St. Monica pray for us! Praying for our husbands....

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Hi everyone. I am still in need of prayers for my husband’s conversion. Problem with him still exists. It’s taking quite a toll on the family. I’m praying for all our husbands! God bless everyone!

Hugs to all,

Hi everyone. I am still in need of prayers for my husband’s conversion. Problem with him still exists. It’s taking quite a toll on the family. I’m praying for all our husbands! God bless everyone!

Hugs to all,

I am praying for you. We are all here for you. And we will be praying for as long as it takes! And after that we will be praying prayers of thanksgiving!


Hi everyone. I am still in need of prayers for my husband’s conversion. Problem with him still exists. It’s taking quite a toll on the family. I’m praying for all our husbands! God bless everyone!

Hugs to all,

Praying for you.
Dear Maria1212,

You are very encouraging and helpful! I needed to hear that someone is “there” for me (and for all of us women in need). I want to cry right now:crying: (not out of sadness, but out of joy that you are “here” with me).

God bless you, Maria. I will keep you in my prayers also! You’re a God-send!


I will be joining you ladies…my, what a thread to read through!

Last night at the PTA meeting, I was talking to a friend and cradle Catholic, he asked me if my DH will be joining me in RCIA, which starts next week and I told him no

I realized that kinda upset me. Never really given it much thought because my DH has been so supportive for me and my journey.

Hi Dana,

Just read your post. Who knows? Your husband may be coming along in the faith as he watches you. Perhaps God will show him the “light” and quite possibly, he has already started his journey…just lagging behind you, that’s all. I’ll keep you and him in my prayers.

God bless!

Dear Maria1212,

You are very encouraging and helpful! I needed to hear that someone is “there” for me (and for all of us women in need). I want to cry right now:crying: (not out of sadness, but out of joy that you are “here” with me).

God bless you, Maria. I will keep you in my prayers also! You’re a God-send!


Dear Mom4Truth,

I am hugging you right back! While I dont know how it is to be in your shoes, especially since I am still single, I broke up with someone I considered marrying over our spiritual differences. He would not be married in the Catholic Church (which was my red line) and he ultimately decided he could not marry someone who was Catholic. I knew it was the right thing to move forward without him, since I didnt want a man coming before God. But I never felt more alone and used to cry (in bed, on the couch, at church, you name it!).(We broke up mutually, but I still felt “dumped for being Catholic.”) I used to just hold my rosary beads and sob. And that was just over a boyfriend. So while I know it must be such a true blessing to be married to a spouse who loves you, I can imagine it is so lonely when you do not share the same faith. Ever since I broke up with that man, I have followed this thread (more than a year later!). I feel a special kinship with all of the women (and men) on this thread.

So whenever you are lonely or feeling sad, or despair starts to creep in, please know I am praying for you, and for all of the other posters and lurkers on this thread. Many others are praying for you as well. One of the most powerful things we can do is pray for each other. Even though it may take time, I know God always answers our prayers. And if you ever need some extra prayers coming your way, please PM me! Think of it as a shot of espresso, but in the form of prayer!

CAF has been such a blessing for me! It helped me through the breakup and many other tough times. Plus, it taught me how to defend and share my faith with others. I was so inspired by this thread that I started to similar one where people could pray for the conversion of friends and family. I include everyones spouses there too, and always pray for the conversion of everyones family, friends, and especially spouses when I am at Mass.

It is time for me to get to bed, but prayers from Tokyo are coming your way!


Hi everyone,

It’s been a while since I posted. A lot going on in our lives right now. An update we are expecting our fifth child in January:) The kids are exited and already trying to figure out who gets to hold the baby first. My husband was upset when he first heard the news but has come around in his attitude and is getting better. Although he thought that this time around if I had to have a c-section maybe I could just go ahead and have my tubes tied.:o I of course told him no. He hasn’t said anything about it since. We’ll see after the baby is born how is attitude is. I will be forty when the baby is born and while in a second hand store looking for maternity clothes the sales lady asked if I was buying maternity clothes for my daughter:eek: I guess my gray hair is getting too numerous for pulling out. By the way my oldest daughter is eight. 😉 Please pray for my unborn child and our family.
Hi everyone,

It’s been a while since I posted. A lot going on in our lives right now. An update we are expecting our fifth child in January:) The kids are exited and already trying to figure out who gets to hold the baby first. My husband was upset when he first heard the news but has come around in his attitude and is getting better. Although he thought that this time around if I had to have a c-section maybe I could just go ahead and have my tubes tied.:o I of course told him no. He hasn’t said anything about it since. We’ll see after the baby is born how is attitude is. I will be forty when the baby is born and while in a second hand store looking for maternity clothes the sales lady asked if I was buying maternity clothes for my daughter:eek: I guess my gray hair is getting too numerous for pulling out. By the way my oldest daughter is eight. 😉 Please pray for my unborn child and our family.
Congrats! Of course we will pray for you.🙂
Hi everyone,

It’s been a while since I posted. A lot going on in our lives right now. An update we are expecting our fifth child in January:) The kids are exited and already trying to figure out who gets to hold the baby first. My husband was upset when he first heard the news but has come around in his attitude and is getting better. Although he thought that this time around if I had to have a c-section maybe I could just go ahead and have my tubes tied.:o I of course told him no. He hasn’t said anything about it since. We’ll see after the baby is born how is attitude is. I will be forty when the baby is born and while in a second hand store looking for maternity clothes the sales lady asked if I was buying maternity clothes for my daughter:eek: I guess my gray hair is getting too numerous for pulling out. By the way my oldest daughter is eight. 😉 Please pray for my unborn child and our family.
Definitely praying for you and congratulations. My husband didn’t react very well to my last pregnancy either, but, now that the baby is here, he, of course, loves her very much.

I would like to add my family/husband to this list, though. He is a cradle Catholic, I am a convert, and I am way more “Catholic” than he is. The more I grow in my faith, the more he seems to back off from it, and it really distresses me. He’s pretty much an “in church every Sunday, but don’t ask any more from me than that” kind of Catholic.

It’s sad for me, because, as a convert, I feel like I absolutely cannot get enough of this faith. There’s so much I don’t know, and he can’t answer any of my questions and shows no interest in learning along with me like he did while we were dating.

I need to pray more diligently for him, and I think this thread will help keep me motivated.

May heaven find our family unbroken in the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Hi everyone. I am still in need of prayers for my husband’s conversion. Problem with him still exists. It’s taking quite a toll on the family. I’m praying for all our husbands! God bless everyone!

Hugs to all,

Praying for you, and your husband… :gopray: :hug1:

I am beginning the novena today, finally. I got my Orderly Days planner yesterday and got it all put together and LOVE IT. It will help me stay organized and grow in faith.
Thanks everyone for your prayers. I’ll continue praying for everyone on this thread also.:signofcross:
I am adding my prayers for all of you on the St. Monica thread.
Please also keep my DH in your prayers. He has never been baptized, no faith of any kind, and I have been praying for him for 35 years now.
But, I won’t give up on him.
I pray to St. Monica, St. Jude, and the Infant of Prague.
I say the St. Michael Chaplet, and the rosary every night. Some days I even say all of the mysterys of the rosary.
He has a green scapular under his pillow too.🙂
My prayers say, thy will be done, not mine.
He is a wonderful loving man and loves me dearly. How blessed I am with that.
Thank you all Prague
What a wonderful thread, praying for our husbands.

I pray now:

Lord Jesus, I pray for everyone reading this today, for our husbands, that Lord, you would give us women, the graces needed to love our husbands in the way you would desire. Lord give us sacrificial love towards them and our families that we might be able to seek the needs of our husbands first and foremost, beyond our needs. Lord Jesus, help us endure whatever hardships might come our way, and withstand whatever trials you have allowed us to go through. Lord, help us find ways to love our husbands with your love, to be examples of love and charity in our families, to strive to teach guide and direct our children in your way. IN the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen.
What a wonderful thread, praying for our husbands.

I pray now:

Lord Jesus, I pray for everyone reading this today, for our husbands, that Lord, you would give us women, the graces needed to love our husbands in the way you would desire. Lord give us sacrificial love towards them and our families that we might be able to seek the needs of our husbands first and foremost, beyond our needs. Lord Jesus, help us endure whatever hardships might come our way, and withstand whatever trials you have allowed us to go through. Lord, help us find ways to love our husbands with your love, to be examples of love and charity in our families, to strive to teach guide and direct our children in your way. IN the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen.

Lovely prayer, well said.

Love and prayers to all! 🙂
Hi All,
my husband is a cradle Catholic. We are married through the Catholic Church. He goes to church with me on Sundays. If we’ve had an argument, he will not go with my daughter and I to mass. He is hesitant to go to confession most of the time. I have never seen him pray outside of when we go to mass. Since, I’ve noticed he will not pray outside of mass, I’ve tried incorporating praying the Our Father before dinner. What bothers my daughter and I is that his eyes tend to wander around when we are praying at dinner as if he’s not focusing or just saying it to say it. I’ve never really seen him do the Sign of the Cross, unless at mass.

The other day he told me that I am scaring him because I am getting too obsessed with religion and he said he wants his old wife back.(just about 2 years ago I’ve had a reversion to the faith myself.) The reason he said this is because my daughter and I were preparing to go to confession and I was in the room listing my sins on a paper so that I wouldn’t forget once I am there with the priest. My husband thought I was being weird for doing this. I don’t see anything wrong with it.

I just pray that one day my husband will see and feel what I do so that he can understand the beauty that God offers us.

Please pray for the re-version of my husband so that he is more devout to our Lord. With devotion and faith I know many more beautiful things will come like patience, understanding, consideration, compassion,calmness, gentleness, kindness in our marriage, children and towards the outside world.

Our Lord is everything and without him we are nothing. Please pray daily for my husband, Mario.

God Bless you and I will pray for you all too.

Thank you.

P.S. I know some mentioned a green scapular. What is it for and where can I find one? I think I also read about a novena for our husbands? I would like to know more. Thanks.
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