St. Monica pray for us! Praying for our husbands....

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St Monica please intercede for all these mothers and their husbands and families.

Jesus flood Your blessings on us.
Mother Mary please intercede for us.

I’ll continue praying for you all while away childminding. I’ll miss you all.
Continuing praying for all members here…present or not.
Let us also add to this the extra prayers for losses of jobs, or the need for different jobs to keep mammas with their children.

Lets not forget the missing Diana, and the men who post here. We all want unity, love and compassion in a marriage and the
much apreciated help in prayer or comments of the heart go a long way in a troubled heart feeling like they want to give up.

This is what this thread is, the hand reaching out so that we do not give up. So many times this hand out has made the difference between me not falling to the debths of dispare.

Prayer Warriors…here here

Hi everyone!
I haven’t been able to catch up for quite awhile, I have been so busy at work!
Anyway, things are going pretty well for us, I’m in the second trimester now and feeling better. 😉 DD just turned two and is definitly having some “terrible” times, but I know it’s normal. 😉 DH is still working at the seasonal job, which is good, but I am starting to worry about him finding something permanent so that I can at least go to part time once the baby is born…I read through all the posts lately, though, and then I felt better, reminding myself that God works in His own time, and that months ago, I was just praying for him to have ANY kind of employment! 😃

I have been missing this thread, though and will try to visit more often so that I don’t get so far behind! I am always praying for all of us in here, though, no matter how often I visit. God bless all of us and Saint Monica, please pray for us that we might be blessed with the same perseverance that you were graced with.

:gopray: :blessyou:
Wonderful to hear Monica Rose…I will continue my prayers!

Sorter, good to see you, and thank you for your prayers, you will be in mine as well!

May God bless you all.
St Monica please intercede for all these mothers and their husbands and families.

Jesus flood Your blessings on us.
Mother Mary please intercede for us.

You put these into proper perspective for me. I have not endured anything near what you have, yet I was in agony for Half Of A Year!! And just because of somebody else’s actions. I can’t let her affect me any longer.

I don’t have the proper words to explain how sorry I am that you have gone through such pain, but you sure are someone that cares for others and that is something very special. I put in an extra prayer for you today.

I am lucky, the abuse physically, and the child that i had that died 4 years ago was the only children from that marriage. So when he fought me for the money in court, and won based on my son not having a will, he got half. I got 40k, he got 40k, and the lawyers and government took 50k. had he not fought this, i would have been out of medical debt that will not be fully gone for another 10-12 years. He refused to even help pay for the funeral, and i still do not have the money or credit to buy a headstone yet. I have about 25k left to pay, plus the headstone…then i will be clear of the medical bills.

So he has nothing left to stalk me over, my son is dead…there is no longer a paun for his ill use! We will not even go in the areas of him being a pedafile, rapeist, and lives a gay lifestyle that together as a team, enlists the vulnerability of being sexually molested by him. 27 children i had a positive abuse case i had interviewed, only 3 came forward to testify over his sexual misconduct, feeding of liquer, xxxmoviesxxx, and drugs. And he is a teacher using tutoring as an in with kids in his home…

When we could not help him (yup, i was florence nightengale), i moved away when my child was 7…fled the province, and it was the best thing i did. No longer was my child tied up for the weekend, left hungry, tortured, sexually abused by my exes lover, and then left alone crying to wander the streets alone down the still used railway tracks. Did i tell you he was three when this happened, and came home crying all of the time…please give daddy ____ back or he said he’d kill you and chop you up into pieces and bury you all over the yard…i don’t want you to die mommy.

That is still so very raw…and hard to CONTINUALLY forgive him for…and then put his hands out for his sons money. The man’s soul is already dead…yet i am taught to still see the parts in him of Christ. The man who beat me so bad, and then with cuts everywhere, forced me into a bath of vinegar water untill i passed out in convulsions. The man that when i miscarried at 5.5 months along stole my baby and to this day, i do not know where he put, burried or dumped the baby.

I tend to think this man is not just messed up, but pure evil. I would not believe exercisms would help…he was raised to hate, tortured himself, and god have mercy on his soul…but he has made his choices, and i fear he will not ever choose God…he hates God, and at every turn smashed any statue i owned, tore up rosery’s, and any bible he found was torn up as well…and i held tight to my bible, knowing that i might not live throught the night for that disobedience. I never sobbed, for that would get you one more kick in the head, or back, or dragged by the head down the stairs that had carpeting…i just lay still…silently with hot tears running down my face thinking, please let this be the last kick…please let him take the joy he does with seeing me cry and reminding me how weak and pathetic i was…

yes, forgiving is a lifetime act…every day.

Like my son said to me just before he died at nearly 19…Ma, he has nothing except money and monitary things…so we have bills…we have eachother…God will help us through it.

That is courage, and i hope to own it one day

Thanks be to God!!! Thank you Heavenly Father for giving us a friend and intercessor in St.Monica. Thank you for her example that we try to follow . . .

DH has been turning over a new leaf in the last 2 mo. We had a blowout fight (the biggest in our 3yr marriage) and since then things have really turned around. He is more diligent at work, and he is increasingly devoted and affectionate to me and the kids. He is keeping better hours: getting to bed earlier, going in to work much earlier (5 and 6 am now compared to noon or later before). Also, he is working LOTS of OT which gives me hope for reducing some of our debt.

He has also been to the dr for some nagging non-serious issues and has been saying little things lately that give me hope and joy. I continue to pray that the Lord will soften DH’s heart in responding to His call to return to the sacraments and the Holy Mass w/ us as a family. So pleased w/ God’s work so far. I have a greater peace in my life b/c of what He has done w/ and thru DH.

Thank You!!!
Hi everyone!
I haven’t been able to catch up for quite awhile, I have been so busy at work!
Anyway, things are going pretty well for us, I’m in the second trimester now and feeling better. DD just turned two and is definitly having some “terrible” times, but I know it’s normal. DH is still working at the seasonal job, which is good, but I am starting to worry about him finding something permanent so that I can at least go to part time once the baby is born…I read through all the posts lately, though, and then I felt better, reminding myself that God works in His own time, and that months ago, I was just praying for him to have ANY kind of employment!

I have been missing this thread, though and will try to visit more often so that I don’t get so far behind! I am always praying for all of us in here, though, no matter how often I visit. God bless all of us and Saint Monica, please pray for us that we might be blessed with the same perseverance that you were graced with.
I’m with you on those “terrible” times. :rolleyes: DD has really been testing us lately (well, me more than DH of course!) but at the same time she’s so amazing, smart, and sweet…it’s a challenging, wonderful time!

Glad you’re feeling better and that your DH has at least some employment. 🙂 Mine is still looking (he has small renovation jobs here and there, but nothing dependable, you know?).
Sta. Monica, pray for us. Amen
Welcome to CAF and to the St. Monica thread! 🙂
Thanks be to God!!! Thank you Heavenly Father for giving us a friend and intercessor in St.Monica. Thank you for her example that we try to follow . . .

DH has been turning over a new leaf in the last 2 mo. We had a blowout fight (the biggest in our 3yr marriage) and since then things have really turned around. He is more diligent at work, and he is increasingly devoted and affectionate to me and the kids. He is keeping better hours: getting to bed earlier, going in to work much earlier (5 and 6 am now compared to noon or later before). Also, he is working LOTS of OT which gives me hope for reducing some of our debt.

He has also been to the dr for some nagging non-serious issues and has been saying little things lately that give me hope and joy. I continue to pray that the Lord will soften DH’s heart in responding to His call to return to the sacraments and the Holy Mass w/ us as a family. So pleased w/ God’s work so far. I have a greater peace in my life b/c of what He has done w/ and thru DH.

Thank You!!!

That’s great that things are turning around. 👍

I have some good news to report too…DH has attended Mass with DD and myself 3 weeks in a row now! :extrahappy: This, as I mentioned before, is the same man who would only go with us on Christmas and Easter to make me happy, never any other time or because he actually wanted to (he’s not Catholic yet 😉 ). I think he would’ve gone with us yesterday too but he was out of town for a special event.

Thank you St. Monica! Please continue to pass along our prayers to Jesus and to give us strength and courage for what we must continue to do for our spouses/families. :crossrc:

You put these into proper perspective for me. I have not endured anything near what you have, yet I was in agony for Half Of A Year!! And just because of somebody else’s actions. I can’t let her affect me any longer.

I don’t have the proper words to explain how sorry I am that you have gone through such pain, but you sure are someone that cares for others and that is something very special. I put in an extra prayer for you today.

Thank you dear, this means so much to me…a prayer is so powerful in the voice of a believer, and to fall upon the ears of our Lord, and his diligent helpers who interceed on our behalf.

I know forgiving is not a one time act, it is a lifetime act in the case where we have been so used. When a hurt comes from a word, or an action…simetimes we can work around this, and come to a conclusion that both are healed. But when an action is so deliberate, selfish, hurtful, and MORALLY wrong…it does not go away easily.

It will follow both of us, because of whom we meet next, who we interact with, and what we choose to put under the carpet. It indeed hits deeply with self esteme. There is always a feeling of how i might have not been good enough, or worthy enough from this, but i know i am worthy in Gods eyes, and i have to stop giving in to satans sneaky joyride…he will not continue to let me wallow in self pitty, so that OTHERS might continue in walking over me.

Does this mean i have to be a mean or changed person…NO…but what it does mean is that the confrontation becomes focused with Satan, and the totality of unawareness of how he gets in under my skin to allow me to even believe i am not a good person.

So yes, the battle continues, and the strength i gain by zooming in on the sad feelings, and aware of how much joy Satan takes from this…a weak sad pliable person is what he can mold. I bet he wishes for me to fall into dispair, turn to drugs or alcohol, loose my marriage and or children, and the list goes on…

I WILL find joy in life, I WILL confront him at as many turns as i feel him near to me. And i will remind him of being unwelcome in my presence, in the name of my Lord, Jesus Christ…be gone from me. Then ask for the Lord right then and there to hold firmly with me in this stance, and give me the strength to fight him.

When i fight him, i am stronger, and feel better about my life and person…THAT makes it easier to forgive again, and again.

I take parenting so very seriously, and he was everything i did not believe in…but i figured this out too late…Florence Nightingale i thought i was…to love and care for the wounded soul. I never once thought it might consume my very being.

My son is living proof, although he is Gone from this world now, that from the deepest evil, will come good…

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BeeSweet, I hope you’re doing OK – haven’t seen you around in awhile. 😦


Dear St. Monica,
troubled wife and mother,
many sorrows pierced your heart during your lifetime.
Yet, you never despaired or lost faith.
With confidence, persistence, and profound faith,
you prayed daily for the conversion
of your beloved husband, Patricius,
and your beloved son, Augustine;
your prayers were answered.
Grant me that same fortitude, patience,
and trust in the Lord.
Intercede for me, dear St. Monica,
that God may favorably hear my plea for

(personal intentions)

and grant me the grace to accept His Will in all things,
through Jesus Christ, our Lord,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.

St Monica please intercede for all in this thread who need your prayers for their spouse’s well being and conversion. Pleaase pray for their courage, healing, and blessing.
Hello Everyone,

I am very new to this site and am still attempting to learn my way around.

I LOVE this prayer and I am going to pray it nightly. My husband of 22 years does not want me by his side any longer and is so lost in his world that he may not realize that he is hurting our family. He is blaming me for everything that went wrong. I am guilty of making mistakes in our marriage but my mistakes do not compare to his. He never wanted to talk about our problems and when we got mad at each other, we would just stop talking to each other.

Early in my marriage I felt that I had made a huge mistake marrying him and wanted nothing else but to get out of the marriage. Now that it has happened I realize that I was just trying to find an answer to my problems and that I want to grow old next to him.

He was molested as a young boy and is having serious conflicts with his feelings at this time. Because I do not understand his feelings (which he does not share with me) he is accusing me of never caring and being judgemental.

I am so lost and hurt. I cannot even began to put it down in words. I have 3 children and they do not know the real reason for our break-up. I am scared that it will scar them for life if they knew the truth. He is an amazing father. He shows his affection openly and he does not care about doing so in public. He is an amazing man and I do not want to loose him to this darkness. He claims he is going to church with his sister (not Catholic) and that they have opened up his eyes. I wonder why then they are not directing him toward his family and not away from it?

I am asking all of you who have issues with a husband they love please keep my husband in your prayers. Please ask our Lord Jesus Christ to bring him home and out of the darkness before it is too late. His name is Salvador. I am asking for a mircle but nothing is impossible for the Lord. Please ask him to make him see how much I love him and am willing to help him in any way I can to make him healthy.

Thank you ALL in advance.
La Brown Eyes,

I am glad to you came to this thread. We are all here for you and will be praying daily for you for your intention. As you can tell, all of us have great compassion for one another. We understand the difficulties of marriage and love.

You shall be in my prayers and I will pray for a miracle! God bless, hon’.

Dear St. Monica,
troubled wife and mother,
many sorrows pierced your heart during your lifetime.
Yet, you never despaired or lost faith.
With confidence, persistence, and profound faith,
you prayed daily for the conversion
of your beloved husband, Patricius,
and your beloved son, Augustine;
your prayers were answered.
Grant me that same fortitude, patience,
and trust in the Lord.
Intercede for me, dear St. Monica,
that God may favorably hear my plea for

(personal intentions)

and grant me the grace to accept His Will in all things,
through Jesus Christ, our Lord,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.


Dear St. Monica,
troubled wife and mother,
many sorrows pierced your heart during your lifetime.
Yet, you never despaired or lost faith.
With confidence, persistence, and profound faith,
you prayed daily for the conversion
of your beloved husband, Patricius,
and your beloved son, Augustine;
your prayers were answered.
Grant me that same fortitude, patience,
and trust in the Lord.
Intercede for me, dear St. Monica,
that God may favorably hear my plea for

(personal intentions)

and grant me the grace to accept His Will in all things,
through Jesus Christ, our Lord,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.

La Brown Eyes,

I’m sorry for what you are going through! I will keep you in my prayers!

❤️ :blessyou:
La Brown Eyes dear, i am sorry for what you are going through, and yes, prayers help, especially when we die to self. That is enduring for the sake of prayer. Every bit of pain we endure, we can do so as an offering. Even if we begrudge dishes, taking care of an elder, facing the bully down the street…all of these, and more can be faced with dignity and with honor.

We can ask God to take the offering, and allow it to be placed before souls to get into heaven, or a special cause, like your marriage. In fact this ends up being a way to put deposits into your heavenly account with God.

It infact does help when we have this feeling of enduring pain for nothing. All of Gods heart sees our love and needs. He knows what is best for us, and he knows more than we might have ever expected…but like a child we must be at times, not really apreciative of his timeing as a parent when we want something now. We know way more than a child, and as Gods children we must believe that HE loves us dearly, and knows what is best.

God needs you to have faith in HIM before the marriage. He must come first, and as you do things asking for this daily, know that you are meant to learn something from this. I sense it is the deep fear of failure and breakup that has you terribly scared.

If it is of FEAR, it is not of GOD. When we think of the futer and become fearful, there can be a change that faith in your father brings. The tommorows are less worrysome, when we are in the present, and asking him to guide us. Yes, ask him to lead your day, rather than you planning it…it is a letting go…faith…

A leap of faith (good example in the movie Kate and Leopold)

God Bless you…


Dear St. Monica,
troubled wife and mother,
many sorrows pierced your heart during your lifetime.
Yet, you never despaired or lost faith.
With confidence, persistence, and profound faith,
you prayed daily for the conversion
of your beloved husband, Patricius,
and your beloved son, Augustine;
your prayers were answered.
Grant me that same fortitude, patience,
and trust in the Lord.
Intercede for me, dear St. Monica,
that God may favorably hear my plea for

(personal intentions)

and grant me the grace to accept His Will in all things,
through Jesus Christ, our Lord,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.

Praying for all and asking for some for my husband.
Seems he is unsettled…looks like he is worrying or fretful.
Yesterday he came in and said hellow and kissed me on the cheek followed by telling me he loved me.

the kids laughted at the thought…daddy said he loves mommy…

it was something he does not do or say…sad the kids thought it a joke, as it was the norm when i grew up!

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