I keep telling him Heineken or Becks.
In fact, I’ve used both of those while lawn mowing over the years . . . but I’d never reach for them normally!
I misread it and thought it said “bears.”
i think you’re making @sarcelle and
@Tis_Bearself nervous . . .
So…is a depth charge a subset of a boilermaker? In other words, are all depth charges boilermakers but not all boilermakers are depth charges?
kind of–but the depth charge tends to use a full beer, while the traditional working man’s boilermaker used a partial glass (4oz? 6oz?)
I never found out if there was anything to the warning that if you didn’t get it down quickly, it would become disgusting as the whiskey spread . . .
Good point.
The level at which one is a danger behind the wheel, and would be rightly convicted of DUI, is
well below the level we would commonly call “drunk”.
(FWIW, hungover is apparently as dangerous, or slighly more dangerous, while cellphoning is more dangerous. And I suspect that actively smoking is at least or more dangerous, too, given the grossly disproportionate fraction of drivers doing clueless/oblivious things that are puffing on their pacifiers . . . oh, and fatigue is close, i think, but at least susceptible to a jolt of adrenaline . . .)
Like, if you’re tipsy enough to sing karaoke and the jokes are extra funny, you’re not “drunk”
Or if you think I can carry a tune. People notice that my singing gets better as they drink more . . . even then, cats just aren’t very good at harmony . . .