Savannah Guthrie calls out Trump: "You're the president — you're not like someone's crazy uncle"

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But I do find it interesting that Trump’s supporters continue to make claims of economic benefit when we can plainly see how a failed federal government response to a pandemic tanks the economy…
Not just that. The tax related regulations gave a short term boost… but they are disastruous on the long run. But hey, it is only our children’s and grandchildren’s life we ruin for the temporary relief.
They have probably put their fingers in their ears.Dont want to be challenged by the “It’s all Trump’s fault” narrative,being a hoax
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Ah, things that are relatively minor issues to most people
But should matter to Catholics. One’s soul is not a “minor issue” however much the DNC thinks it is.
The US has faired worse than every other economically first world country,
This is simply untrue, and getting more so every day as Europe experiences a “second wave” of infection and is now ahead of the U.S.
We really can’t legislate around one particular theology in a pluralistic society. That’s the complaint about Sharia Law, remember?
Then why did the Obama administration legislate against the Catholic Church? Exactly for the same reason Catholics should vote in support of the teachings of their own Church. Obama made it quite clear that he supports abortion, including the potential killing of his own grandchild so one of his daughters wouldn’t be “burdened with a baby”.

Why can Obama pursue his particular (if degraded) moral sense, but faithful Catholics cannot? Joe Biden’s own moral sense impelled him to marry two men to each other in a parody of the sacrament of matrimony, to again threaten the Little Sisters of the Poor with prosecution, and to scandalize the young doing such things while proclaiming Catholicism. Why does Biden get to impose his “morals” on the rest of us, but people who are faithful to the teachings of the Church cannot bring their morals to the voting booth?

There is no defensible reason. This argument asks Catholics to leave our religion at the Church door while the secularists impose their “morality” on us.
That’s the complaint about Sharia Law, remember?
The complaint about Sharia is the lengths to which some Muslims are willing to go to enforce it.
No, it’s true. Easy to find evidence, from the number of deaths to number of cases, etc. The US has done horribly and the rest of the world pities us for the pathetic response of our federal government.
The “rest of the world” should pity itself first.

The European new case/day ratio is about twice what ours is now. And their case numbers are higher.

Europe Overtakes U.S. in New Cases of Covid-19 - WSJ]

The case/fatality rate here is about eleventh, with several European countries with higher ratios; massively higher in some cases. And that’s assuming China and Russia are telling the truth, which is doubtful. Given that the new case rate is now much higher in Europe, and since the foolish practice of putting Covid patients into nursing homes in the U.S. has ceased, it can be expected that the fatality numbers and rate in Europe will exceed ours eventually, those being lagging statistics.

Quarantines, contact tracing, activating the Defense Protection Act
There were quarantines, contact tracing, and he did activate the Defense Protection act.
The main thing is recognizing it was a crisis instead of comparing it to the flu, a hoax, etc.
That is not a policy.

As I suspected, Trump critics don’t really have a concrete reason to blame Trump for covid, they are just blaming him because they don’t like him.
Did they legislate against the Catholic Church? I don’t think so. Congress passed a law that was signed and enforced by the executive branch. One organization believed the law to be a violation of their religious beliefs and the judicial system agreed with them. To me, end of story.
You’re right about one thing. It wasn’t legislated. it was ordered by Obama alone. Many organizations believed the HHS abortifacient mandate was a violation of their religious beliefs. The judicial system sent it back to the Circuit Court. Trump withdrew the government’s charge against the Little Sisters of the Poor and other religious charities.
How exactly is Biden imposing his morals on the rest of us by marrying two men? It seems to me that is between Biden and the two men. It has no effect on me.
It affects the whole society. He is using his office to promote his particular “moral” system vis a vis homosexual “marriage”. Pretty obvious.
Making laws for the greater good is not imposing morality, nor is having a governmental system that makes sure everyone has equal secular rights even if someone’s religion is personally against it.
That’s not the point. The point is that each person should vote in what is, to him or her, the moral way. Biden/Harris support abortion and will continue to do so. Trump supports the prolife cause. If one wants to vote against what Catholicism teaches is moral, one will vote for Biden/Harris. If not, one will vote for Trump. It’s just absurd to argue that one should vote against one’s own moral principles. Most deifnitely the pro-abortion forces don’t.
Well, they have a lot of catching up to do to get to the number of deaths and cases we’ve seen in the US.
Not so. Some of them have already surpassed the U.S. in the number of deaths per capita. UK, Spain, Belgium. Since the infection rate in most of the European countries is higher than ours, some, like France, much higher, the death rates will catch up. Death rates lag the new cases. But when, say, France, has a new infection rate higher than our own, despite severe lockdowns and a 9:00 p.m. absolute curfew, it’s bound to catch up in deaths.
You are a one issue voter. That’s fine. I’m not and I don’t think that’s “absurd.” I also don’t think it’s anti-Catholic, and neither does the church. I appreciate how firmly you believe in your voting decision. I reject your need, however, to make voting (a complex moral issue) into something simplistic. It’s not.
I reject your need, however, to make voting (a complex moral issue) into something simplistic. It’s not.
Death is “simplistic”. One is either living or dead. When one kills, whether it’s a 20 year old or a child still in the womb, it’s killing. Killing is irreversible.

And actually, the Church does condemn voting for abortion-supporting candidates. The U.S. bishops said it is the “preeminent” issue in this election, and rightly so, since the Popes have affirmed that one can support an abortion candidate only for proportionate reasons. What Dem issue is proportionate to killing upwards of a million children per year?

Actually, I’m not a “one issue voter”. I think about a lot of issues and have views about many of them. But death is death. Killing is killing. I refuse to befoul my soul by being a party to the killing.
So you ignore the treatment of born humans who may be subjected to death by Trump’s policies and approaches? Doesn’t sound Catholic to me. Ultimately I don’t mind you voting for Trump. I mind that you’ve painted all of who cannot do so as participating with evil incarnate. And the Church has said multiple times that the issue of proportionality isn’t black and white like you claim it is.

Best wishes to you.
So you ignore the treatment of born humans who may be subjected to death by Trump’s policies and approaches?
Who are those, and what is the proximate cause of their deaths? Is death intended, as it is with the millions to be disembowled by abortion, in which death is intended every single time? Which million people did Trump intend to kill and then killed? And which million did he do that by cutting them into pieces…alive?
I mind that you’ve painted all of who cannot do so as participating with evil incarnate.
No, no, no. Not evil incarnate. Just participating in evil.
And the Church has said multiple times that the issue of proportionality isn’t black and white like you claim it is
And your source for this is what? You can quote the Popes here. We;ll read it.
Well I feel better now. I’m not evil incarnate — I’m just making evil possible.

Again, have a good night.
Well I feel better now. I’m not evil incarnate — I’m just making evil possible.
I never said you are evil incarnate, and I don’t say it now. It’s not “making evil possible”, though, it’s supporting it. That’s not the same.
Making laws for the greater good is not imposing morality, nor is having a governmental system that makes sure everyone has equal secular rights even if someone’s religion is personally against it.
That’s what laws against abortion are.
Not at all - you can’t deal with a problem if you don’t acknowledge it exists.
Not at all - you can’t deal with a problem if you don’t acknowledge it exists.
But Trump repeatedly acknowledged the existence of covid and even (to my own displeasure) agreed with the scientific consensus that the threat posed by the virus was severe.

You seem to be suggesting that Trump failed spectacularly on the issue of Covid, but you can’t point to any specific policy (or lack thereof) that was a failure, and instead are relying on a debunked argument that Trump called it a hoax.
I’m not sure what you’re referring to here, but the Trump you’re describing in your posts is not one that I or the public would recognize. Most people recognize he simply doesn’t have the skill set to deal with a crisis of this magnitude. You can’t bluster your way out of a pandemic.
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