I don’t think Trump did well in the debate. But it was two-on-one, and one does not expect to be teamed by the moderator and the opponent together. All the same, he could have done better.
Trump’s “views” don’t stand up to your scrutiny? You mean like letting the Little Sisters off the HHS Mandate which would have fined them into oblivion. You mean like his reinstating the Mexico City Policy? You mean like allowing states to defund Planned Parenthood? You mean like his appointing prolife justices? Or maybe you mean his building up the military, not getting us into any new wars, defeating ISIS, getting two Muslim countries to recognize Israel, making peace between Kosovo and Serbia. Maybe you disapprove of the replacement for NAFTA, which all three nations approved. Perhaps record stock prices offend? Possibly the lowest unemployment rate among blacks and Hispanics ever? Maybe increases in workers’ real incomes for the first time in ten+ years.
Yes, a lot to disapprove.