Seventh Day Adventists

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Welcome Drew,
If the Bible is all you need then why do you need EG White so much? I have been to many sda seminars done by Amazing Facts. They propagated outright lies about the Catholic faith. Including doctored quotes. That is not loving.
Thank you cestusdei,

The Bible says that there will be women and men in the last days that will be given insight to truth and prophesy. There will also be false prophets. God also instructs us to check what they say with His word.

I think the Word of God is the first thing we need.

What were the lies, if you don’t mind me asking?

Have a great weekend.
I was raised SDA. Some of the most kind and generous people I’ve ever known are SDA. That being said, a great majority of SDA belief derives from keeping the sabbath. Their logic follows that the Catholic Church usurped sabbath worship and instituted Sunday worship. Following that line, ultimately the Catholic Church will persecute sabbath keepers in the end times.
And that’s true.

I had a long internet debate with a SDA on another Catholic forum. Finally, I had to admit, they got us. I told him, "Okay, I confess. When we take over, the Shakers won’t be allowed to shake, the Quakers won’t be allowed to quake, and the 'Piscopalians are just going to have to hold their water."
lol Vern 🙂

Please excuse my ignorance, but what is it that Catholics believe is the mark of the beast?

We believe you will either have God’s mark or the mark of the beast. You know the verse of having the mark in your arm or forehead. We believe if you observe the ten commands you will have God’s mark.

Most churchs agree on 9 of the commandments, but not on the 3rd (or 4th depending on which version of the Bible you use). There’s no place in the Bible where God changed the Sabbath from the 7th day (Saturday) to the 1st (Sunday). The only explanation offered for the change is that the church changed God’s law because it had the power to do so. The church reasoned it had the power because if it didn’t then how could it have changed God’s law.

So if the mark is whether you follow the Ten Commandments or not, then we’re all going to have to make a decision on all of them, including the Sabbath.

What do you believe the mark of the beast is?
My Bible says that EG White is a false prophetess. The Apostles worshipped on the 1st day of the week, the day of the Lord. I am afraid you will have to take it up with Jesus since he chose them and said “he who hears you hears me”. Do you say Jesus made a mistake in choosing them? It basically comes down to whether you have to be Jewish to be a Christian. Sda’s are akin to the Judaizers that St. Paul fought in his day. Nowhere does the Bible say the mark is obedience to the 10 commandments. The sda method of deriving that is so intricate as to be virtually indesipherable. You have to make massive numbers of extra-biblical assumptions to reach it. It is a house of cards. The mark is based on the name of a person that adds up to 666. EG White’s name adds up to 666. A coincidence? See how easy it is to make scripture say what you want? That’s why we need the Church founded by Jesus, that gave us the Bible, to interpret it.
lol Vern 🙂

Please excuse my ignorance, but what is it that Catholics believe is the mark of the beast?
Catholics believe prophesy isn’t necessarily directed at the distant future, and can be interpreted as directed at the times in which it was written.

At the time Revelation was written, Roman citizens had special rights (recall that Saint Paul was a Roman citizen and took advantage of that fact.)

Many colonies of Romans had been planted in Greece. These colonies were of Roman veterans – and the local natives resented them mightily.

A Roman soldier had a mark – usually a brand – placed where Revelation says. That served to deter desertion, and as proof of entitlement upon discharge. People with the soldier mark lorded it over the natives and had special priviliges.
Most churchs agree on 9 of the commandments, but not on the 3rd (or 4th depending on which version of the Bible you use). There’s no place in the Bible where God changed the Sabbath from the 7th day (Saturday) to the 1st (Sunday). The only explanation offered for the change is that the church changed God’s law because it had the power to do so.
In the world outside Judea, Saturday was not a day of rest. Early Christians worshiped on Sunday because that was the day slaves and others who worked had free.
If you flip through this web site, “Catholicism Speaks about the Bible Sabbath and Sunday,” the Catholic church states that it changed the day of worship to Sunday, well after the Apostles were gone.…s/tract_22h.htm

It states there’s no logical reason for Protestant’s to worship on Sunday because the Catholic church has changed it, and if they still worship on Sunday it’s only following a tradition started by the Catholic church. If someone follows the Word of God then they keep the Sabbath holy.

Doesn’t the Bible interpret itself?

Have a good evening folks.

I hope I’m not upsetting anyone.

God bless.
If you flip through this web site, “Catholicism Speaks about the Bible Sabbath and Sunday,” the Catholic church states that it changed the day of worship to Sunday, well after the Apostles were gone.…s/tract_22h.htm

It states there’s no logical reason for Protestant’s to worship on Sunday because the Catholic church has changed it, and if they still worship on Sunday it’s only following a tradition started by the Catholic church. If someone follows the Word of God then they keep the Sabbath holy.

Doesn’t the Bible interpret itself?

Have a good evening folks.

I hope I’m not upsetting anyone.

God bless.
Yep – and they can go back to not trimming the corners of their beards and lay off the ham sandwiches, too.
Let us recall the words of St. Paul when writing to the Colossians (2:16-17) regarding Jewish practices: “Let no one, then, pass judgment upon you in matters of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or new moon or sabbath. These are shadows of things to come; the reality belongs to Christ.”

Acts 20:7 - “On the ***first day of the week, when we gathered to break bread, ***Paul spoke to them . . .”

Our Seventh-Day Adventist friends don’t know that the Divine Liturgy, also known as the Mass, was called “the breaking the bread” in the days of the Apostles. Mass was held on Sunday, the “first day of the week.”

And, in about 110, Ignatius of Antioch wrote: “Consequently, if the people who were given to obsolete practices faced the hope of a new life, and if these no longer observe the Sabbath, but regulate their calendar by the Lord’s Day . . .” and “It is absurd to have Jesus Christ on the lips, and at the same time live like a Jew” (To the Magnesians, Ancient Christian Writers, Vol 1, P. 72).

Remember that St. John died c. 100 and Ignatius was his student, that ignatius was ordained by St. Peter, and that he was friends with St. Paul. St. Ignatius was writing of a custom long established by the Apostles – celebrating Mass on Sunday – referring to the Sabbath observance as an obsolete practice.

Peace to all who post at Catholic Answers,

Let us recall the words of St. Paul when writing to the Colossians (2:16-17) regarding Jewish practices: “Let no one, then, pass judgment upon you in matters of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or new moon or sabbath. These are shadows of things to come; the reality belongs to Christ.”

Acts 20:7 - “On the ***first day of the week, when we gathered to break bread, ***Paul spoke to them . . .”

Our Seventh-Day Adventist friends don’t know that the Divine Liturgy, also known as the Mass, was called “the breaking the bread” in the days of the Apostles. Mass was held on Sunday, the “first day of the week.”

And, in about 110, Ignatius of Antioch wrote: “Consequently, if the people who were given to obsolete practices faced the hope of a new life, and if these no longer observe the Sabbath, but regulate their calendar by the Lord’s Day . . .” and “It is absurd to have Jesus Christ on the lips, and at the same time live like a Jew” (To the Magnesians, Ancient Christian Writers, Vol 1, P. 72).

Remember that St. John died c. 100 and Ignatius was his student, that ignatius was ordained by St. Peter, and that he was friends with St. Paul. St. Ignatius was writing of a custom long established by the Apostles – celebrating Mass on Sunday – referring to the Sabbath observance as an obsolete practice.

Peace to all who post at Catholic Answers,

Good post. Funny how some Protestants follow the Bible literally, except for the parts they don’t like.
hello everyone. im new to this site. im not a catholic, just a non-denominational christian. thats too bad about that one tv show you guys are talking about. anyway, i believe that the earth was created in 6 literal days(7th day he rested). what is the catholic position on this? heres a cool site about this topic.
DREW wrote:
What do you believe the mark of the beast is?
Rev. 14:18 is the strangest verse in the whole Book of Revelation, which is full of strange verses. Revelation is written in apocalyptic code so that outsiders couldn’t understand it, but insiders could. The insiders were members of the Catholic Church. The outsiders were the Roman persecutors.

It begins: “A certain wisdom is needed here.” Does anyone pay any attention to that sentence? Then it continues: “with a little ingenuity, anyone can calculate the number of the beast, for it is a number that stands for a certain man. The man’s number is six hundred sixty-six.”

Who is this man? Many men are suggested by the enemies of the Church, but the most likely candidate is Nero Caesar – the first Roman emperor to persecute the Church. Nero had St. Peter and St. Paul killed in A.D. 64 or 67. Revelation was written in 96. So, though it doesn’t say so for obvious reasons, it was probably Nero.

In ancient days, each letter of Hebrew had a numerical symbol. If you take the Hebrew word for Nero Caesar, you have N (numerical value 50), R (200), W (6), N (50), Q (100), S (60), R (200). The name Nero Caesar adds up to 666 in Hebrew numerical equivalents.

Of course, SDAs and others prefer to give the Mark of the Beast to the current Pope, whoever he may be, as if Revelation had no meaning for first and early second century Christians for whom it was written.

Actually, the Book of Revelation is a description of the Mass as it is in heaven. Read The Lamb’s Supper, The Mass as Heaven on Earth, by former Presbyterian minister, biblical scholar, and theologian Scott Hahn, Ph.D.

Peace be to all who post at Catholic Answers.


Reference: The Book of Revelation, John Tickle
i went to a sda school for a couple of years and i met some good people, never heard of any attacks against other faiths. one thing i never understood is that they refused to eat meat…why? and that a lot of their stuff was based on revelations, especially by EG White (if i remember correctly there were a few miracles they credited to her). The bottom line for me though is that how there could be such deep hatred and division among CHRISTIANS over 24 hrs… I dont know much in terms of hard doctrine, but there must be more to this sat/sun stuff
Catholic Dude:
one thing i never understood is that they refused to eat meat…why?
Hello, everyone.👋 I was just browsing around the internet and came upon this site. I’m SDA. I have nothing against Caths…
umm…not all seventh-day adventist refuse to eat meat. A lot do eat meat. It’s just, they only eat “clean meats” (the owns mentioned in Leviticus11)

Hello, everyone.👋 I was just browsing around the internet and came upon this site. I’m SDA. I have nothing against Caths…
umm…not all seventh-day adventist refuse to eat meat. A lot do eat meat. It’s just, they only eat “clean meats” (the owns mentioned in Leviticus11)

Welcome, God’slil’girl! Do you and other SDA’s observe all 613 of the OT commandments? Or only some of them? If only some, on what basis do you decide which ones to observe and which to disregard?

Peace be to you and to all who post at Catholic Answers,

Dear Drew,

I’m not sure if you are still checking this thread and/or these forums, but in case you are, I dug up a direct link to the section of the Catechism of the Catholic Church that would probably help you out the most concerning the Sabbath issue:


To buy a printed copy of the Catechism, try this link. If you read 8 numbered paragraphs, beginning with #1, from the CCC each day, you will read the entire thing from cover to cover in just under one year. Read 16 per day, and you will have it finished in just under 6 months. If you will do this, you will be either (1) even more convinced why it is the Catholic Church is wrong in its beliefs; or (2) you will be eagerly preparing to become a member. Good luck!

By the way, write me an e-mail or send a private message if you ever have any questions. Or just keep posting here in the forums and we’ll answer your questions. Please know that you and your needs and intentions will be in our prayers too!

In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

Welcome, God’slil’girl! Do you and other SDA’s observe all 613 of the OT commandments? Or only some of them? If only some, on what basis do you decide which ones to observe and which to disregard?

Peace be to you and to all who post at Catholic Answers,

Hi Katholikos!
I don’t know about any “613” commandments.:confused: But I do obey and follow all the 10 commandments in Exodus chapter 20. (having no gods before God, don’t kill, don’t steal, not to use the Lord’s name in vain, remembering the Sabbath day and keeping it holy, honoring my parents…etc.)

❤️ ❤️ In Him,
Hi Katholikos!
I don’t know about any “613” commandments.:confused: But I do obey and follow all the 10 commandments in Exodus chapter 20. (having no gods before God, don’t kill, don’t steal, not to use the Lord’s name in vain, remembering the Sabbath day and keeping it holy, honoring my parents…etc.)

❤️ ❤️ In Him,
Well, there are 613 OT commandments – not just 10. And, if you are going to obey the OT laws on food, why would you not also obey the others? There are many laws about food – the utensils to be used, etc. Are SDA’s Christians and therefore exempt from the Mosaic law, as St. Paul writes, or are SDA’s Orthodox Jews who are subject to it?

Here they are:

Did you read our earlier posts on this thread showing that the Apostles changed the sabbath (which means rest) to Sunday? Did you read my answer to what the “mark of the beast” is in Revelation?

It seems our SDA friend left – couldn’t take the answers we gave him, I guess??? What do you think? Don’t go away, please.

Well, there are 613 OT commandments – not just 10. And, if you are going to obey the OT laws on food, why would you not also obey the others? There are many laws about food – the utensils to be used, etc. Are SDA’s Christians and therefore exempt from the Mosaic law, as St. Paul writes, or are SDA’s Orthodox Jews who are subject to it?

Here they are:

Did you read our earlier posts on this thread showing that the Apostles changed the sabbath (which means rest) to Sunday? Did you read my answer to what the “mark of the beast” is in Revelation?

It seems our SDA friend left – couldn’t take the answers we gave him, I guess??? What do you think? Don’t go away, please.

I don’t really…consider those commandments (the “OT” commandments) “commandments”…kinda confusing??:whacky:…
‘cause God didn’t, you know, write them on the tablets of stone like he did the ones in Exodus (20). I’ve heard of them, “Mozaic Laws”, or somthin’, but are those Jewish?..and I’m not Jewish. SDAs and Jews might have somethings in common, but a lot of things they don’t. SDAs are, you know, Christians.

And you said the apostles changed Saturday to Sunday for the day of rest…you know of any biblical text to confirm that???
Ok, here’s how I see it. I believe in the whole bible. And God gave us the ten commandments, right?? And the commandment on the Sabbath says this,
REMEMBER the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shall thou labour, and do all thy work, but the SEVENTH day is (and in my bible “is” is italicized) the Sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: for in six days the Lord made the heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the SEVENTH day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it. (KJV bible) And in the New Testament Jesus said if you love :love: me keep my commandments, did He not? And also in Ecclesiastes 3:14 it says,
And I know this, that whatever God does is final-nothing can be added or taken from it…In other words God does NOT change.
And I don’t know any texts in the Bible that say that Saturday Sabbath was changed to Sunday. If you do, plz give me a text…
I think that to disobey or change any of God’s commandments is a slap in His face.:tsktsk:

And what (or who) do you think the “mark of the beast” is???
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