Should graphic pornography be banned?

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unless it’s a medical textbook?
Sexual intercourse is not rocket science. However, I do own a medical text that describes sexually transmitted diseases. Gynecologists would be interested in knowledge and treatments, and do not require the graphic pornography that the general public is exposed to.

A while ago in a shop I queued behind a boy in his mid-teens. When he got to the front of the queue, he handed a porno magazine to the middle-aged lady sales assistant.

As she rang it up, she smiled at him and said “How’s your mother José, is her leg any better?”

Apparently, Mediterranean Catholic countries don’t hold with Puritan values 😊.
“How’s your mother Jose?”

Well, that lets the boy know that his mother just might find out he is into porn, so the saleslady is not necessarily approving.

By the way, in Spain is it legal to sell porno to minors?

inocente, are you a moral relativist? Do you approve of selling porn to minors?
The onus is on you to prove that chastity is a perversion.

I won’t hold my breath while you try that. 😃
Chastity is both a fetish and an activity in BDSM, which I’m sure you regard as a perversion. For obvious reasons, I will not provide you with links.

Now will you prove that pornography turns adults into pedophiles?

I won’t hold my breath.
Now will you prove that pornography turns adults into pedophiles?

I won’t hold my breath.
I did not say it **necessarily **turns adults into pedophiles. I said it contributes, to the degree that adult pornography is a gateway to child pornography, and child pornography is a gateway to pedophilia. I can’t prove it to you other than to introduce you to a person (currently in prison) who admits to going through those stages. Since we are in cyberspace, don’t hold your breath for that to happen.

If you are looking for a statistical study, the field of statistics on this subject is very vague, some studies suggesting connections, others say no. I don’t trust statistics as a rule, and especially when the statistics are so varied in their conclusions (suggesting one side or the other has an agenda to pursue).

Many view marijuana as a gateway drug to hard drugs, so the domino effect might just as well apply to adult porn, child porn, and pedophilia.

But again, it depends on the individual. Many people stop at marijuana.

And many adult porn users doubtless stop at adult porn.

In any case, marijuana as a recreational drug is not good for body or soul.

Neither is adult porn. (Think first of all the male and female porn actors who have died from suicide, drugs, alcoholism)

Now you prove porn is good for body and soul.

I won’t hold my breath. 😉
Graphic pornography was banned in America until the middle of the last century. Since then, it has flooded our culture along with many other symptoms of the the decline of Christianity (ban on prayer in the schools, abortion rights, same-sex marriage, etc.)

Should censorship be restored? Does anyone believe it could happen legally and would the public accept it? Why or why not?

Is there among Catholics a sinking feeling that our civilization is lost to the hedonists and moral relativists, and that no government action can or should be taken to reclaim the ban on pornography?

In the matter of pornographic movies, how is this to be distinguished from prostitution, since in both cases the actors are paid for sexual activity?

How many human lives have been sullied and/or destroyed by addiction to pornography?

“Yes, we did produce a near perfect Republic. But will they keep it, or will they, in the enjoyment of plenty, lose the memory of freedom. Material abundance without character is the surest way to destruction.” Thomas Jefferson
Yes, it would be a great blessing if it were banned, but, since the internet crosses national boundaries, one country can’t do it.
and child pornography is a gateway to pedophilia. I can’t prove it to you other than to introduce you to a person (currently in prison) who admits to going through those stages.
You can’t point to one person out of 7 billion and say " Ah-Ha! He claims it happened to him, that proves it! "

Correlation does not imply causation, especially in the case of such a small sample. ( 1 person)

You consider marijuana a gateway drug? What’s the first drug the vast majority of all people ever consume?

Coffee, tobacco and alcohol.

Is coffee a gateway drug? Everyone who smokes crack, drank coffee first, coffee must be a gateway drug! 🤷

I never claimed that pornography was good for the body or this soul you speak of.
Chastity is both a fetish and an activity in BDSM, which I’m sure you regard as a perversion. For obvious reasons, I will not provide you with links.

Now will you prove that pornography turns adults into pedophiles?

I won’t hold my breath.
According to the Catholic definition of chastity it is impossible for it to be a fetish or a part of BDSM. Chastity isn’t an action or inaction; it is a virtue.
As to consulting anyone for advice on what constitutes pornography, I think consulting common sense is always the best avenue. Some people have it and some don’t. Consult the people who seem to have a distinct moral code along with common sense.
So it’s ok for you to defer to others as regards what we can all access. But only as long as those people feel the same way about pornography as you do. If they say it’s ok, then I presume you would say that they are morally lacking and have no common sense.

You don’t care who makes these decisions and what they decide…as long as the decisions exactly match your personal view.

And we still don’t know what you feel is acceptable or not. And we never will, because you can only make a personal decision when you are presented with a particular situation.
So it’s ok for you to defer to others as regards what we can all access. But only as long as those people feel the same way about pornography as you do. If they say it’s ok, then I presume you would say that they are morally lacking and have no common sense.

You don’t care who makes these decisions and what they decide…as long as the decisions exactly match your personal view.

And we still don’t know what you feel is acceptable or not. And we never will, because you can only make a personal decision when you are presented with a particular situation.
Bradski, I have decided that nearly all atheists are moral relativists. So I don’t expect to persuade you that I have moral values and common sense on my side. Yes, our society is morally lacking and just about exhausted its common sense. No thanks to atheism, which offers no moral compass, whereas Christianity does. We were once a dominantly Christian nation, but no longer are. Atheism has triumphed, and now we are paying for it with the filth that atheists defend.

Psalms 14:1

**The fool says in his heart,

“There is no God.”

Their deeds are loathsome and corrupt;

not one does what is good.**
According to the Catholic definition of chastity it is impossible for it to be a fetish or a part of BDSM. Chastity isn’t an action or inaction; it is a virtue.
Chastity is a fetish to many people and is intimately intwined in the sex lives of many a person.

You can’t just pretend it isn’t a fetish or a sexual practice.
Yes, it would be a great blessing if it were banned, but, since the internet crosses national boundaries, one country can’t do it.
It can be done. All it takes is the will. A few countries already restrict or ban certain things on the internet. If enough people realize the harm pornography causes, there can be changes. I’m sure there are people who would not mind monitoring the internet for any clever attempts to get around a ban and report it. Porn is slavery, not freedom.

It can be done. All it takes is the will. A few countries already restrict or ban certain things on the internet.

Iran, Pakistan, North Korea and China.

These are the countries you wish to emulate?
. . . our society is morally lacking and just about exhausted its common sense . . . and now we are paying for it with the filth . . .
Pornography is a symptom of the greater malaise befalling mankind.
The values of consumerism, in this part of the world, and totalitarianism, in muslim theocracies and secular communist states, trump those that are God-given and reflect His love.
As members of western society, dramatically demonstrated in the sex industry, but in also very much in general, people have become objects, commodities, human resources, to be used and discarded for the selfish whims of each other, as we exert what power we have within systems that essentially care nothing of the well-being of the person.
I am not American, but your motto of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness has devolved into “Don’t bother me, leave me alone to do what I will.”
It is therefore inevitable that we will find that feelings whose aim is the greatest of human intimacy are short-circuited to produce the opposite: an insulated, uncaring retreat from life into a world of fantasy and self-absorption. I think it is a sin for a reason. Howerever, the individual is as much victim as he is sinner, in view of the massive and pervasive influence of this broken, especially in urban centres, Godless social network of which we are a part.
The rant could go on, but I will stop.
Chastity is a fetish to many people and is intimately intwined in the sex lives of many a person.

You can’t just pretend it isn’t a fetish or a sexual practice.
Not pretending anything.

The Church uses specific terms words or phrases that mean the same thing every time She uses them. The dictionary will probably have that definition, as well as others. As I said, the Catholic definition of chastity, not an optional dictionary definition or the definition used by another group, is a virtue and never a fetish.

What you are talking about and what I am talking about are at least two different things. I mean one thing and your (mis)use of chasitity means at least one other.

Now if you are suggesting that someone might have a fetish for someone who is chaste (according to the Church’s definition) that could be correct. However, having a fetish for a married person who is faithful to their spouse, avoids contraception, and are selfless (meaning they do not withhold the marital act out of spite nor do they demand it if the other is sick, etc.,) all of which is an example of chastity within marriage, would one possess a seriously complicated and specific fetish.

See, what you are thinking is chastity isn’t what the church teaches is chastity.
What, in your opinion, would justify making something illegal?
If it infringes on somebody else’s right to life, liberty, or property.

What, in your opinion, would justify making porn and prostitution illegal?
To understand your position better, why do you think that it *should be * legal, in one sentence, without saying why it shouldn’t be legal?
Sex is not illegal, why should sex for money be illegal? It makes no sense.
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