When I do my searches for a Parish in good standing I look at the bulletins…see how they treat Perpetual Adoration…see what books they use for CCD…
common…be a little more resourceful
That has what to do with Latin Ordinary, and Gregorian chant?
I also did a search:
“Gregorian Chant”+“Sunday Mass”+“sacrosanctum”
No luck there either.
Are you saying that CCD is possibly defective in some parishes?
I mean filter their curricula to see if it meets what criteria?
I can go to ANY SSPX Catechism aka CCD class and get the very same teachings because they all use the Baltimore Catechism (adult or youngster versions).
Yes, I am the one who coined Ecumenating. But Paul VI was the first to actually do it.He’s kinda the Chuck Yeager of Ecumenating.