. . . our society is morally lacking and just about exhausted its common sense . . . and now we are paying for it with the filth . . .
Pornography is a symptom of the greater malaise befalling mankind.
The values of consumerism, in this part of the world, and totalitarianism, in muslim theocracies and secular communist states, trump those that are God-given and reflect His love.
As members of western society, dramatically demonstrated in the sex industry, but in also very much in general, people have become objects, commodities, human resources, to be used and discarded for the selfish whims of each other, as we exert what power we have within systems that essentially care nothing of the well-being of the person.
I am not American, but your motto of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness has devolved into “Don’t bother me, leave me alone to do what I will.”
It is therefore inevitable that we will find that feelings whose aim is the greatest of human intimacy are short-circuited to produce the opposite: an insulated, uncaring retreat from life into a world of fantasy and self-absorption. I think it is a sin for a reason. Howerever, the individual is as much victim as he is sinner, in view of the massive and pervasive influence of this broken, especially in urban centres, Godless social network of which we are a part.
The rant could go on, but I will stop.