I finally got a chance to visit the site you posted and found the chaplet. I LOVE IT and I will be reciting it on a daily basis.
I want to get a list of prayers that fit my current situation so that the Lord will know exactly what I am praying for. I found a few in different Catholic prayers websites but if you have any in mind, please share them with me.
Have a great time at The Nationa Shrine of the Divine Mercy. Thank you for praying for me and my family.
La Brown Eyes
Oh, I’m so glad you love it too! I’ve found it to be a HUGE blessing in my life!
Our trip to the Shrine was nice. It wasn’t quite as prayerful and peaceful as I had hoped, but having a toddler I should’ve known that!

Still, just being there was great, and I did get to go to confession (and DH went with us, though I think it was more b/c he knew how much I wanted him there, not really b/c he wanted to go for himself, but that’s OK).
Thanks for your prayers too! :grouphug:
As far as Catholic websites/prayers, here are a few sites I like:
– The Divine Mercy: (I know you have this one, but for anyone who doesn’t)
– (go to for lots of great prayers, novenas, etc.)
– (free CDs and books – great resources here for learning more about our wonderful Catholic faith)
– Catholic Online: (news, commentary, feast days/angels/saints info., etc.)
– Catholic Culture: (similar to Catholic Online)
– The Catechism of the Catholic Church: (searchable by topic alphabetically, easy to use)
– Patron Saints index: (I love this one – it’s easy to look up info. on saints)
Hope that helps. There are lots of others out there I’m sure…and don’t forget the great stuff on the main page of Catholic Answers!
Wow Belle! I haven’t kept up w/this thread even though I’m subscribed to it. Those are great news!!! I pray he becomes more and more interested until he swims across the Tiber!!!
I just wish DH would be like that. Not even the death of our second child has done that. He won’t even go to the blessing my Pastor is going to give me and I doubt very much he’ll go to the little ceremony the cemetary is giving my little Monica (named after Saint Monica on purpose)… with Julian he didn’t want to go to speak to my pastor about the loss, this time he said no way too I just wish this would bring him closer to coming back to the Church…
Don’t get discouraged Yessi. It’s taken a LONG time for DH to get this far, and he’s not totally there yet. We talked yesterday and he asked that I be patient as he continues his journey, because he’s trying to figure things out and doesn’t want to go to Mass, etc. for the wrong reasons. Patience is a virtue, definitely one that I lack.

I’m working on it though – and in the prayer to St. Monica, it’s one of the things we ask her to help us with.
Perhaps you can ask him to go with you for Monica’s ceremony in support of you and her, and explain that you’re not looking for him to magically convert or anything, just that you need your husband with you during this time of grieving. I hope he’ll go. :hug1:
When I pray the Rosary, DH’s conversion is always one of my prayer intentions. When I pray the chaplet of Divine Mercy, I usually dedicate an entire decade to him (“For the sake of His sorrowful passion, have mercy on DH and on the whole world”) if not pray the entire thing for him. Just keep praying everyone! God does hear and answer us in His time with what he knows is best for us. Believe me, I’m still frustrated and concerned a lot too, but remember, baby steps are still steps. And, in praying for our spouses/children/family, we too become closer to God and our faith increases. As difficult as things often are, our challenges are opportunities to grow in holiness and faith in our Lord.
Dear St. Monica,
troubled wife and mother,
many sorrows pierced your heart during your lifetime.
Yet, you never despaired or lost faith.
With confidence, persistence, and profound faith,
you prayed daily for the conversion
of your beloved husband, Patricius,
and your beloved son, Augustine;
your prayers were answered.
Grant me that same fortitude, patience,
and trust in the Lord.
Intercede for me, dear St. Monica,
that God may favorably hear my plea for
(personal intentions)
and grant me the grace to accept His Will in all things,
through Jesus Christ, our Lord,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.