Savannah Guthrie calls out Trump: "You're the president — you're not like someone's crazy uncle"

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Attempts at a reasonable compromise failed when it wasn’t good enough for the insurance company to handle contraceptive services.
Blaming the Little Sisters of the Poor and other Catholic charities for the aggression against conscience of the Obama administration that just couldn’t stand not making the Little Sisters and others complicit with abortion. Awful. And Biden promises to resurrect that odious regulation.
How does it affect all of society?
By making the whole society complicit. You pay your taxes don’t you?
Perhaps you should consider the fullness of Catholic social teaching because this statement does not
I certainly have. It just hasn’t been brought into this discussion yet.
you fall back to a singular focus on a particular and single issue that support your political views.
Abortion is not a “political view” It’s a moral evil.But if the U.S. bishops have said it’s the “preeminent issue” in this election, why should I think it isn’t?
so I don’t think anyone in Europe is catching the US
Obviously you didn’t read my citations. Europe’s new case rate is much greater than ours. I know you want to blame Trump for Covid, but you just can’t extend that condemnation to Europe, as much as you might want to.
Most people recognize he simply doesn’t have the skill set to deal with a crisis of this magnitude. You can’t bluster your way out of a pandemic.
Apparently the Europeans’ skill set is even worse, because their new case rate is considerably higher than ours.
You are a one issue voter. That’s fine. I’m not and I don’t think that’s “absurd.”
So what are the issues facing us as a society that you’re willing to accept the brutal slaughter of the unborn to address?
You are a one issue voter. That’s fine. I’m not and I don’t think that’s “absurd.”
So what are the issues facing us as a society that you’re willing to accept the brutal slaughter of the unborn to address?
Is there any possibility that you might choose not to vote for Trump? If not, it doesn’t make sense to answer your question. I’m not trying to be flip — just real.
It’s interesting to me how many Catholic organizations could accept this compromise, but one couldn’t.
The reason why there was one Appellant in the Pennsylvania case is because they were the only ones sued by the government. They were the one defendant, but became Appellant on appeal. By no means does that signify that every other charity backed abortion.
And how exactly does Biden officiating a marriage between two men make the whole society complicit and what does paying taxes have to do with that?
I didn’t say it did. But one is forced to be complicit when the government financially supports abortion.
How many blacks has he killed or otherwise harmed. He improved the employment rate of minorities to its highest level ever. Some racist.
225000 dead Americans from COVID
For which he is no more responsible than he is for the higher number of deaths/million in Spain, Belgium and eight additional countries.
a President threatening criminal prosecution of his political enemies,
How many has he prosecuted? The only “political enemies” prosecuted have been Republicans.
a president that encourages violence against the governor of Michigan at his rallies right after the FBI foiled an attempt to kidnap and murder her, …
He didn’t do that, of course.
Europe has more than twice the population than the US
While I realize Democrats want to blame Trump for everything, you’re just wrong.

Western Europe has surpassed the US in new daily infections, re-emerging as a global hotspot after bringing the pandemic under control earlier in the summer. The 27 countries in the European Union plus the UK, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein recorded 27,233 new cases on Wednesday, compared with 26,015 for the US.

Western Europe with a population of about 194 million has a considerably lower population than the U.S. at 330 million, and therefore a much higher Covid incidence than the U.S.

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Ah, I see. So there were other charities that didn’t agree to the compromise where the insurance companies would provide the contraceptive services that the charities didn’t want to pay for? I didn’t know that because you keep mentioning this one charity over and over again.
The Little Sisters were the test case that went farthest, but there were plenty of other charities that would have been affected and didn’t plan to comply. I read some of their statements myself. For example:

Then there was the USCCB itself, many writers and even some of the secular publications.

The Little Sisters were not the only litigants.

Not all litigants were Catholic.

Ultimately, the Trump administration undid the mandate.

Biden intends to reinstate the mandate.

Nothing could be more clear.
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As i said before, when it comes to innocent human life, Trump is more “Catholic” than Biden.
Ah, I see. So Little Sisters is more the test case. That makes more sense now.
By the government, as I understand it. There were, however, other cases that were filed by charities and more were planned.
So, if Biden wins, it will end up back in court again.
I would not doubt that.
Well, I feel pretty good about the Sisters winning in this court, so we’re covered either way.
Not at all. The Supreme Court did not fully resolve the Little Sisters’ case. It was sent back to the Circuit Court. Trump made it moot, as I understand it, by withdrawing the mandate. Unless Biden simply doesn’t know what he’s talking about (and even if he doesn’t, his advisors surely do) he intends to pursue it further which, I assume, will be in the Circuit Court again.

There’s nothing to “feel good about” in the future when it comes to this issue, if Biden wins. The mandate itself evidences a resolute purpose to force Catholic (and some other) organizations to be complicit in violation of the teachings of the Church. It’s the same animus that inspired the “Hosana Tabor” case; a government purpose to force religious organizations to adopt secularist principles or be punished for failure to do it.

We already know imposing his will on the Little Sisters and others is Biden’s plan. He has said it himself. Nor, I’m sure, will it end with abortifacients.
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Yes, I guess I’m not really sweating this one, even though some want to play it up like the worst thing ever. It seems like a tradeoff in rights that the courts will decide if necessary, but I really don’t see how the insurance companies paying for contraceptive prescriptions isn’t a reasonable compromise.
The whole argument with the Sister of Poor is pure craziness.

Take BCBS of any state for example.

Sisters of Poor have plan Q which does not have birth control or abortion provided in it’s policy.

Everybody else has plans A thru O which does provide birth control or abortion in it’s policy.

The money that the Sisters of the Poor pay does not go into some special BCBS account. It goes into the same bank as plans A thru O.

End game, Sisters of the Poor are still paying for someone to have birth control or an abortion.

Now BCBS has several accounts within the bank, but how the money gets distributed into the different accounts may be different. It may happen as soon as the check is processed and gets disbursed according to percentage by predetermined needs. Or it could be a batch process that happens after hours after he was processed into the main account.
The Little Sisters (and those in a similar situation) had to approve insurer provision of abortifacients even though the insurers were to pay for it. You know that.

People should be concerned about this because it was deliberately designed to force religious organizations to act against conscience and their own religion’s teaching. No, Obama didn’t force them to sacrifice children to Moloch, but he certainly didn’t have to enact the mandate. It wasn’t in the law itself.

Biden was fine with it, as many Democrats are.
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Actually, I would suggest that it cost more to provide health insurance to women in their 20s and 30s if you don’t have contraceptive coverage because the medical cost of births is really high.
You’re assuming that every conception is an accident. Plenty of women who use birth control also have babies. It is insulting to women to say that there would be more pregnancies if they weren’t chemically controlling themselves.
Actually, I would suggest that it cost more to provide health insurance to women in their 20s and 30s if you don’t have contraceptive coverage because the medical cost of births is really high. The insurance companies should charge the Little Sisters the adjusted costs.
Why not just jail the Little Sisters out of hand for following that or any other Church teaching the pagan party doesn’t like? Maybe it will come to that after a few years of Harris administration.
Why not just jail the Little Sisters out of hand for following that or any other Church teaching the pagan party doesn’t like?
That is the preferred method of Trump supporters, not the opposition. And Trump just smiles approvingly…
Let’s just put the comments together…
Actually, I would suggest that it cost more to provide health insurance to women in their 20s and 30s if you don’t have contraceptive coverage because the medical cost of births is really high.
You’re assuming that every conception is an accident. Plenty of women who use birth control also have babies. It is insulting to women to say that there would be more pregnancies if they weren’t chemically controlling themselves.
No, it is factually true as evidenced by countries where birth control is unreliable.
So every child is conceived as an accident?
No, but I didn’t say that, did I?
I kind of think you did.
That is the preferred method of Trump supporters, not the opposition. And Trump just smiles approvingly…
As soon as Trump threatens to jail or fine the Little Sisters, let us know.
As soon as Trump forcefully and loudly disapproves the chants of his loyal followers “Lock them UP”, let us know.
There’s a lot of difference between jailing crooks and jailing religious sisters. But perhaps to Democrats the sisters are the more disliked.
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