Girls…my husband is up to his old tricks and not comming home, and this move is at a grinding hault now, as i hurt myself.
Amber was reading, and i was lying in bed watching a tv show. All of a sudden, amber was screaming for help. I jumped out of bed hearing this hideous cry from the cat, and could not imagine what it was.
Seems in her silly play they do nightly, both cats chase eachother for about 15 minutes and then go to bed. Rosie fell off the childrens dresser (the 3 drawer one thank God) and got her back leg caught in the drawer handle, and was hanging down onto the floor.
I could see, there was no way to help her but to lift her up and out of the foothold the handle had on her. I quickly grabbed her for-arms to lift her, and expected resistance, but lifted her quickly. She chomped down on the top of my pinky finger where the side of the hand meets the start of the finger.
Deep, deep latching on, like a mad racoon actually, she latched on and i screamed and kept going with lifting her in one swoop, she was lifted and freed, as well as kept going airborn. Man the 7 puncture wounds, as well as a whole bunch of back paw scratches on my forarm, i finally got it to stop bleeding.
i soaked it in peroxcide, and bandaged it up. This morning, i could not bend anything, and redness was going around the puncture marks. I dropped into Annas to pick up money she owed me, and she reminded me of tetnas shot…was i up to date. So i decided to go to the doctors. They said it is every 10 yrs, and i was at about 25 years. So i got a shot, cleaned it up, 500 mg anti-biotics, asked her for yeast infection meds, as i knew i’d need this, and was told of the warning signs of poisoning going up my arm…and keep a watch out.
So now i have it in a sling…Dr’s orders for circulation needed due to redness already there. I am at a hault for packing now… I can grasp the mouse, type with the 1st and second finger, but the rest of my wrist is not moveable without excruciating pain (only with movement)If i do not move it, then it does not hurt! So i plan on not moving it…hehe
And it’s my right hand!!!
Now i am at a loss for how to continue packing…but must find a way somehow!
but not for today…too sore!