Second thoughts about the sexual revolution

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That’s because we built civilizations that valued life and rewarded hard work. We didn’t just stumble backwards into a superior society and culture than the rest of the world, our ancestors sacrificed to build it.
That’s a entirely different topic that I will not respond to any further other than to say you have a lot to learn and it takes a lot of chutzpah to say this.
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I’ll just encourage you to read Thomas Woods book how the Catholic Church built western civilization, it’s a decent starting point, but there’s a lot more evidence in my favor than against on this topic.
And that’s how it started out.
But unfortunately, the more strident and pro-legalized -abortion portion took over.
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rate went down after divorce was allowed.
It went down a bit but what you are implying is it was a massive decrease. It wasn’t.
Also, earlier I have some evidence that men like Weinstein were part of a problem dating from before the revolution, your thoughts?
The old system looked the other way, just like the post-revolution order is doing today.
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Congratulations, you can roll out one person with an opinion.
But Germaine Greer like many of her ilk were pivotal actors in the sexual revolution. She has a strong following as a prominent ‘feminist’.
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Don’t forget that, whatever you think of prohibition, women and men including Methodist/Holiness/proto-Pentecostal preachers and evangelists (women were also allowed to preach by some of them) wanted it because drunken men were abusing women at home.
The notion that abuse was only taken serious starting in 1960 and the sexual revolution played any role in that is complete nonsense in light of the fact campaigners started campaigns about it at the beginning of the 20th century if not even earlier.
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rate went down after divorce was allowed.
It went down a bit but what you are implying is it was a massive decrease. It wasn’t.
Also, earlier I have some evidence that men like Weinstein were part of a problem dating from before the revolution, your thoughts?
The old system looked the other way, just like the post-revolution order is doing today.
Actually I was saying it was a noticeable decrease. Which in terms of suicide is rather important as every life matters.

So, the old system protected just the same as the new system. Except people in the new system so get called out for their behaviour. Seems like if the revolution did change Hollywood, I don’t think it did, it changed it for the better.
Except people in the new system so get called out for their behaviour. Seems like if the revolution did change Hollywood, I don’t think it did, it changed it for the better.
No they didn’t. #MeToo happened last year. Weinstein and Polanski were known abusers yet they were lionized until last year. Same with Bill Clinton.
Actually I was saying it was a noticeable decrease.
Of around 10%. The paper said they believe it was robust in making that connection. But 10% is not useful for our purposes if it doesn’t give an absolute number and it still doesn’t back up your claim that the many or the majority of marriages were forced.
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Congratulations, you can roll out one person with an opinion.
But Germaine Greer like many of her ilk were pivotal actors in the sexual revolution. She has a strong following as a prominent ‘feminist’.
Sure. And in recent times she seems to have lost her marbles. Having had a good opinion once doesn’t mean you always will. I can find you a list of folks who had both great and terrible ideas if you’d like.
Except people in the new system so get called out for their behaviour. Seems like if the revolution did change Hollywood, I don’t think it did, it changed it for the better.
No they didn’t. #MeToo happened last year. Weinstein and Polanski were known abusers yet they were lionized until last year. Same with Bill Clinton.
So it is literally happening right now. You seem to contradict your point that such people don’t get called out.
Actually I was saying it was a noticeable decrease.
Of around 10%. The paper said they believe it was robust in making that connection. But 10% is not useful for our purposes if it doesn’t give an absolute number and it still doesn’t back up your claim that the many or the majority of marriages were forced.
You don’t think 10% is many people forced into marriage? And those are just the ones who killed themselves too escape it.
So it is literally happening right now. You seem to contradict your point that such people don’t get called out.
No, abuse would have been dealt with much earlier but they were enabled for decades. If the revolution was so effective as it’s cult following assert why did it continue. #MeToo came out because of the negative consequences of the sexual revolution because it allowed many abusers to be entrenched.
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A numeric example of why percentage change has its limits in providing context.
10 000 marriages.
10 suicides.
Another 10000 marriages next year.
9 suicides next year. That’s a 10% drop in suicides.
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So it is literally happening right now. You seem to contradict your point that such people don’t get called out.
No, abuse would have been dealt with much earlier but they were enabled for decades. If the revolution was so effective as it’s cult following assert why did it continue. #MeToo came out because of the negative consequences of the sexual revolution because it allowed many abusers to be entrenched.
Friend, if you look women were accusing these folks for years. They were ignored not by the sexual revolution but by old privilege. The same that protected Chaplin.

Sorry, the sexual revolution didn’t invent skeazy men. Nor did it claim it could get rid of them. But we are making progress through other branches of feminism.
They were ignored not by the sexual revolution but by old privilege. The same that protected Chaplin.
The description of the process is in the article and in other posts. You just don’t want to listen. That’s not my problem. Reread it.
Sorry, the sexual revolution didn’t invent skeazy men. Nor did it claim it could get rid of them. But we are making progress through other branches of feminism.
Seriously, are you just ignoring the article and what I’ve been repeating over and over again? If you want a serious discussion, try to be serious.
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A numeric example of why percentage change has its limits in providing context.
10 000 marriages.
10 suicides.
Another 10000 marriages next year.
9 suicides next year. That’s a 10% drop in suicides.
And that’s fantastic. That’s nine fewer people dead. And remember dead is the extreme. Imagine how many are simply hideously depressed, abused, trapped, etc.
It’s one less suicide not 9. But again, can you demonstrate how many of the 10000 marriages were forced?
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