEW they were getting through. In truth, (with my eyes now opened by the Holy Spirit), I know I was angry at God (what a blasphemous fool!). I grew to love the anger in this music and even to love EVIL itself. I was on the path to damnation. It was only by the grace of God that I was saved and my eyes opened when I was baptised in the Holy Spirit. Today’s music is so much more blatant; just further proof of Satan’s increasing grip on the world. Please repent and avoid satanic forces. As you already recognize, they are nearly everywhere and “He that endures until the end will be saved”. It is a great struggle but God loves you infinitely.
Veronica Anne:
Would it freak you out too much if I told you a true story… about a teen I knew once who told me that she drank real human blood from chalices at the Satanic Masses that she went to sometimes.
I would be highly suspicious of your friend’s story… this sounds like the “ritual satanic abuse” that people were claiming a lot in the '80s and '90s… upon further investigation many of those stories were fraudulent - sometimes false “memories” that arise during psychological therapy.

Not to say there isn’t satan worship… but rather than a well-organized elaborate “Satanic Mass” with a formal ritual you are probably more likely to find a couple of stoned teenagers skinning a cat and listening to heavy metal music in the woods at night.
I’m sorry but Emerson, Lake and Palmer, Genesis, and king crimson are not satanic bands. I have all those CD’s and honestly, i can’t see how it can be. Why is is that secular music HAS to be satanic. Just because it doesn’t say “praise the Lord” in it, doesn’t mean it’s satanic. It doesn’t matter what an artist writes on paper or in a song or even in a picture, their words may be menat for God. Even if it doesn’t mention God specifically. On many accounts I’ve written songs almost as a prayer to God, though any one else reading it could think it meant something entirely different. i did this purposely so that my prayers were private but my art was not. You seem to be dismissing everything that is secular based soley on the fact that it isn’t blatantly christian. I’m sorry if i sound rude but i don’t see your argument. Though I understand that many bands have satanic qualities, or are in fact, satanic, the majority are just secular.

Check out the lyrics for these ELP songs, all of which have occult/satanic imagery. They were not secular, they were real. But they were mild compared to today’s music.

Abaddon’s Bolero (okay, no lyrics but do you know who Abaddon is?)
Living Sin
The Only Way
Hallowed Be thy Name
Bitches Crystal
Karn Evil 9 First Impression
I’m sorry but Emerson, Lake and Palmer, Genesis, and king crimson are not satanic bands. I have all those CD’s and honestly, i can’t see how it can be.

While on the topic of music, I recommend listening to the lyrics and music of Donna Cori Gibson. She is a Catholic artist with a voice that will truly move and inspire you. Her songs are very beautiful and uplifting – a real antidote to today’s mainstream brand of music. Her lyrics come straight from Scripture and are also based on Catholic prayers and the lives of the saints. I can assure you that you will not be disappointed!

God bless and be careful! May Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary guide and protect you.
Here are some links The second link doesn’t have a Papal stamp but it is interesting, so read it with and check with your preist if you have questions.

I can tell you for sure that we are in a spiritual war. I
was invovled with the martial arts studying a style called KOSHO RYU KEMPO. The instructor actually encouraged us to practice our religion while he “influenced our thought process”. One of his students actually taught a short seminar on how the religion of KOSHO is the same as Catholicism???
It sounded innocent at first but I slowly drifted away from the Church. After quitting the martial arts, new age, and eastern religious philosophy (SEI KOSHO SHOREI KI TEMPLE OF PEACE). I talked to two preist it became apparent that the philosophy I was studying was NOT compatiable with Catholicism. It appeared to be “good”. Based on what I discussed with my priest, I can only conclude that it was a “pagan religion” masked as a martial art.
Ok, so i read in my reputation thing ( i just stumbled on it, and don’t even know what it is) that some thinks I’m clueless, kinda hurt, oh well. so here’s my thing. If anyone has suggestions about music that is chrisian/catholic whatever, and is good HARD rock, and i don’t mean sissy stuff, please post it. I’ll give it a try, but it has to be hard rock, pleeeeeeaase, I don’t want to sin or let the devil in, but I need my hard rock. THANKS so much!!
Hi Raphaela,

I replied to you in another thread - I pray that things are going well for you.

Christian Rock: If Third Day, Jars of Clay, aren’t “hard-rock” enough, check out Supertones or Earthsuit. I bought a compilation CD that had them on it, so I’ve only heard one song from each of those, so I’m not sure about their music, but you could check them out.


Have any of you heard of Savior machine, sanctum, Eva O, Dies Domini or Jagged Doctrine. I foudn these on a christian goth site but the samples they give won’t run on any of my media players, if you’ve heard them, give me a review!! Thanks!!
No, I haven’t heard any of those. There’s a poster here “SevenSorrows”, who appears to have a group by the same name. I haven’t listened to any of his/her songs, but he/she might have some musical listening advice for you. I think there’s a way to send private messages, if you want to get in touch with him/her.

I think we make a serious error when we only see the hand of Lucifer at work in the obvious ways. That’s a diversion. Not to say he doesn’t have some hand in the obvious things but it’s not his main thrust.

The church of satan for example, as started by Anton LeVay, just seems too obvious to me. If you scan through his satanic bible it is little more than secular humanism and hedonism - two things which today are glorified in our culture and our media. So while we are all worried about the few thousand members of the ‘church of satan’ that openly proclaim themselves, the same ideas are being force fed to us every day in the media and our education system.

Remember Satan is the father of *lies, *he doesn’t come at us head on. He would prefer to twist what is good and get his way by deception, cunning and guile.

I’ve listened to heavy metal/thrash metal music all my life, still do. 99% of it is all show. Perhaps one of the most ‘satanic’ groups is Slayer. Their image is just a show, ditto Rob Zombie.

Thrash metal tends to be political or mystical very often. I believe it is a mirror of the evil in society.

Metallica’s front man James Hetfield, for example, recently got sober, got married and converted to Catholicism (hence the new album is St. Anger),

So you think we make a serious error when we only see the hand of Satan at work in the obvious ways? Such as demonic possession? Do you not believe in it? I think one of Satan’s biggest lies is that “it’s all for show”. When you say this, what you’re really saying is that it’s okay to blaspheme and curse the Holy Trinity (in whole or individually) but “Hey, we didn’t really mean any of it. It’s just part of our show!”. Metallica is relatively mild compared to Slayer but either way, I think many immortal souls have been pointed in the wrong direction if you catch my drift. From Scripture, we know the Lord is greatly offended by blasphemy, whether it’s done in fun (!) or not. Perhaps you feel differently. Maybe he’s just a partyin’ kinda Lord who can get into the show and not be bothered by the message?

So you think we make a serious error when we only see the hand of Satan at work in the obvious ways? Such as demonic possession? Do you not believe in it? I think one of Satan’s biggest lies is that “it’s all for show”. When you say this, what you’re really saying is that it’s okay to blaspheme and curse the Holy Trinity (in whole or individually) but “Hey, we didn’t really mean any of it. It’s just part of our show!”. Metallica is relatively mild compared to Slayer but either way, I think many immortal souls have been pointed in the wrong direction if you catch my drift. From Scripture, we know the Lord is greatly offended by blasphemy, whether it’s done in fun (!) or not. Perhaps you feel differently. Maybe he’s just a partyin’ kinda Lord who can get into the show and not be bothered by the message?
I’ve not seen credible evidence of demonic possession no, I’m not closed to the idea tho.
There’s alot less blasphemy in the thrash I listen to than I think is commonly assumed. People see the pentagram and the hair and the spikes and make assumptions about the content. I cannot sit here and think of any song I would consider blasphemous. I can think of songs about war, street gangs, communist oppression, serial killers, nuclear apocolypse and a few that would be best classified as dark fantasy. That would be the Slayer album “Season in the Abyss” I’m thinking of.
Perhaps you can give me what your ideas are of blasphamy.
Different bands have different themes, Slayer covers a wide range of topics. Metallica’s latest album has several pieces on the song writer’s (James Hetfield) struggle with alcoholism - Frantic, St. Anger and others… Thrash metal tend to be very blunt and is unafraid to discuss topics other genres won’t touch.It also tends to be musically sophisticated, it’s been aptly described as classical music with electric guitars.
I would be much more worried about a Poison or LA Guns album with song after song glorifying promiscuity and perversion than an album that looked at politics and human cruelty in a frank manner.
What I mean about ‘obvious ways’ is the kind of cartoonish evil people seem to get whipped into a frenzy over - I give Satan credit for being brighter than that in his schemes. While were trying to ban Ozzy Osbourne our children are being forcefed secular humanism and paganism in our schools under the guise of education, for instance. Kids know Rob Zombie is a performer, that’s its a show - but do they recognize evils of idolatry and materialism in the sitcoms they watch?
Catechsim #2501 states:

*Created “in the image of God”; man also expresses the truth of his relationship with God the Creator by the beauty of his artistic works… *

It is my understanding that the only purpose of music and art is to give glory to God.

I don’t think most heavy metal bands ARE NOT doing this. That includes J LO, Brittany, Madonna and Rappers. Putting on a show to make money and corrupt the morals of youth is not offering True honor to God.

Why listen to music that tears down your soul??

By the way I used to be a Ronnie James Dio and Ozzy fan before my conversion within a conversion. If you stick with the teachings of the Church you will see the Truth about music and art.

So you think we make a serious error when we only see the hand of Satan at work in the obvious ways? Such as demonic possession? Do you not believe in it? I think one of Satan’s biggest lies is that “it’s all for show”. When you say this, what you’re really saying is that it’s okay to blaspheme and curse the Holy Trinity (in whole or individually) but “Hey, we didn’t really mean any of it. It’s just part of our show!”. Metallica is relatively mild compared to Slayer but either way, I think many immortal souls have been pointed in the wrong direction if you catch my drift. From Scripture, we know the Lord is greatly offended by blasphemy, whether it’s done in fun (!) or not. Perhaps you feel differently. Maybe he’s just a partyin’ kinda Lord who can get into the show and not be bothered by the message?

If you already haven’t, please read the previous posts. I think the truth about the master of lies involves both viewpoints. His work involves both the seen and unseen, and he is smarter than you or me, so please don’t be so prideful as to think you have him all figured out. Rob Zombie may just be a performer, but kids, without much discernment about these things, BELIEVE his schtick (sp?) about being a satanist. If they are a fan of his, they may take up what they think is his worldview, which includes all the window dressing of satanism, but to them it won’t be “just for show”, it will be real. Don’t you think that’s part of the plan of satan, using the likes of Rob Zombie, Marilyn Manson, etc. these clowns, to fool undiscerning children into the depths of evil?

Here is an essay I thought was interesting about saanism and heavy metal music…

Satanism, as practiced by death metal and black metal bands, does not involve an inversion but a surpassing of moral norms and social custom. To understand this, one must first understand the nihilism of metal bands: they do not believe there is “good” or “evil,” but see events as disconnected from any form of absolute other than their inherent function - that is to say, metal bands believe that events do not have a face value and instead view existence with a scientific eye that traces a complexity of causes, reactions, and similarities but does not attempt to ascribe any of it to absolute forces except logical tendencies.

Where Satanism exists for metal bands it functions as metaphor in following the footsteps of the Master: in each mythology where he touches, the Satan-figure is the youthful and ambiguous rebel who rejects what has come before in favor of his own path, and despite his consequent exile from society, finds truth in what he has created and found. The cry from Milton of Satan’s independence - “I will not serve!” - echoes in a genre that insists on finding out its own answers, and creating its own paths, on an individual basis.
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