Spouses sexual past - need help from spouses with no previous sexual past

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I’m not disagreeing that I want to get over it, silly people!
For someone who constantly aks for more gentle and respectful responses, this is not very gentle and respectful.
You are hurt, and no matter if this is anyone´s fault, I´m sorry for you and wish you the best for your healing.
I didn’t feel like that was rude? I’m sorry if it came across like that. I felt like it was a lot less rude than some of the other responses I received.

I just felt like I came here for actual experience from people in this situation on how they moved past it. I got a few great responses, other ones were from people on the other side of the issues that were rude and I was frustrated. I don’t want their responses of “it’s not a big deal, get over it”. Adam88 and the FifthEighth guy havent been through this from my perspective and I frankly don’t care about their opinion because I’ve read it on all the other threads about sexual pasts. I understand I put this on a public forum so I cannot get upset with responses I don’t want.

Well it’s a big deal to me and I was frustrated with their lack of compassion so maybe my response was less cheery than normal but I don’t think I was rude with that response.
Sometimes we miss a good message because we focus on one or a few words that change the tone of the text in our minds. Most people on this forum are trying to help, so reading with that in mind can help understand the intent of the post. God Bless!
You are correct, I should not have let your response dictate mine. This is an emotionally charged issue for me, and your first few responses I took as rude. I’m sure you didn’t mean it like that, but they came across as non-compassionate and I let that color the rest of your message. I want to move past this, otherwise why would I be posting on an Internet forum asking strangers for help? I don’t want to bring this up to my husband anymore because he’s sorry and would change everything in a heartbeat if he could. So I turned to the internet for help. I also specifically asked for people’s view point if they had gone through this situation themselves. You had not but your wife has.

I’ve seen all your messages on previous threads and on topics you started yourself so I knew that you weren’t going to be helpful for my situation in the way I was looking for. So I think you thought you were being helpful saying “get over it” but I was looking for a little bit more sustenance to the message than just “get over it”. If it was that simple, I would have already moved past it. I’m very glad you’ve never had to feel this feelings. What a blessing that your wife knew you were worth waiting for.
I have scoured this website for advice on forgiveness and insecurity regarding my husband’s past. A lot of it has been helpful, people speaking of forgiveness.

Unfortunately, a lot of people have not been helpful. The people who made mistakes regarding premarital sex and then chastise anyone who would have an issue with someone else’s similar mistakes are not helpful. I guess I am calling in for some help from people in my situation - virgins before meeting their spouses and still struggling with the insecurity their spouses sins have created. The insecurity, images, details, jealousy torment me. And then I feel resentment to my husband regarding this issue because he doesn’t have to suffer from images of me or insecurity from my past mistakes.

Right now, I am just wishing I had made the same mistakes, had experiences of my own so I wouldn’t be this insecure mess. I had plenty of chances, I was in a relationship for 4 years that ended right before I met my spouse. My ex and I made the mutual decision to wait for marriage. I had opportunities previously that I turned down because I thought sex was something to only be shared with a spouse. I lost out on my “fun” and now I feel like I’m being punished with insecurities that my spouse does not feel. He has been overall very nice about all of this, saying he regrets what he did. But that doesn’t change the fact that it happened. I continued the relationship because I loved him and assumed a “good” Christian would love him through his past bad decisions. Now I feel even worse, because I am still not over it.

I even bought a $200 course for betrayed spouses from affairs to help me get over this. I figured if someone hurt by an affair got over this, I can too. I guess I am just realizing this should have been a dealbreaker of mine and I should have ended it before.
Well, I’m not married, but as someone who is “saving it” I understand how you feel, as former Catholic Answers chastity speaker wrote in one of his booklets, “gyped” (please note those were his words). I am in the camp of “if I have to be (a virgin), so does my wife”. I do agree with your first bolded statement about not being interested in comments from those who were not virgins; they have no business commenting on this (with the possible exception of saying that they get hurt if this is continually thrown back at them for years) and should recuse themselves as having a conflict of interest, since they are the ones who did the “gyping” in the first place. I have to agree with the posts that the time to have done something about it was prior to marriage. However, your experiences could help warn others about the pain you go through so that they have the option of not going into an “unequal yoking” and that they can resist any pressure / coercion that “if you were a ‘good’ Catholic/Christian you would overlook it”, because it is obvious that not everyone can handle it, so it is just prudent to seek someone who is “equally yoked”.

Question: were there no available, canonically eligible Catholic men who were virgins that you could choose from?
She is married now. Spouses do a lot of forgiving, for big things and little things. As someone whose first sexual partner was my husband I can say that if you let yourself you can come up with moral high ground for lots of things.
I know it doesn’t feel like it but she is blessed in needing to learn forgiveness of something big now.
Go get the help you need to put this behind you.
I think you need to stop thinking of yourself as “betrayed”. Your husband did not have an affair. And he does not need forgiveness from you, he needs it from God. The attitude that you’ve somehow been wronged and you’re doing him a great favor by forgiving his sins is all wrong- they aren’t yours to forgive.
I think the OP should come over the idea that her husband´s premarital sex was a sin against her, it was only a sin against god and maybe the women involved in the past. It´s not that he betrayed her of a gift.
Maybe try this? What is a sin that you committed and repented of? (Don’t tell us, obviously)

Would you feel it fair if your husband found out about that sin, and then was unable to get over it and judged you negatively about it.
The problem is that sexual sins are in a class by itself. St. Paul differentiates it when he writes that every other sin a man commits is outside his body, but the fornicator sins against his own body (exact translations may vary). He also compares fornication to uniting one’s self to a prostitute. So the person who engages in fornication, through his PHYSICAL union with the other who is not his wife, gives away part of himself that should have gone to his wife (and vice versa, obviously, if the woman is the fornicating party).

I’m not trying to egg on the OP - she is married and so has no recourse now - but hopefully this may help other unmarried people who are virgins to not enter into an “unequal yoking” if they cannot handle it and to resist any coercion that they are bad people if they don’t dismiss someone else’s past as “no big deal” (and maybe even inspire the non-virgin parties to give “space” to the virgins).
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If your virginity was taken from you, that’s a completely different situation. Your heart is pure and that’s the most important thing. I’m praying for you for complete healing. I’ve been in a similar situation so I can understand a glimpse into that pain.

I do agree that this is not a common situation so finding people with experience in dealing with it is hard. Hence I turned to the internet. None of my friends are in this situation.

I understand what you are saying the few minutes of fun but I get a lifetime of fun and memories but it feels like a consolation price. I guess I just didn’t realize how hard it was going to be and how unfair this is to both of us. The past can’t change and my feelings are my feelings. I warn everyone out their to think about your future and how the “few minutes of fun” can impact your future and the person who will love you so much and want to build a life with and how much you are potentially hurting that person and that relationship.
But what help is there? It’s me processing this information, there’s no magic cure.

I do agree that we are being tested early in our marriage and that could strengthen it but in no way am I happy that this is the situation strengthening our marriage.
I think this is the best idea. The OP seems to have done all the “self-help” she can, including seeking help from sources that seem a little inappropriate to the situation. Time for some expert to be consulted.
This seems so silly. Sex without the spiritual part is just biology. Skin touching skin. An intimate handshake.
Nothing more. It is really nothing to be so upset over. It is in the past.
This seems so silly. Sex without the spiritual part is just biology. Skin touching skin. An intimate handshake.
Nothing more. It is really nothing to be so upset over. It is in the past.
I’ve never experienced an “intimate” handshake, so forgive me if it bothers me that my husband has shook hands with many other women like that. The more I think about it, the more we are probably just incompatible on this issue and I didn’t realize it before getting married. I hope that it wasn’t that intimate for him, that’s what I worry about. I know it seems silly to you, but it’s very much not silly to me and I wish I would have realized how different we are/were.
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I continued the relationship because I loved him
If this is true spend some time contemplating 1 Corinthians 13:4-13. If your husband is truly repentant and has sought confession, then believe the words of 2 Corinthians 5:17.

I’m sorry that you are bearing this cross, your situation has weighed on my mind. As a man,maybe I can’t fully comprehend the insecurities your husband’s past are causing you, even if our situations are similar. However, I hope that you will discern that giving your husband’s past sins power over him, power that they need not have, will ultimately distort your relationship. Don’t despair, love has the ability to get past this hurt, it is your decision.
Sex is way more than an intimate handshake. That is the most obvious thing in the world. If it were nothing but an “intimate handshake” then people wouldn’t be going to prison for years over forcing someone to “shake their hand”.

I feel so sorry for you Phoenix1. I was a virgin and dating a Catholic man for awhile and found out he wasn’t a virgin. I was crushed. I didn’t mind it as much as other men who weren’t Catholic but for him, he knew it was a grievous sin and he did it anyways…for years. I felt so horrible when I found out since I had the same desires and countless opportunities but did not act on them. I used to love thinking about him when we were dating but then it would always cross my mind that he was with someone else intimately and I couldn’t stop thinking about it and I would literally cry. I ended up breaking up with him because it wasn’t worth the pain.

I am sorry you have gone through this but I will tell you that there is hope. I am married now to a man that has also been with other women before marriage and it did bother me a lot and still bothers me a little every now and then but it is 100x better. I have been married less than a year but this is what has helped me the most in my situation:
  1. I stopped asking my husband about his past and told him he can’t bring it up (I always was wondering about his past once we got married and this did nothing but make me more angry and sad. It was hard to stop asking him but I would just leave the room when I felt like it was bothering me so much and on my mind)
  2. When I’m alone and these thoughts came up about him being with someone else I will make my self get up and go out or do busy work.
  3. Take deep breathes and think about my surroundings and just the present moment to get my mind off of it.
    These really helped me a lot and I am happier. At first I didn’t want to let go of my anger and resentment but I’m so much happier now with him and within myself.
I hope this helps because the sooner you work on this the happier you can be and the better you will feel within your marriage. It’s no fun holding on to hurt and anger and so much stress.

I have a sister who was a virgin until she married and she married someone who was with several others before marriage and this bothered her for years after she was got married. This has really affected their marriage and I knew I did not want to go through that and had to make a choice and be active on working on it.

I’m sorry you are suffering through this but please know that it can get better (A LOT! ) and you will be happy and you will be even happy with your husband (not about his past but about his relationship with you) Hang in there!
Hey @Phoenix1 I’m sorry but most of the replies in this thread don’t actually reflect catholic teaching on the subject or how you are supposed to deal with and rationalize what is causing you grief. I would recommend Love and Responsability by pope saint John Paul II. Everything you need will be in there, it’s a tough read taken over a 30 day span (especially the first chapter can be off-putting) - but you’ll find the specific answers there (the pope wrote it by speaking with young people of all kinds and addresses their doubts and difficulties directly.) - You’ll find the pope too would say and hold a very different opinion of what the majority on this thread has said - and JPII was right.

God bless.
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Thank you @adgloriam. I really appreciate a constructive and thoughtful reply. I am reading through chapter 1 now and it is a bit of a struggle but it actually really speaks to how my husband has described his past.

Also thank you for mentioning dealing with and rationalizing grief. That’s exactly what I was looking for and I didn’t know how to word it.
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We have been married for 6 weeks. We have been together for almost 18 months soon. I know it was a fast dating and engagement but when it feels right, you know. Honestly, this is the only issue and we are working through it. I think my husband wanted a big change in his life and I am/was realizing how different he was before he met me.
He hasn’t confessed this. He was re-baptized about 1 month ago. I asked previously if he has talked to his priest about this particular issue and he said no, because his Priest would tell him what he did was very bad. He chose to be re-baptized instead to cleanse this particular sin. He has gone to confession for the first time last weekend.

I tried to explain that his priest wouldn’t do that, but I don’t want to push him to do anything. I appreciate that he was re-baptized and I remind myself he’s a new man. Part of me wishes he would confess this also, but maybe being re-baptized is even better.
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