Savannah Guthrie calls out Trump: "You're the president — you're not like someone's crazy uncle"

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You are being disingenuous at best with these incendiary comments. He never said any such thing and you know it.He did and does speak the truth.There are some bad people coming across the border,rapists etc. Not all but some.What part of this do you disagree with?
He said the judge ruled against him because the judge is ‘a Mexican’ (actually he is of Mexican descent). Not only did he impugn the judge’s impartiality he turned it into an ethnic slur. On the merits of the ruling, I disagree with Trump.
If the Democrats were for it they might have support from Jewish people and they have been having problems in New York.
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Firstly,The pandemic is out of control pretty much everywhere. How is any of this Trumps’ doing? China unleashed this virus on the world ,whether is was intentionally or not,what is a fact is they hid this virus from the world while it was out of control in their own country.Had they been forthcoming with this,no doubt it wouldn’t have become a pandemic. Secondly,it seems this virus just needs to run it course considering the outcome has been pretty much the same ,regardless of measures taken or not.
Regarding the economy,it was growing and thriving pre covid.The fact that it’s been squashed is a result of the virus.Surely you know this?
As far as Trumps tenure overall,I’m amazed at everything he has accomplished in spite of the non stop obstacles in his way.He is a tireless fighter for this Nation.God Bless Him for his service.I pray he gets another four years 🙏🇺🇸
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I did answer his questions.It is better off in myriad ways. Internationally,Taking China to task
Having Israel’s back and recognizing it as a Nation
No new wars
Pro life SCOTUS
Defunding PP
Improving the lives of minorities
You know all of this and more the lists have been posted numerous times.
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I said there was much more that has been posted here pretty sure if you really care to know you can do some research.
Well the court did rule for a bill against discrimination recently this year. Jobs for Blacks and Hispanics were at a higher rate at least until the lock downs, but that was caused by the governors.
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The crash was caused by Democrats not Trump.
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Is there anyone who still believes that Trump is so totally ignorant that he knows nothing about his own health and about the weird conspiracy theories by QANON? He just re-tweeted them?
I believe it is absurd that Democrats think Trump is responsible for QAnon. I think it is absurd that Democrats think Trump gives the Proud Boys their marching orders. And I think this “covid” panic is manufactured.

One might say that the Trump administration’s inept response to the virus resulted in the necessity of the shutdowns.
You mean that the governors failed in keeping their particular locations safe.
I mean the federal government failed in having a plan to deal with the virus on a national level, which made the job of the governors all the more difficult.
Interesting how most, if not all of those struggling governors are Dems.Much like all the rioting ,looting and civil unrest is occurring in Dem run cities and states. 🤨
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I will give Trump credit for the travel ban from China. I will give him credit for putting together the Coronavirus Task Force headed by Pence and including Drs. Fauci and Birx. But I will NOT give him credit for ignoring the findings of his own task force, based on the CDC guidelines, regarding how to deal with the virus, which include social distancing, limiting gatherings to a small number of people (especially indoors), wearing masks, and continuous hand-washing. The task force presented a three-phase approach to reopening the economy, which Trump completely ignored. Nor will I give him credit for his tepid response to the pleas of governors for more PPE, including ventilators, masks, gloves, and other equipment for health care workers. Finally, under pressure, he invoked the Defense Production Act in mid-May, but kicking and screaming before doing so. And I will also not give Trump any credit for being a poor role model in refusing to wear a mask, mocking those who do (such as Biden), holding rallies including indoor ones without requiring mask wearing or social distancing, and making the WH itself a hotspot for his family, his team, and himself.

No, the virus will NOT simply run its course. We need aggressive measures, lockdowns and mandates if necessary, to cut the rate of infection and reverse the mounting deaths. I’m afraid that too many people have been duped by the misinformation conveyed by this administration and by FOX news that the virus will simply disappear by means of herd immunity and there is nothing we could have and we can now do about it.
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I misspoke when I said it will run its course.It has become endemic,so we are going to have to learn to live with it,much like the seasonal flu. Shutting down businesses keeping kids home from school,isn’t the cure.Its just creating another set of issues,whose impact is equally and actually more detrimental and long lasting.
A lot of people experienced no to mild symptoms. Others are ill for a period of time and then are up and back at in due course. To hide in our basements shaking in fear isn’t the way to go.JB has been seen not wearing a mask when he should have and wearing one when he didn’t need to.He’s confused.
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I haven’t believe a word the mass media has said since I was in school for journalism and they let us in on the secret that every outlet will have an agenda that we would be required to promote… 🤷‍♂️ Ms. Guthrie is a pretty, highly paid thought control agent. If you can find things to believe in what the mass media is spouting, then you do you!
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