Its not if you want to establish the idea that Mary was sinless.
I agree. I think, if a person has not received the Apostolic Teaching, there are many things in scripture that will not be pursuasive. This is obvious with JW’s, who say that there is no Trinity, that Jesus is not God, and the HS is not a person. They cannot “see” what we see in the scriptures because they have rejected the Apostolic Teaching.
I don’t dispute Mary being blessed. The question is: what does it mean to be blessed in the context where we find it? Is there any hint of being sinless on the part of Mary in Luke 1?
That is how we read it! I agree, though, it is more of a “hint” than an explicit statement.
] Huh???

I have never done such a thing.
Yes. When you deny that He took His unstained flesh from the Body of Mary, you fall into gnostic heresy that denies the humanity of Christ.
Huh??? I have never done such a thing.
If this is what you believe then you have a serious problem on your hands. On the one hand the Scriptures don’t support the idea that Mary was sinless and on the other your church says she was. Both positions cannot be right. You cannot hold to both.
It is possible to hold on to both when one knows that not all of God’s revelation is confined to the scriptures. We can hold to this because we do see the support in the scriptures, and we have received the Apostolic Teaching. It is a serious problem for those who have rejected the Kerygma, and embraced the error of SS.
This is a matter of sound reasoning from the Scriptures and not about some kind of emotional spiritual expierence. If it is of the Spirit there will be harmony with the Scriptures.
I agree, notwithstanding that emotional spiritual experience is also valid, it must be examined in the light of the Teaching and the Scriptures.
I stand on the Word of God and i know it does not teach Mary being sinless.
God has made you in His own likeness and image. You have the same freedom as Lucifer, to stand on your own ideas instead of God’s revelation. You have the same freedom as Adam and Eve, who also chose to disregard God’s commmandment, and embrace their own ideas of what they thought was good for them.
Where does the Catholic church teach that John the Baptist chose not to sin or did not sin?
The Church teaches that, although the Baptist was conceived with original sin, he was born without it, as he was filled with the HS by Jesus when the sound of his mother’s voice reached the ears of Elizabeth. When John was filled with the Spirit of the holy God, he leapt in his mother’s womb. From the time he came from that womb, he was filled with the HS, and there was none greater than he that was born of woman up to that time.
One who is filled with the Spirit chooses not to sin.