Sola Scriptura -- what is the actual authority?

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Are God and the The Lord the same thing?
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If Mary is the mother of Jesus but not the mother of God, then Jesus is not God.

The term “mother of God” is used because it is true. It is insisted upon because it points to another truth.
I believe Jesus is God. I can well imagine that Jesus as a child associated with Mary’s mother and father as Grandma and Grandpa but I don’t think it appropriate to call them God’s grandparents. If Jesus’ brothers and sisters are cousins then they are cousins of God as well?
Of course. And the Apostles were friends of God. At some point, Jesus surely ate at an inn, where He was served by a waiter of God.

How is this controversial?
Of course. And the Apostles were friends of God. At some point, Jesus surely ate at an inn, where He was served by a waiter of God.

How is this controversial?
It is a new and confusing thought to me that God the Father has blood relatives among the human race.
Jesus is not the Father. He is God, though. You say you believe this, yet you keep objecting to our referring to Christ as God.
Jesus is not the Father. He is God, though. You say you believe this, yet you keep objecting to our referring to Christ as God.
Please show me where I objected to referring to Christ as God. That is so far from my intention that I question what it is that I am saying that I am not conscious of.
Jesus is not the Father. He is God, though. You say you believe this, yet you keep objecting to our referring to Christ as God.
Please show me where I objected to referring to Christ as God. That is so far from my intention that I question what it is that I am saying that I am not conscious of.
You object to the term “mother of God,” and you seem to be conflating the Father and the Son. You are Trinitarian, right?
Then why are you asking about the Father’s having blood relatives when we’re talking about the Son? The Father is fleshless; the Son is fully God and fully man. God the Son has blood relatives, else he would not be fully man.
Then why are you asking about the Father’s having blood relatives when we’re talking about the Son? The Father is fleshless; the Son is fully God and fully man. God the Son has blood relatives, else he would not be fully man.
Are you not referring to Mary as the Mother of God the Father?
Then why are you asking about the Father’s having blood relatives when we’re talking about the Son? The Father is fleshless; the Son is fully God and fully man. God the Son has blood relatives, else he would not be fully man.
Are you not referring to Mary as the Mother of God the Father?
I’ve never said such a thing. I said she’s the mother of God. The Son, not the Father.
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I have looked back over these conversations and do not see where I have communicated that I do not believe Jesus is God. The problem lies I think within the concept of the Trinity which I believe in even though it is almost impossible to explain. As such I believe the confusion presents itself within the usage of the term “Mother of God” which conjures up images of unhelpful concepts. All Trinitarian Christians are completely comfortable with the concept of Mary being the mother of Jesus, who was fully God and fully man.

Mary the Mother of Jesus…what a beautiful privilege to have that description. No confusion, no double takes…just pure joy to have borne the Son by whom all who call on His name, Jesus, can be saved.
Is God the same thing as the Lord?

And did Mary give birth to a divine person?
All Trinitarian Christians are completely comfortable with the concept of Mary being the mother of Jesus, who was fully God and fully man.
And, therefore, should be comfortable with the Theotokos moniker, even if they do not prefer it.
That is totally untrue and uncharitable. If you have to resort to that it only shows me you are not as secure in your superior knowledge as you think you are.
Well, I thought it was humorous. Sorry if you’re offended.

But, you would rather remain with denying the fact that Mary is the Mother of God, although you recognize that Jesus is God and that Mary is His mother.

Odd, strange, ironic? What’s the word that describes this?
I wouldn’t trip about, dude. I think he was just trying to be funny.
Seasoned posters here know that if they are just trying to be funny they should include emoji to communicate that.
Actually, emoji are used for unseasoned posters who have to be told that something is funny.
Just to inform you, in my part of the world the term “dude” is inviting confrontation when spoken to a stranger. 😐
  1. I don’t recall calling you, “dude”, so this must be about something else.
  2. Seasoned posters know that when one is addressed as “dude” a California, beach bum style joke is about to follow.
It doesn’t get any simpler than that.( mother of God…theotokos term)
No one is challenging the term per say, only the necesity for explanation, or previous groundwork/ presumptions…just like the term " faith alone" usage by protestants.

Some might object however today, given the controversy over Marion doctrine. It is presumption for or against any possible leaven on the matter when first coined.
The Truth is absolute. If it was good and true then, it remains good and true now.
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