Sola Scriptura -- what is the actual authority?

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No. I think science will help us out here. Mothers receive the seed from the father.

Our Lady received Jesus from the Holy Spirit.

Therefore: She didn’t create Jesus from out of nothing.
Part of this is a terminology problem. It’s pretty reasonable for Catholics to read “scripture alone” and think it means, well, scripture alone.
Reminds me of same “problem” with Mary being called “mother of God”…needing more ink/ explanation to avoid normal connotation.
How, exactly, is that ambiguous?

Christ is God. Mary is His mother. Ergo…
Off topic I know, but it seems simple. Mary is the mother of Jesus. God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Comforter/Holy Spirit are all God. Yet, while on earth, Jesus promised He would send the Comforter to the world…was He saying I will send myself? Jesus prayed and called out to the Father in anguish…was He communicating with Himself?

I have never seen a reference to Mary as the Mother of the Holy Spirit. What is the need to say Mother of God rather than Mother of Jesus?
Jesus is God, right?
No. I think science will help us out here. Mothers receive the seed from the father.
This was presumed understood, and why i was precise to not say create, bring into existence, which of course is mother/ father thing, but was careful to say she bears and delivers the fruit.
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Again: Faith alone says that we are saved by faith alone, which requires works to prove faith; yet it’s still faith alone that saves.


Works are required by God. Therefore, works have salvific value.

Thus; we are saved by faith and works together.
You and I can agree there. So, why the confusion on the Blessed Virgin Mary’s Motherhood of God?
Again: Faith alone says that we are saved by faith alone, which requires works to prove faith; yet it’s still faith alone that saves.
Yes but moreso that by faith we believe unto salvation, unto new life, our spirits quickened, regenerated, all a gift by grace…otherwise it is a dead man working.
Part of this is a terminology problem. It’s pretty reasonable for Catholics to read “scripture alone” and think it means, well, scripture alone.
Reminds me of same “problem” with Mary being called “mother of God”…needing more ink/ explanation to avoid normal connotation.
How, exactly, is that ambiguous?

Christ is God. Mary is His mother. Ergo…
Off topic I know, but it seems simple. Mary is the mother of Jesus. God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Comforter/Holy Spirit are all God. Yet, while on earth, Jesus promised He would send the Comforter to the world…was He saying I will send myself? Jesus prayed and called out to the Father in anguish…was He communicating with Himself?

I have never seen a reference to Mary as the Mother of the Holy Spirit. What is the need to say Mother of God rather than Mother of Jesus?
Jesus is God, right?
Yes. +×÷=%_€£¥₩ 10 char.
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Scripture states clearly in Saint Paul that works alone doesn’t save and Saint James says faith without works doesn’t save.

Therefore, for Scripture to make sense; faith and works are required. Works without faith are dead.

That we both can agree on.

I understand that’s one of the misconceptions that Protestants have about the Church. That, somehow; they believe we hold a works only theology.

So, I have a question: Do you believe the Church teaches a works only theology; and if so, why?
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Could you elaborate please?

@Michael16 immediately liked your answer so he must understand. I in my ignorance have no idea what you are driving at. 😣
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Truth be told, I’m a little stumped on how to answer you beyond it’s a mystery of faith thing.

I liked Reb’s answer because I appreciate his insights and opinions and that he brought up a good point.
Mary is God’s creation.

Mary is the spouse of God; she bore his son. And, in this role, she is the personification of the Church, in a sense.

Mary is the mother of God. She bore Him in her womb, gave birth to Him, nursed Him, cared for Him.
Here’s a possible solution:

Imagine the Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit As three distinct Persons but the same substrate substance.

Like the Essence of God is a hyperstasis upon which the three distinct Persons are.

Our Lady participated in this as the Mother of God and the Mother of the Church. If you look at Catholic Mariology; you see that she has a great role to play in both Christology and theology.

Does that help?
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Why do you think we hold that Our Lady created God?
Mothers bear fruit that was non existent before in normal understanding…so mother of God…?.so faith alone…?
God gives life. Mothers only contain it in their wombs. Bearing the fruit does not mean creating the fruit.

Mary bore Jesus, the Son of God. She did not create Him.
Part of this is a terminology problem. It’s pretty reasonable for Catholics to read “scripture alone” and think it means, well, scripture alone.
Reminds me of same “problem” with Mary being called “mother of God”…needing more ink/ explanation to avoid normal connotation.
How, exactly, is that ambiguous?

Christ is God. Mary is His mother. Ergo…
Off topic I know, but it seems simple. Mary is the mother of Jesus. God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Comforter/Holy Spirit are all God. Yet, while on earth, Jesus promised He would send the Comforter to the world…was He saying I will send myself? Jesus prayed and called out to the Father in anguish…was He communicating with Himself?

I have never seen a reference to Mary as the Mother of the Holy Spirit. What is the need to say Mother of God rather than Mother of Jesus?
Jesus is God, right?
It doesn’t get any simpler than that.
Here’s a possible solution:

Imagine the Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit As three distinct Persons but the same substrate substance.

Like the Essence of God is a hyperstasis upon which the three distinct Persons are.

Does that help?
I don’t have to imagine that at all, it is what I have been taught and do believe. That is exactly why I am satisfied with calling Mary the Mother of Jesus.
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