Savannah Guthrie calls out Trump: "You're the president — you're not like someone's crazy uncle"

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Except Trump had to answer and demonstrated how poorly constructed his arguments were.
One has to be allowed to answer before one can reasonably criticize his answers. Guthrie did not allow him or the audience to speak. It was totally the “Savanah Guthrie Show”. I agree he should have rejected all debates given that his enemies were going to just use the occasions to hit him with canned one-liners and not allow him to speak.
Criminalizing one’s political opponents has become part and parcel of Democrat politics, so I don’t doubt they will prosecute Trump after he leaves office. But they will have to be pretty creative, especially about his tax returns, since he is under almost continuous audit, which is not uncommon among major business people.
Obviously, some of these are hyperbolic, like “all of Portland” being ablaze. But Obama certainly did spy on Trump’s campaign. Pretty much everything else you have cited him as saying is the truth. But it’s an interesting DNC display. They must have worked quite a bit on it.
Probably the DNC has come up with even more than a Million bogus assertions against Trump, and I’m sure you could cite every one of them.

But from your CNN article:

" There are snippets of truth, like the fact that some Trump aides were investigated and surveilled by the FBI."

“Snippets?” The Obama government knew Carter Page was an operative FOR the U.S., not against it. There was no reason at all to spy on him (and probably every conversation he had and every conversation of everybody with whom he spoke) except to get “Russia dirt” on Trump if they could. There was no other purpose at all.

And Papadopoulos? Entrapping him was of no value relative to Russia. They wanted to make him an anti-Trump witness, just as they did with others. That’s how it works, and the FBI and Dems even bragged about that’s how they did investigations.

We now know Obama and Biden were aware of the spying on Page as it was going on. Biden even suggested an alternative way to charge Trump.

And now we have the Hunter Biden laptop information. The Dem party is as dirty as dirty gets.
Perhaps if he had been treated normally…,
If he had acted normally…,
Do you recognize our country now under the Trump administration?
I know I don’t recognize it. It is slowly becoming like the novel “1984”
Yes. Trump’s tweets show measure, maturity, and insight.
It is so embarrassing to our country when outsiders view those.
Interesting, but I have always found it bizarre how Jewish people will accept support from people who only want Israel to exist so that biblical prophecy can be fulfilled. I guess they see them as useful idiots of sorts.
Yes I find the same as well. It baffles the mind.
Pretty darn short list, I’d say.
The negative list is lot larger.
So, the economy was good before it crashed. Not exactly a selling point.
Just a continuation of the Obama administration. Looking at the graph, it is a straight line. Trump did not make it better, he just continued Obama’s work.
The crash was caused by Democrats not Trump.
One might say that the Trump administration’s inept response to the virus resulted in the necessity of the shutdowns.
You think the pandemic is manufactured? Please expand on that.
I want to hear that one too!!!
Quarantines, contact tracing, activating the Defense Protection Act, you name it. The main thing is recognizing it was a crisis instead of comparing it to the flu, a hoax, etc.
Trump’s supporters have so much trouble defending his views.
Actually Trump’s supporters have an invincible argument in defense of any behavior he has or will exhibit in the future.

“Trump is fighting back”.

He will never say anything too outlandish or obnoxious for them.
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Why is anyone would be surprised in Savannah’s Fact Checking?

She is both a Journalist and an Attorney

BA Journalism - University of Arizona
JD Law School - Georgetown University

She has got the skills.
Or that his behavior was intentionally misinterpreted by the fake-news media.
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Perhaps if he did not start his presidency with calling the brown skinned people (Mexicans?) rapists and even worse names.
He did not call all Mexicans or Central Americans rapists. Honestly, we could do without the hysteria, over the top reaction of the MSM.

He said those who come here illegally have a high criminal element. Sure, there are those decent people who come here out of desperation, but let’s face it, the drug cartel plays a major role in human trafficking and drug trafficking.

I agree with Trump here, the drug cartel are not exemplary people by any stretch of the imagination.
I don’t think Trump did well in the debate. But it was two-on-one, and one does not expect to be teamed by the moderator and the opponent together. All the same, he could have done better.

Trump’s “views” don’t stand up to your scrutiny? You mean like letting the Little Sisters off the HHS Mandate which would have fined them into oblivion. You mean like his reinstating the Mexico City Policy? You mean like allowing states to defund Planned Parenthood? You mean like his appointing prolife justices? Or maybe you mean his building up the military, not getting us into any new wars, defeating ISIS, getting two Muslim countries to recognize Israel, making peace between Kosovo and Serbia. Maybe you disapprove of the replacement for NAFTA, which all three nations approved. Perhaps record stock prices offend? Possibly the lowest unemployment rate among blacks and Hispanics ever? Maybe increases in workers’ real incomes for the first time in ten+ years.

Yes, a lot to disapprove.
Quarantines, contact tracing, activating the Defense Protection Act, you name it. The main thing is recognizing it was a crisis instead of comparing it to the flu, a hoax, etc.
So he didn’t panic Americans sufficient to please the Democrats. So what? If a vaccine is indeed developed by this fall or even this winter, it will be the fastest development of any vaccine in history. But liberals don’t care about that, except that they want the economy to crash in the meantime so people will be miserable and broke.

Who did you want to lock into quarantine, and how? The local jail? Did you want Covid victims to wear tracking coffs? And, given HIPAA how well do you think you were going to be able to do contact tracing? I see those locked-down countries in Europe now have more Covid cases than we do. So what did they do wrong?

Even Fauci now admits lockdowns do more harm than good. I just don’t think all the liberals have heard the news yet.
There’s a lot of applaud. There’s also a lot to disapprove…
The thing is the things worthy of disapproval are just irritants. The things worthy of approval are substantive.
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