Scapegoat of recent scandal?

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. I know homosexuality is, not a perversion nor a choice. No one “taught” me to “choose” heterosexuality. It’s no more a perversion than autism.
Autism is not normal and scientists are trying to find a cure for people suffering from autism. Homosexuality is a psychological condition, whereas homosexual activity is a moral perversion, being that the activity involves the choice to do something with one’s body. It was Jesus who said:

Are you still so dull? Don’t you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? The things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. These are what defile a person”- Matt. 15:16-18
Read the article, whose basis is scientific research done by those more educated in that area than you or I. Homosexuality is rooted in genetics and biology, just as autism is. Even Pope Francis told a group of homosexuals, “This is the way God made you,” and it’s true.

I’m a sixth year theology student. I know the Bible - in its original languages - but thanks.
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I read a book, written by a monk, that describes things in the abbey. Both hetero- and homosexual men took part.
Yes, it’s nothing new, it’s been going on since the first century; the ancient Church dealt harshly with clerical sexual abuse. But today based on watching the mass mass media one would think that it is a unique problem within the Catholic Church; in reality what never gets reported are the abuses among Other religious groups, though the baptists however do have their own website trying to stop the predators in their communities: However the problem that dwarfs them all are the sexual abuse cases from the public school system.
Yes, child molestation occurs in every religion, in agnosticism, and in atheism.
Even Pope Francis told a group of homosexuals, “This is the way God made you,” and it’s true.
You never read or heard the pope say that. What you heard and read was that somebody claimed the pope said that.
As far as claiming that God made some men sexually attracted to other men, then one would have to claim that God made some men sexually attracted to children and other men sexually attracted to animals, which of course would be absurd. As in anything good, Goodness can be perverted. Thus homosexual activity is a moral perversion.

The reason you are attracted to the sinful things that you are attracted to is not God’s fault, but rather the consequence of Original sin; without God’s grace one can fall into all kinds of dark avenues in life…
I think the important question is: What’s to be done about these priests, and what’s to be done to ensure this doesn’t happen in the future?
That was a very important question 15-20 years back. Right now, the question is whether we need to be proactive in tweaking what has been done so far to keep the past from recurring, and whether there are other areas of improvement.
You never read or heard the pope say that. What you heard and read was that somebody claimed the pope said that.
Yes, I certainly did. I know Pope Francis did NOT contradict the articles. And I am not attracted to sinful things. What hubris and arrogance you have! 🤣

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Yes, again, you didn’t hear the pope say that, somebody claims he said that. Regardless, this is not Church teaching. And again, God did not make men sexually attracted to animals, yet there are men who are sexually attracted to animals.
Possibly so. My theory is that they have been falsely ordained because we know, those with deep seated SSA are not supposed to be ordained. Because their whole ‘vocation’ has been rooted in disobedience, the Devil finds it easier to get a foothold. Just my two cents
Even if he said this he is exactly following what it says in the Catechism to love those with SSA and stating that God loves them. Doesn’t condone homosexual sex, gay ‘marriage’ so I see no scandal in these articles
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Yes, again, you didn’t hear the pope say that, somebody claims he said that.
Did Pope Francis contradict it? No. Did he say that was not what he said? No. If it wasn’t what he said, wouldn’t he clear the record on something so important? I certainly think so.
Even if he said this he is exactly following what it says in the Catechism to love those with SSA and stating that God loves them. Doesn’t condone homosexual sex, gay ‘marriage’ so I see no scandal in these articles
I agree he did not give his blessing to same sex relations or marriage, but it seems he is agreeing with the latest medical research that same sex attraction is not a choice, but the way one is born.
I am not attracted to sinful things.
Realize that the reason we sin is because we are all attracted to sin; from the sins of pride to sins of gluttony.and anger, sins of the flesh etc. Yes, even you have committed sins, not by accident but by consent; because you went with what you felt like doing, rather than what was right. But we all do this; that’ the point of following Jesus Christ; which involves the process of sanctification by God’s grace through a turning away from our sins and demolishing the the old sinful self; it’s a lifelong journey. There are two types of sin; venial and mortal.homosexual activity is always a mortal sin, as is any sexual activity outside of the bond of matrimony between a man and a woman…
For myself it seems that the catechism does suggest that SSA is something a person doesn’t choose to feel, as it gives advice on how it is to be understood and how people experiencing it should be cared for . It’s very clear of course on following those impulses.
That’s true we need to be vigilant that we are all on some level atttacted to sin and the Christian life is that journey hopefully walking further and further away from it. I try to picture it as a town and although I’ve chosen to leave that town sometimes I see someone I knew there, see it on TV, get a postcard or email from it’s address. I just have to walking and remind myself I don’t live there anymore
Realize that the reason we sin is because we are all attracted to sin; from the sins of pride to sins of gluttony.and anger, sins of the flesh etc. Yes, even you have committed sins, not by accident but by consent; because you went with what you felt like doing, rather than what was right. But we all do this; that’ the point of following Jesus Christ; which involves the process of sanctification by God’s grace through a turning away from our sins and demolishing the the old sinful self; it’s a lifelong journey. There are two types of sin; venial and mortal.homosexual activity is always a mortal sin, as is any sexual activity outside of the bond of matrimony between a man and a woman…
Of course I’ve sinned as have all. But I’m not attracted to sin. There is a big difference. I try to avoid it, but like all humans, I fail at that at times. Doesn’t mean I like it.

There are mortal sins within matrimonial sexual relations as well, according to Catholicism.
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I think they meant ‘drawn towards’ as in magnet attraction not fondness attraction
Getting off the topic.

Yes, people are trying to make homosexuality the scapegoat of the PA priest scandal. Both homo- and heterosexual priests were involved. Twenty percent of the victims were girls, negating homosexuality.

The Pennsylvania priest scandal was an outgrowth of child molestation.
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I agree that scapegoating or trying to somehow classify these abusive priests into categories isn’t really fixing the problem at all. The time now is for action and transparency on all abusers and those who have covered for them, and a more rigorous scrutiny in taking on seminarians who for whatever reason are going to struggle with chastity over and above that faced by a typical single straight man. I can’t think of a better word than typical unfortunately sorry but hope you see what I am trying to say.
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