I say those two prayers nightly for my own husband who is so lost in the darkness that I fear I may never get him back.
I promise that I will include your husband in my prayers tonight and every night until he comes out of the darkness.
Please include my Salvador in your prayers tonight as well. Ask the Lord our God to help him see the light and the truth. His family needs him and we love him with all of our heart and soul. He needs to come home so that we can take care of him and he of us. Please ask the Lord our God that it is not too late for him and that he does not do anything stupid to sink deeper into his darkness.
May the Lord our God, St, Michael, St. Monica, Our Blessed Mother, Mary and all the Angels and Saints pray and watch over us all now and forever.
La Brown Eyes
You know, it strikes me that in our prayer to St. Monica, we not only ask for our spouses/children/family members to come to God, but we also ask for the
“fortitude, patience,
and trust in the Lord” to keep praying for them and to believe that our prayers will be answered in God’s time. I really believe that there is redemption in suffering, and that while our crosses are quite heavy, God is strengthening us and giving us the graces of fortitude, patience, and trust in the Lord.
You know, moral fortitude is the grace of the third sorrowful mystery of the Rosary, the crowning with thorns; I associate patience as the grace of the fourth sorrowful mystery, the carrying of the cross; and trust in the Lord – I guess that is a grace that is part of so many of the mysteries.
I pray this in the mornings:
*Dear Lord, I do not know what will happen to me today.
I only know that nothing will happen that was not foreseen by you
and directed to my greater good for all eternity.
I adore your holy and unfathomable plans,
and submit to them with all my heart for love of you, the Pope, and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Amen. *
God knows my whole heart isn’t quite there yet
because I still want things to happen my way
but He knows I’m trying, trying to trust in His will and to trust that my struggles are for a good reason.
Dear St. Monica,
troubled wife and mother,
many sorrows pierced your heart during your lifetime.
Yet, you never despaired or lost faith.
With confidence, persistence, and profound faith,
you prayed daily for the conversion
of your beloved husband, Patricius,
and your beloved son, Augustine;
your prayers were answered.
Grant me that same fortitude, patience,
and trust in the Lord.
Intercede for me, dear St. Monica,
that God may favorably hear my plea for
(personal intentions)
and grant me the grace to accept His Will in all things,
through Jesus Christ, our Lord,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.