I was able to take RCIA this summer - my parish has a RCIA Summer Intensive specifically designed for baptized Christians. I’ll be honest - I helped teach the class. I studied myself into the Catholic Church. I
had to have all the information before I would darken the doorway. It was good for forming relationships with some of the parishioners, though. So just think to yourself that you’re there for fellowship and to (hopefully not necessary too often) offer your insight.

We had one woman in our class who had never been to church at all, so she
was just there to get to know people, since she
will have to go through the full RCIA program starting in a few weeks.
So, keep in mind that God may have you there for other reasons.

From one local parish’s website:
Q. Why do I have to go have to go through all of these programs to join the Church? Can’t you make it easier?
A. Is anything worthwhile easy? But seriously…the Church wants you to understand as fully as possible what it is you are joining. In being received in to the Church, you will be asked to state that you believe in all that the Church teaches. It is important that you know what you are agreeing to! Additionally, programs like RCIA are wonderful opportunities to grow deeper in your relationship with Christ as you prepare to enter His church.