Sola Scriptura -- what is the actual authority?

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How, exactly, is that ambiguous?

Christ is God. Mary is His mother. Ergo…
So no more explanation needed for most lost souls around time term was coined, who had many god’s and mythologies including their offspring…lol…you play me and know more ink is needed for many.

He heard and obeyed correctly because God spoke clearly enough to be heard.

Abraham didn’t undergo a saving faith conversion experience prior to hearing and obeying God’s command; therefore: faith was unnecessary and superfluous.

As for the third: It was from his own nature that he heard and understood. Again, it doesn’t require faith to hear and understand a clear command.
Um, what? How do you equate Scripture clearly stating that Our Lady is the Mother of God with pagan mythology about their gods’ offspring?
Abraham didn’t undergo a saving faith conversion experience prior to hearing and obeying God’s command; therefore: faith was unnecessary and superfluous.
So he was " saved" …found righteous though a carnal fleshly man?

This is the heart of the matter to me…the nature of fallen man and redemption itself.
In this day and age I think the problem is lack of understanding.

I’ve heard a well known fundie preacher state that if you don’t live right here, when you die you will have stench upon as though you escaped through fire. Clearly referencing 1 Cor 3:15. Heard another pastor say that judgement for a Christian, especially a worldly one is going to be very painful and he does not look forward to that day. Both times I’m juggling Catholicism and thought to myself, geez, they sorta sound Catholic to me lol. That sounds like purgatory in a way.

So in actuality, I think a ton of them do believe in it, they just don’t realize it. And the ones who do sorta believe in it, C.S Lewis comes to mind, have issue with it being defined by Rome.

Those angry men you describe such as Luther just had a problem with the Church exercising her authority. Because some of the men who were doing the exercising came across as pompous and un-Christlike.
I trust in God. It is He who judges my works.
That is not contrary to faith in God …alone.
Why do you keep adding the word “alone” to everything. God doesn’t want you to have faith in Him “alone”. God wants you to have faith in His Church, as well.

This is proven by going back into the Old Testament where God said to Moses:

Exodus 19:9 And the Lord said unto Moses, Lo, I come unto thee in a thick cloud, that the people may hear when I speak with thee, and believe thee for ever. And Moses told the words of the people unto the Lord.

When Jesus came, He said the same thing to His Church:

Luke 10:16 He that heareth you heareth me; and he that despiseth you despiseth me; and he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me.
Look at Scripture itself: Did Abraham undergo a conversion experience?

No. God spoke, he heard, he obeyed and he acted.

No rewriting of his soul or nature was required.
Um, what? How do you equate Scripture clearly stating that Our Lady is the Mother of God with pagan mythology about their gods’ offspring?
Please explain it how she is such…and you make my point…that it needs more explaining beyond the simple coined term.
Part of this is a terminology problem. It’s pretty reasonable for Catholics to read “scripture alone” and think it means, well, scripture alone.
Reminds me of same “problem” with Mary being called “mother of God”…needing more ink/ explanation to avoid normal connotation.
How, exactly, is that ambiguous?

Christ is God. Mary is His mother. Ergo…
Off topic I know, but it seems simple. Mary is the mother of Jesus. God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Comforter/Holy Spirit are all God. Yet, while on earth, Jesus promised He would send the Comforter to the world…was He saying I will send myself? Jesus prayed and called out to the Father in anguish…was He communicating with Himself?

I have never seen a reference to Mary as the Mother of the Holy Spirit. What is the need to say Mother of God rather than Mother of Jesus?
Saving faith isn’t required to hear a command.
Correct…i heard a lot of commands before I was saved…even obeyed some of them…many religious one also…righteous ones even.
Sorry to tell you this, but your experience does not amount to the Revelation of God. In fact, your experience contradicts the Sacred Word.

Here’s what I see in your words.
  1. You believe that you save yourself. Because you reject all teachings on salvation except your own.
  2. You deny goodness and holiness, because your reject righteous works. And that is a symptom of being fooled by Satan.
Hebrews 12:14 Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:
Here’s the thing:

Jesus is the Son of God. God the Son. Scripture clearly says that Jesus and the Father are one. Therefore, Jesus is God.

Our Lady was the vessel of the Incarnation; i.e. His Mother.

Therefore: Our Lady is the Mother of God.
I couldn’t agree more. You are beginning to understand the holy Spirit.
Um, what? How do you equate Scripture clearly stating that Our Lady is the Mother of God with pagan mythology about their gods’ offspring?
Please explain it how she is such…and you make my point…that it needs more explaining beyond the simple coined term.
Scripture explicitly tells you that she is the Mother of God.

Luke 1:43 And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?
Catholic doctrine holds that Our Lady is the Spouse of the Holy Spirit.
Why do you think we hold that Our Lady created God? She bore Our Savior; the Son of God. The second Person of the Holy Trinity. I.e., God.

Therefore: She is the Mother of God.
Totally understand…would use same explanation I think had someone else asked the meaning of term…thank you for extra ink…which makes my point…ink is needed to better understand what otherwise can be misunderstood by some.
I’ll play devil’s advocate and come to Luther’s defense, sort of, lol.

From what I have seen – he never really wanted a Lutheran denomination to begin with. Didn’t even want his name on it. He wanted the ‘true’ Church restored, minus Catholic tradition.

So perhaps he knew he was kinda vile to begin with and didn’t want people following him, just the scriptures to the best of their ability.
And a Catholic still follows a bad pope in faith and moral teaching because such teaching is separately guided (infallibility), irregardless of holiness in leader.
You have chosen to believe the world.
We follow God, through His Church.

Ephesians 3:10 To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God,
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