Please pray for my temper…knowing better, i was bribed into a conversation with my husband over the phone. He hates any type of controversy, or tension…he is the master at avoiding people and issues. Yet he bated me over and over again, and i was too tired to not see the signs…he’d been drinking.
I know, never argue with a drunk, but i argued before i knew he was drunk. Oy…
It ended with me thretening him that if he came near the house, i would use his head to holster every screwdriver i could find in the house…he laughed…so i said, “don’t come home!” (threw my teeth) and he said something to the effect that i was to dumb to notice something…i still could not make out what that was…but ended the conversation telling him to blow himself…
I KNOW…i shouldn’t have, I get so volitile when i see him bateing me on, and all the digs are at how insignificant, and replaceable i am, because i never do anything right…
Then i realize, he would not dare say this to me sober, or think most of it. It is like he is jeckle and hyde when he drinks verses sober…but it is the drunk man that i resent…i half wonder what the sober side even thinks of this. Besides it is all made up!
Not what i wanted, not lady like, not acceptable, just not right.
I am three weeks into this readying for the move we are making in a few weeks…he usually just arrives, allots me a few hours, and in the middle of mayham, he goes to sleep. This time he is going to rent me a cube van, and not even show up.
So tired, in so much pain, can hardly walk, sleep, or even eat. My head is spinning, i am so completely overwhelmed, and each day i am hanging on by a thread…and then get this attitude from him, as he sits back downing a few beers, and then decides to grade me…
I feel for his sober side, i could kill the other side, and i am stuck inbetween…love him, stay committed to him, and throw him to the curb, life would be so much easier without him…
I just want a normal husband, comes home, builds a life together, wants to see me, and mostly, loves me unconditionally.
This is my chief desire, to be loved for every part of me…this is why i try this with him…
I am so frazzed right now…shaking, and so beside myself.
please help me, and ask God to help me get a grip on my temper when he gets like this.