Sometimes the truth looks like calumny.
No, I don’t think so. Let us explore this definition from merrriam webster:
Main Entry: cal·um·ny
Pronunciation: \ˈka-ləm-nē also ˈkal-yəm-\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural cal·um·nies
Etymology: Middle English calumnye, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French calomnie, from Latin calumnia, from calvi to deceive; perhaps akin to Old English hōlian to slander, Greek kēlein to beguile
Date: 15th century
1 : a misrepresentation intended to harm another’s reputation
2 : the act of uttering false charges or misrepresentations maliciously calculated to harm another’s reputation
How are Catholics maliciously calculating to harm Mary’s reputation by emphasizing her purity? This could in no way be considered deceptive, slanderous, or beguiling. In fact, it would be much easier for us to abandon the Apostolic Tradition and succumb to the popular opinion about Mary.
But, calumny that was presented by Leeann was a falsehood that she told about what Catholics believe. She made an accusation that is untrue, and cannot substantiate it with any documents of the Church (since this is not what the Catholic Church teaches). She is now reveling in the blessings of this supposed deed of “righteousness”.
Telling lies is not “speaking the truth in love”, which I agree, may be painful to hear at times.
Certainly claiming that the Scriptures present Mary as being sinless is one such example of calumny when in fact you of all should know such a thing cannot be grounded in the Scriptures and to say that they do is to twist them.
No, saying that someone is sinless cannot be construed in any way as pejorative, sorry. Furthermore, the teaching that Mary is sinless is not based on the “claims” of scripture. The scriptural references are scant, and although they support what the Church teaches, they are not the Source of this doctrine.
There is no need for Catholics to “twist” scripture. The entire NT was produced by, for, and about Catholics, so everything in them is in harmony with what the Church teaches. It seems like it is “twisted” to those who are separated from the Apostolic Teaching. It is from the Apostles, who spent the most time with Mary, that we know these things.
Just read the Glories of Mary which the Catholic church endorses. Secondly to say that Mary is the medatrix of all graces is a claim to deity since it is only through Christ alone that we recieve any grace.
ja4, the Glories of Mary are part of a private prayer and devotion, and have been deemed not harmful to the faithful. They are not part of the Teaching of the Apostles. You are adding your own calumnies to Leean’s!
This still does not mean people in your church cannot mislead people. Being connected does not mean a person is sinless or incapable of sinning.
I quite agree! This is why the Teaching is dependent upon the entire Magesterium, in union with the successor of Peter. It is easy for one person to go astray. This is why the Church does not endorse the private interpretation of scripture. Without the balance of the Body, anyone can easily get off track.
You still lack a proper understanding of the Scriptures in many cases.
And, by what standard to you make this assessment?
This is an example of your misunderstanding the Scriptures. The context is not the Catholic church. The context is how God is interacting with mankind and how He reveals Himself to us.
Yes, the whole of the Scripture is that, certainly. The Apostles an the early fathers used the Septuagint, which was just that. But the context of the NT is the Catholic Church. Jesus established this Church, and the entire contents of the NT comes from the experience, knowledge, teachings and traditions of the Catholic Church.
Then your church teaches falsely since this is not what it means.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion. Since you have held th esame opinion for two years and thousands of posts, what is your goal here? What prevents you from being able to let go, and allow others to hold a different opinion than yours?
Anyone who would say such a thing about her like this is not speaking from the Scriptures but from their own ideas.
At the time the NT was written, the Apostles did have their own ideas about Mary. The last writer, John, included several of his ideas about Mary. He was the one Apostle to whom Mary was specifically entrusted, and he spent the most time with her after her Son died. It is no wonder that he noted these special things about her, like that she was called Woman by Jesus, in honor of her fulfilling the promise of God to women.
How do i answer this without knowing specifically knowing what these Traditions are?
I am sorry. It is not possible for you to know them.