Say "No" to TV

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I have to agree with Ken that the TiVo changes the whole experience. It digitally records the programs you want nad you watch what you want when you want. There is also a “skip” feature for skipping over commercials. I have watched less television since we got it. I always have a program I’m really interested in and I don’t just sit and flip channels.
TiVo makes you the master, not the tv.
Jason Hurd:
The straw that finally broke the camel’s back for me was the glut of reality shows…eagerness of people to embrace treachery, mendacity, self-aggrandizement and any number of other soul-destroying qualities, simply for the purpose of winning fame and fortune…
Hi Jason!

I’ve been watching less and less TV these days much for the same reason.

The Super Bowl half-time show is probably the straw that broke the camel’s back for me. Fortunately, I didn’t see “the event” of controversy. However, it is telling that we have gotten to the point we are at in society.

I don’t think I’m at the point of doing away with the NFL entirely - I just love routing for the green and gold of the Green Bay Packers!🙂
I like Turner Classic Movies and my wife likes the Weather Channel. I think that’s wierd, but basically innocuous. On EWTN I like reruns of Fulton Sheen. I must say that watching the Rosary or (even stranger) watching people assist at Mass does not make me feel collected at all.

If all the TV’s and yes, computers, and automobiles dissappeared tomorrow, that would be fine with me. And no I’m not a luddite, but the net gain of these technologies has been negative.


Oh… and cell phones, too

and regular phones, too.

My husband and I gave up tv about 3 years ago. We don’t miss it. We read aloud together as a family. We are more physically active. We talk and find that we are still best friends, and after nine years of marriage, are closer and love each other more than the day we wed. We find now that when we do happen to see tv at someone’s house, we are more and more shocked at how bad the culture is getting in this country. We went to my parents’ house on superbowl sunday (they live 1 hr. away). My dad just can’t give up his sports. He didn’t have it on continuously, just quick little checks on the score, as he knows how we feel about it, especially in front of my impressionable 3 yr-old and 1 1/2 yr-old. Guess what we got to see. Yep, he decided to see where the game was and instead we were treated to the half-time stripping show instead. My dad was just as upset as we were, but he still can’t give it up. Addicted, I guess, as another poster noted. When my in-laws visited from out of state, my father-in-law set up the antennae so they could watch “Vegas” one of their favorite shows. To my husband and I, this show approached pornography… These are practicing Catholics, and it’s like they are numbed and can’t even see that it’s poisonous garbage.

Does society mimic tv or does tv mimic society? I remember reading about some show “Boston Public” where a school teacher is having an affair with a student. Last year, here in our own well-to-do suburb, a public school girl ran away with her softball coach with whom she was having an affair…

When will all of this end? I know some people accuse us of trying to raise our children in isolation from the real world, but I just want to protect their innocence as long as possible. It is scary trying to raise kids in our culture today…
After reading the book mentioned above, “I see Far” I went for 8 months with out watching any TV. Now I watch very very little. While I was doing this and when I would tell people about it, they would be astounded that I would do such a thing. They couldn’t imagine living without that shrine to the media.

I’m amazed that when you attack TV people will flock to it’s defense faster than if you insulted their Mother.

Please see my thread furious @ TVLand
I would like to cut TV from my budget but I am a sports fanatic. I look at cable tv as a cheap seat to sporting events all over America. This is what I would really miss. I would also miss EWTN Catholic TV. If I could give both these up, I would not need TV.
I hate that so far I’ve just been too lazy to stop our children from watching tv. We limit it, but still too much time is spent there.

I know that there are a few good shows but we have to ask ourselves something. What would the Holy Family have done? Try as I might, I can’t imagine St. Joseph and the Blessed Mother sitting around the tube, let alone allowing Jesus to. We are called to do no less than follow their example.

Amen!! I saw a cute quote on a wall that said, “Turn off your TV and live!”

The thing that cracks me up is when my friends come over and say, “Gee what are we going to do? There’s nothing to do here!” Or they say, “Why should we go to your house? There’s nothing to do there.” Meanwhile I play the fiddle, I sing, I have loads of art supplies, a weaving loom, a bottomless coffee pot or tea pot (depending on the person), droves of books, pictures, and music cds. I made a beautiful grotto for Our Lady of Guadalupe that we can sit in front of and pray the Rosary. We could bake cookes or cakes, sew, write poetry, help each other study. Plus there’s always that wonderful option of sitting down and having a good chat! It amazes me how TV has become the center of attention in the home and when you don’t have a TV folks are totally lost as to “what to do”. Good grief!

I have never owned a TV and I refuse to get one. 99% of the shows are sex-soaked immoral junk. I like thinking for myself and living for God rather then chasing after the elusive “Perfect Life / Perfect Body” ideal. No thanks!

Whenever I wish to watch good Catholic videos I use one of the free TVs at the library here at the University. It suits me just fine.

This thread is so ENCOURAGING!! I’m amazed at the number of people here that feel the same way I do about TV. God bless you all!!! Maybe we can get through to the rest of our TV addicted society. There IS more to life then TV!
I would like to cut TV from my budget but I am a sports fanatic. I look at cable tv as a cheap seat to sporting events all over America. This is what I would really miss. I would also miss EWTN Catholic TV. If I could give both these up, I would not need TV.
Go to
There you will see a menu bar with some titles on it. There will be two menu bars entitled ‘television’ and ‘radio’ from there YOU can have ETWN on your computer, and you won’t need a TV!
I have been viewing ETWN since January 2003, and that is primarily what I listen to.
Give it a try!

Go with God!
Go to
There you will see a menu bar with some titles on it. There will be two menu bars entitled ‘television’ and ‘radio’ from there YOU can have ETWN on your computer, and you won’t need a TV!
I have been viewing ETWN since January 2003, and that is primarily what I listen to.
Give it a try!

Go with God!

Thanks but I am still a sports junkie! I love football & hockey. The tickets at the stadium costs too much. My cheapest route is cable tv. If I could get off sports, I would throw the TV out the window!
Yes, I have a pal who doesn’t have a T.V. She is happy, but she uses the radio and listens to shows there. I don’t see the difference of why some here consider T.V. bad, but radio allright. I think both can be fine when not abused, just like anything else. She says that she likes it, but she is thinking of getting a T.V. to watch religious shows. It isn’t the center of her life and neither is the radio, but these are just like any other technological tool.

I am constantly defending our Blessed Mother. I have debates with family members and friends who do not understand Catholocism. I talk more about her to them than defending watching good T.V.

Yes, it can be addictive and for some maybe no T.V. would help them overcome the addiction until they can get it under control, but for others it is not the center of their lives. If my T.V. were gone, I wouldn’t cry. It is the same with the computer or the phone. T.V. and the media helps to evangelize to a lot more people in a fast way all at once, compared to one at a time. We should do both, in my opinion. We need to use the media to combat what the Devil is doing with it: brainwashing so many people all at once so quickly.

We can write into networks. These letters can say what is offensive, but especially they can say what is acceptable and good for our families. Networks need to be encouraged to do what is right and show good things. People work as actors and behind networks and they need to have (name removed by moderator)ut from us telling them what we want. They have to make money too, to feed their families. If people start watching good stuff, when they do watch, and tell the networks that this is what is good and this what they want, they will play it. If people stop watching T.V. that is good., then the people who watch bad stuff will send the networks messages that all we want to watch is bad stuff. It is kind of like voting, I think in a way. If you vote for a good guy and enough do, then he gets the job and we get what we want. If you don’t vote and more people who do vote, vote for the bad guy and we don’t get what we want.
Remember the saying about when good people do nothing, evil prevails?

Yes, talking, walking, hobbies, prayer, family time and more of it, I am all for; but I want to help out and evangelize in a new way too. This world is a T.V. world because a lot of people are addicted, yes. But we can help show people that they need to put God into T.V. and He will bring them out of their addictions and with their families. I know that when I turn the T.V. on, I hear so many great things about how to live a holy life, that I would have a hard time reading about at times. I do read, but I also am a busy mom and sometimes when I have to sit down and feed the baby and am very tired, I pray the rosary on familyland network. I like to do it without the T.V. too, but sometimes it does help me. I do the same thing with the walkman that I have. When I am busy washing dishes or folding clothes, and have so many destractions; I put a rosary tape or beautiful music on and have fun at times.

I love adoration and quiet time is great, but if you read my post here entitled “Mother Teresa has this to say about how to end abortion” you will see that even she agrees with using the media for Jesus.
Reading and writing letters have become somewhat a lost art. Sitting in front of a TV is just that…sitting.
Unless there is something REALLY interesting, it just stays turned off.

Look at the film industry, about 3/4 of the films so far this year, the top grossing films are PG, (except for the Passion of course). But you would think Hollywood would get the clue. The same goes for TV, our society wants GOOD programs not an assembly line mentality. (I.E. ‘reality’ tv…nothing real about it).

Just like a post written eariler, why watch something you have already seen…especially when the overall content of quality is fair at best.

Go with God!
I cut cable since the 1st of the year. There are a handful of channels that still come in for some reason. Fortunatly they are History Channel, golf channel, and a few others. My local channels are fuzzy.

The only thing I miss is watching the Sunday golf tournaments. I really enjoy them, so unless it comes on CBS, I don’t get to see it. However, what a small price to give up for all the other garbage I was paying for.

The reason I did it… it forced me to do other things in the evening. For example, reading, converse with my wife, enjoy the outdoors, etc. Sometimes we can become creatures of habit, which was TV for us in the evening although like the many, we have never seen ANY of the popular shows. (eg, Friends, survivor, etc.) Total trash as far as I was concerned. I only watched news stations, ESPN, local baseball & EWTN. I really do miss EWTN, however, I am now reading via internet or books. Unfortunatly we don’t have children, but I think it would be wonderful to show children that we don’t need TV to survive. I get most of my news from the newspaper & read the articles that interest me or I need to know to stayed tuned to national & international issues.
My fiancee just bought a new tv. He likes tv, but it he’s a video games freak, I like a few, mostly the ones for kids like mario or this disney one, kingdom hearts. We watch movies and stuff but not a lot of tv.
Gee Karl, I thought I was the only one that hadn’t seen Seinfeld? When I was a child in the 50’s, we could get 3 channels, and sometimes there were so many good shows on we couldn’t decide which one to watch. Now we get 90 channels and most of the time the tv is on it is either on the weather channel or the local news. Incidentally, I never saw nypd blue or friends either. I don’t think I missed much.
What I find a little hypocritical is when people knock TV but think the Internet is good or better…

Any of us right now can find any type of hardcore porn websites, satanic websites, pagan websites, atheism websites, images ranging from decapitations, murders, swinger sites, etc… the internet is MORE of a cesspool than TV is…it can also be used for great good according to the holy father… so lets not be knocking tv and then “braggng” how one uses the internet instead… yes… with tv, shocking things can come upon us without warning, and with the NET, we have to actually search those things out…BUT…the fact is…internet content is far more damaging to ones soul if we are weak, we may get curious, AND the NET is there to EASILY sin with…and as a side note…I sure hope that parents arent allowing such a potentially dangerous tool as the Internet to be in the privacy of their childs’ bedroom! The computer should be in a very open part of the home where the parent can see what is going on…anything less is a disservice to ones child.
Faithful 2 rome: Yes, I do agree with you about the internet. It can either be as good or as bad as a person wants it to be. May God give everybody the wisdom to decide what is an occasion of sin and what is not.
Today, I had an experience that when I told some people in a class I am taking, that I do not watch TV, everyone thought I was crazy.
Even though my TV watching ended around 2002, I still do not miss it.
I am very satisfied with ETWN radio and tv streamlinked on my computer and listen to baseball on the radio. Remember, we are in the world not of it…for me TV is of the world.

Go wtih God!
I have started a Poll on Your TV viewing habits.
Please use this Thread…(The Say No to TV) for comments.

(I didn’t know how to put a poll together until tonight, and didn’t think of putting the two posts together…Sorry, Karl :o

Go with God!
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